afraid to get on scale



  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    You already know what size shirt, pants, bra and panties you wear (or have stretched out). They all have a number. The scale is also just a number. It doesn't bite or berate you, just gives a measurement. After you record that number (and it can be for your personal self, not for the world -who "sees" it on your your body) take your other measurements and record them here. Nobody but you can see them. Take a selfie (it sucks now but will be awesome later)
    Then start this program. Gather some friends. Record EVERYTHING! Live one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Record what you eat, start making better decisions. Exercise so you can eat more, or have a guilt free treat. Be good to yourself. Be good to those who love you. When I first started and my ticker read a big fat zero pounds lost, I was afraid to talk to people who of course would not take me seriously because I hadn't lost any weight (IDIOT <--- ). After a few weeks I was down 10 lbs. With as far as I have to go, that was nothing. But it was a start. I started in earnest July 5th (Dr. had made me join 2 weeks prior, but I just signed up, didn't do anything). On New Years Eve at my weigh in I was down a full 60 lbs. 60 lbs that last year kept and I didn't have to carry into this year. I'm still morbidly obese, I'm still fat. But I am fat at a much smaller fat size. I can move more, and much easier. I am not starving, I have infinitely more energy. And I can safely throw away fat clothes, because I know that this is not hard. I can do it, it just takes much time and patience. I figure I've got at least 140 more pounds to go, but I started where you did. Fearful of the scale, and disgusted by my own size and inability to get around. Add me as a friend if you like, my diary is open. You can see don't always eat healthy, I have "bad" things often. But my A1C is now better than my Dr.'s, who isn't even diabetic. Months from now, once you've got your number, you will be so proud of how far you've come. You won't accomplish anything if you don't start, so do it!
  • lambchoplewis
    You already know what size shirt, pants, bra and panties you wear (or have stretched out). They all have a number. The scale is also just a number. It doesn't bite or berate you, just gives a measurement. After you record that number (and it can be for your personal self, not for the world -who "sees" it on your your body) take your other measurements and record them here. Nobody but you can see them. Take a selfie (it sucks now but will be awesome later)
    Then start this program. Gather some friends. Record EVERYTHING! Live one day at a time, one foot in front of the other. Record what you eat, start making better decisions. Exercise so you can eat more, or have a guilt free treat. Be good to yourself. Be good to those who love you. When I first started and my ticker read a big fat zero pounds lost, I was afraid to talk to people who of course would not take me seriously because I hadn't lost any weight (IDIOT <--- ). After a few weeks I was down 10 lbs. With as far as I have to go, that was nothing. But it was a start. I started in earnest July 5th (Dr. had made me join 2 weeks prior, but I just signed up, didn't do anything). On New Years Eve at my weigh in I was down a full 60 lbs. 60 lbs that last year kept and I didn't have to carry into this year. I'm still morbidly obese, I'm still fat. But I am fat at a much smaller fat size. I can move more, and much easier. I am not starving, I have infinitely more energy. And I can safely throw away fat clothes, because I know that this is not hard. I can do it, it just takes much time and patience. I figure I've got at least 140 more pounds to go, but I started where you did. Fearful of the scale, and disgusted by my own size and inability to get around. Add me as a friend if you like, my diary is open. You can see don't always eat healthy, I have "bad" things often. But my A1C is now better than my Dr.'s, who isn't even diabetic. Months from now, once you've got your number, you will be so proud of how far you've come. You won't accomplish anything if you don't start, so do it!

    Wow. What an inspiration. Great job and thx for this post:wink:
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I understand not wanting to know the numbers. Last Jan 2nd-August 1st, I used mfp to lose an estimated 30 lbs. I didn't ever get on the scale. I went by how my clothes fit. Once I was ready, I got on the scale and daily weighed from August 1st-November 23rd. Been off the scale since then and over indulging. Gonna do what works for me and not get on the scale till my clothes are fitting comfortably again. Probably about a month... Sounds like you got it all set for you:)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I didn't weigh myself for the first month. I knew I was eating at a deficit, and was feeling better in my clothing, so I knew what I was doing was working. When I did get on that scale, I still hated the number, BUT I already had a few weeks of feeling successful to balance out that feeling.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    Don't be afraid. Think of it as a starting point. You have to know where you are before you can figure out where you want to be. Set small goals and chip away at it :smile:

