

  • Thanks everyone, I will have to try your suggestions and visit the other blogs. I hope to find something healthier to eat that will make me fuller faster. Wish me luck!
  • Grand Rapids, MI: Winchester, The Electric Cheeta, Marie Catribs are my favorites, also Olive garden has a few gluten free pasta dishes. :)
  • Thanks all, I am going to go back to the doctor to see what i can do, i am NOT having another surgery but I need to get stronger and lose weight. Wish me luck!
  • I would not count it.. just add it as a little bonus when you do lose more! I only count the "work outs" i set out each day as my exercise time. That is nice you are able to walk to work hit two bird with one stone.. not paying for gas and more time burning off extra calories you might have forgotten about. :)