lswatson111304 Member


  • Thank you, and I opened my diary so people can see. I felt so gung ho the past few weeks. Honestly though It was just a bad weekend, I feel emotional, and DH was grumpy and I'm an emotional eater for sure I think it all hit today. :sad:
  • Ugh, I'm way over. My goal is like 1310, and I was at 2397. Bad choices and timing. Woke up late ran out the door and ate 2 mcdonalds breakfast burritos, then lunch at the church and bday cake with my son. It was bad. Had I done a normal breakfast and not put the extras with the chili at lunch, I would have came in under.
  • I'm so glad someone else said feet because I honestly feel like mine look skinny! I also think I see it coming off my the ugly bulges look smaller.
  • I love avocado, whether it be in a simple guacamole, or simply salted. Just love it. my problem is I want sooo much when I get started.
  • Hi! Welcome! You can add me if you need a friend!
  • I'm sorry, you totally made me cry! I loved your story. Congrats and the dress is so beautiful and even more so on you!!!
  • Thank you!! I personally don't do hormonal. I have tried a few pills, and when i was young took BCP's for years and was sick the entire time (but terrified of pregnancy!) When I got married we decided against it and have used withdrawal successfully for 9 years. We do have 2 kids, both planned, so of course during those 18…
  • I know for me, it is bad carbs that I have to get rid of. I also have PCOS.
  • This sounds fun I'd love to join but do I have to measure? I can do weight and pics but I can't find my tape to measure! LOL
  • I say go out and do it. First of all, when it is time to run the 5K, you will be in public anyway! Might as well do it now! That being said, I had to push past my fear of people laughing at me being the fat girl on the bike and I'm fairly certain that a woman was the other day. I got irritated and then was like "You know,…
  • Hi! Thank you, right now the success stories are keeping me motivated. Seeing so many people succeed at this even though it is HARD, is awesome. I of course want to be healthy to be able to play with my children, go on vacation, or whatever without feeling horrible after walking for a while. I want to get off my blood…
  • I've been wanting to start biking because I have bad knees and it is less impact. Spent a few weeks thinking about it, was given a free bike..that had no brakes so that was a bust LOL But I then found on a facebook buy sell page, a good MTN Bike for $75. I bought it. Got it home, it broke. I was so disappointed! Ordered a…
  • Hi, I'm new..well back. Its been a long time. I am 5'4 and I weighed in just now at 234.2. Last year I had a health scare and had to do a special diet that had me lose down to 218. I've gained it all back in a year. Obviously I didn't learn anything. Last night i decided I'm so tired of being fat. I feel like crap. I was…
  • Congrats!! I can't wait to post this too!!
  • we eat our big meal at lunch time too. We do it because my husband works nights, so he is gone for dinner. I still eat a small dinner in the evening but nothing like I used to.
  • I quit soda/caffine about 12 days ago. I have been dragging every since. I've also been working out daily. I'm at the point where I wana chug a dr. pepper to perk myself up! But I don't wanna mess up. Honeslty I'd take back the caffine, but I dont want the soda back. I'm hoping that will help me to show a good…
  • Thanks everyone. I'm doing great with the soda. I do get cravings when I see my husband drinking one, but I only had 1 bad headache, and now i'm generally tired. I figure another week and I'll be over that tired feeling from no soda. I really don't want to give in on that one. I just assumed with none at all, It would have…