How much deadlift is too much deadlift?



  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Most exercises or WoD are ok. They post the workouts the night before so I read it through and if I work out the same muscle group multiple times(shoulder, for example), I just skip it and go to my local gym for a walk/run and to workout diff. muscle groups.

    I don't really worry about the 'time' aspect of crossfit. I just go at my own pace. It'll gradually improve, but I just stop my exercise if I get so fatigued that my form starts giving.

    I don't 'workout' through injuries , skin tears, bleeding, like some crossfitters do. Personally, that's just for promo to show how 'intense' they are. Most people are regular people or ex athletes like me who just enjoy the competetiveness and 'exercise'.

    Not really defending crossfit. It's a relatively new(commercially) and I'm sure there are a lot of flaws to be fixed.

    For me, it fits my body type and goals well, at least for now. I weighed 280 pounds about 3.5 months ago, couldn't run, couldn't bench more than 225, couldn't do a pullup, to list a few exercises.

    Now 3.5 months later at 255 pounds, I can run a 8 min mile/ bench 225 12-14 times/ can do 6-7 strict pullups.

    My diet hasn't been as strict as I would like to be, but I still get about 2k - 2200 / day and have a few '5k' days where I just eat what I want.

    So crossfit has worked for me so far. I eventually want to compete in something let it be crossfit games, boxing, etc so whatever I choose, I'm sure I'll need to gear my diet and training more specific towards that for now.

    But for my current goal(fat loss, min. muscle loss, strength gain, learning olympic lifts), crossfit seems to be a good fit.

    Hope that helped!

    Thanks for your responses and worries - read them all and appreciate it!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    This is why I don't understand Crossfit. You're basically doing interval deadlifts at 75% of your 1RM, and then the next day, you're trying to see how quickly you can complete 50 deadlifts at bodyweight? Why? What is the overarching purpose? Does any Crossfitter ever ask those questions?

    Good question lol. My attitude is just '.... ugh.... **** it lets do this'

    I can understand 50 deadlifts total at like 40% - 50% max weight for deadlift, but the 'body weight' part seemed a bit odd.

    A guy that weighed 160 lbs did all the above exercises in 14 minutes(including the run). I did 255 lbs in 21 min.

    Don't see why weight should matter here.... max 1 rep deadlift should determine the weight you do for 50 reps.

    Why 50 reps you ask? I have no idea. Some Crossfitter in US headquarters probably decided that 50 is doable while 100 is too intense so probably made it 50. Lol
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If you have no idea why you're doing am exercise, don't do it. Seriously. Train with a purpose. Don't just do random exercises for no good reason other than "**** it."
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    If you have no idea why you're doing am exercise, don't do it. Seriously. Train with a purpose. Don't just do random exercises for no good reason other than "**** it."

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    hmmmm.....i guess it makes a bit more sense to me now. i hadn't thought of in terms of either showing up at the box and doing the WoD or just going to another gym and doing your own thing (or resting). Since it's an open thing, many people would be there today that weren't there when you did the previous workout. So if you're picking and choosing which days to show, you can easily regulate your rest time between muscle groups.

    I still wouldn't have done these back to back like you did, but I can see it from the box's perspective now.

    *and it's a bit early to say that you survived. i did 25x250 unbroken a few weeks ago and it wrecked my regular workouts for a week. if i didn't modify my workouts the following days an injury or sumthin would have been likely
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you have no idea why you're doing am exercise, don't do it. Seriously. Train with a purpose. Don't just do random exercises for no good reason other than "**** it."

    i dunno, different people have different purposes. i do a lot of stuff because i like doing it, and will take on a lot of challenges just cuz, fk it, i want to see if i can. it can be some weird, made up thing like sandbags, burpees and double unders for time or it can be something seemingly normal like running 10 miles without stopping. Except for me, the running would be the "WHY DO THAT?" part and the sandbag would be the normal seeming thing.

    I don't really have a problem with exercise for exercise's sake. Just don't do dumb shish
  • chatty826
    A boxs programming may incorporate different things so I would have

    1) made that a rest day

    2) scaled the amount of weight

    3) not worried about the time and maintained proper form

    Also for everyone harping on CF. A good box has coaches who are watching you with every lift you do and spotters for lifts that need spotters. Your coach should yell at you if you are doing something stupid, our coaches do and CF has been amazing for me. I did the whole personal trainer globo gym. Honestly if people are working out what does it matter how they are doing it? You can get hurt just as easily running, or working out at a globo gym as you can crossfitting.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    If you have no idea why you're doing am exercise, don't do it. Seriously. Train with a purpose. Don't just do random exercises for no good reason other than "**** it."

    i dunno, different people have different purposes. i do a lot of stuff because i like doing it, and will take on a lot of challenges just cuz, fk it, i want to see if i can. it can be some weird, made up thing like sandbags, burpees and double unders for time or it can be something seemingly normal like running 10 miles without stopping. Except for me, the running would be the "WHY DO THAT?" part and the sandbag would be the normal seeming thing.

    I don't really have a problem with exercise for exercise's sake. Just don't do dumb shish

    Exactly. Different people have different purposes..
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    You'll probably need a belt if you're going to do that much volume. ~74% of max isn't that bad, but that volume.. It's really not smart to take a heavy compound movement and turn it into (as fast as possible) cardio on a daily basis.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    Does a skipped disk sound like fun? Does chronic pain in your lower back for the rest of your life sound hardcore? All because you get rushed and have xrappy form once is all it takes and it doesn't even have to be at a high weight.

    I slipped down my stairs in the middle of the night trying to get to the bathroom and slipped a disc, that was August 2012 and I'm still not able to lift anything over around 3kgs, and I cant turn to look over my shoulder when crossing a road without a shooting pain up to my shoulder

    you defo don't want a prolapsed/slipped disc x
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Too much is

    a) when you can't recover in between attempts; and/or

    b) when it means you cannot keep great form and injure yourself.

    Just because something is "scheduled" for you by the Gods of throwing random *kitten* at a wall and seeing if it sticks, doesn't mean you have to blindly follow it and put yourself in traction.

    Use some common sense. Heavy compounds without 100% mental focus and good form are dangerous.