

  • A boxs programming may incorporate different things so I would have 1) made that a rest day 2) scaled the amount of weight 3) not worried about the time and maintained proper form Also for everyone harping on CF. A good box has coaches who are watching you with every lift you do and spotters for lifts that need spotters.…
  • You should really alternate the sprinting with walking not jogging. Look up the Super 8 program it has great success.
  • NO!!! I lost 165lbs without counting a single calorie. I use MFP as a food diary not to count calories. Seriously if you loose weight by counting the calories of everything you eat the sad part is it will not be something you can sustain for the rest of your life. Eat clean eat unprocessed foods eat till you are full thats…
  • As the previous poster said you can gain muscle at a deficit just make sure you are eating enough. Add in healthy carbs when I lift lots I eat roasted yams as they help restore glycogen. Also if you haven't lifted heavy before I recc a personal trainer or take an oly lifting class or better yet join a crossfit gym. You can…
  • I lost 165lbs with Paleo I found it more sustainable than Atkins. Still need to loose 50 more. I suggest looking up paleo recipes too. They are low carb high protein higher fat but focus on real clean foods. Feel free to add me here and on pinterest my email addy is
  • Actually counting calories isn't good for long term many people count calories loose 20-50lbs and then regain it because they cant count weigh everyday of their life. Truly eating clean and eating till you are full are much better for long term success and dealing with any psychological eating issues you have…
  • Thanks everyone. It's great to meet others working on the same goals.
  • Here is a good start...if you dont do eggs eat leftovers for breakfast thats what I do a lot. PS I lost 165lbs so far eating clean/paleo with cheat meals occasionally. Give yourself 30 days of clean eating. First week will be the…