    ^ This. I was the person that avoided the scale. At the doctors office I turned my head and asked them NOT to say the number out loud. I was in complete denial. When you are ready to change you will be able to handle the number on the scale. I stood on the scale for the first time in August. It said 231. Typically I would have cried, but I didnt. I actually looked at that number and said "that's a good starting point". I have worked hard ever since. I haven't been perfect--just persistent. I have lost 45lbs. So, dont be discouraged. You HAVE to know where you are at to know where you want to go. Best of luck!
  • lambchoplewis
    For some reason,I did not want to get on the scale this morning. Not sure why as I have been eating right and exercising. I did it anyway and weight the same as yesterday!! For me, I need to weigh myself everyday. I know this is controversial as u have to be able to handle a 1-3 lb increase in weight I found thT as soon as I stopped this and stopped logging food and exercise, I started to eat a little more here and there and then find 10 extra lbs!! This works for me. I need the scale to stop from shoving things into my mouth as. Have to face the scale in the morning.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am over the scale. I use it every morning - wishI had recorded it every day since I began my journey, just to show others how it can fluctuate... the closer to goal, the smaller the swings. I am on month 25 of my healthy lifestyle commitment, and while the scale generally gives the right trend when one is losing weight, you have to get very zen about it on maintenance. It can suddenly drop or go up 3 pounds just depending on how much salt I had or how little carbs I ate the day before. My maintenance target is 128, and I have stayed within 3 pounds of that up or down for about 19 months now. It is a number that a performing arts doctor help me set, and it is about 11 pounds where my commercial lifestyle plan (Dukan, for the record) set my weight. You can't go by the charts except for "general ranges". What is the top of the normal range in those charts is overweight for my small frame. (even adjusted for "small frame") My husband has an extremely large frame. The charts are whacked the other way for him.

    What I am trying to say is, think of the scale more like the weather. What feels cool and breezy to some is chilling to others. What is steamy unbearable to some is warm and comfortable to others. The temperature in numbers is just a number. Much like the number on the scale is just your weight in numbers. If you are are uncomfortable at a number, you modify your calories in to reduce the number. But knowing the number and watching it to make sure it is trending to comfortable is a valuable tool if you embrace it.
  • lambchoplewis

    What I am trying to say is, think of the scale more like the weather. What feels cool and breezy to some is chilling to others. What is steamy unbearable to some is warm and comfortable to others. The temperature in numbers is just a number. Much like the number on the scale is just your weight in numbers. If you are are uncomfortable at a number, you modify your calories in to reduce the number. But knowing the number and watching it to make sure it is trending to comfortable is a valuable tool if you embrace it.

    Love this analogy. You are absolutely correct. Everyone's journey is their own.
  • loistryin
    loistryin Posts: 70 Member
    Don't be afraid. Think of it as a starting point. You have to know where you are before you can figure out where you want to be. Set small goals and chip away at it :smile:

    ^ This. I was the person that avoided the scale. At the doctors office I turned my head and asked them NOT to say the number out loud. I was in complete denial. When you are ready to change you will be able to handle the number on the scale. I stood on the scale for the first time in August. It said 231. Typically I would have cried, but I didnt. I actually looked at that number and said "that's a good starting point". I have worked hard ever since. I haven't been perfect--just persistent. I have lost 45lbs. So, dont be discouraged. You HAVE to know where you are at to know where you want to go. Best of luck!
  • loistryin
    loistryin Posts: 70 Member
    Well, I got on the scale at work a few days ago. We are having a friendly competition to see who can lose the most in a month. it worked for me last year, even though I gained it back. i turned around though so the person who weighed me could see it but i could not. It is a starting point yes, and I have a support system, including the person who weighed me. I am feeling hopeful again. I am in the program at work, using MFP, and joined a book study/online support group called Made to Crave. I sooooo appreciate the responses/encouragement, caring truths...
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I suggest you woman up and face yourself. Stand naked in front of your mirror. Take all your measurements. Get on the scales. Record all this. Then get to work. It won't happen by magic. You have to start where you are. We all do. I understand your fear. But you have to face your fear and do it.
  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    I was just like you. I went to my DR. and got on their scale The nurse said it didn't go that high talk about feeling bad !!! :sad: so Doc put 300+ on my record . I wonted to have a surgery but I am in great shape :blushing: for a 50 + woman no sugar no high blood pressure no reason to have it done . so I went on some med it worked for about 3 months !now its fight it on my own .my fitness pal is so much help !!! I gained some over Christmas and am back to fight one more time and will keep coming back .
  • caroluherek
    caroluherek Posts: 63 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday and found it was too much of a roller coaster for me, so now I weigh myself once a week first thing in the morning. If you don't like the scale get out a measuring tape and record some of your measurements. The tracking on mfp is great to monitor your progress and you can pick which areas of your body to monitor. Find something that works for you whatever it might be weighing, measuring, clothes size etc. There are many ways to measure your progress but I encourage you to find one you are comfortable with to take control back into your own hands. Best of luck
  • emtbythesea
    emtbythesea Posts: 32 Member
    Just get on it, write the number down and then stick the paper in your dresser drawer. Never look at that paper. Put your scale in the closet. Don't take it out again until spring. Repeat seasonally. This time next year burn the papers and trash your scale. You should take measurements but eliminate the pressure of body weight and scales. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're exercising you might find that you will briefly GAIN but inches will SHRINK. Some people can't handle that paradox, but remember that it really is working and stay on your plan. Scales suck.