

  • bump for later
  • Bump....wanna save this for later
  • I workout at the gym about 3 nights a week because of the schedules in my house. On the nights I am not going to the gym I am using the Wii to supplement. I do Michael Jackson experience or Just Dance for cardio and the wii fit or wii active for other exercises. I love it!
  • Welcome...stay positive and you will reach your goal. Friend me if you like. I am happy to support!!! I still have a long way to go
  • Hi Dani Good Luck on your journey. I also started my weight loss because of chronic pain issues (amoungst other things) I have been at it since December. You can do it if you stay focused and have great people to keep you motivated.
  • I love playing just dance and Michael Jackson Experience with my boys! They love it and I sweat my butt off! Great workout! I also have Zumba Fitness which is also great. I have the wii active games that I do when I am in the mood to switch it up a bit
  • I joined the site a little over a week ago but started my weight loss Dec 8, 2010. Down 25lbs so far with lots more to go. Would love friends on here to help keep me motivated and to help moitvate as well
  • It's hard to keep motivated sometimes especially when you plateau. I have been at this since 12/8/10 and down 25 lbs so far. I have great friends that keep me motivated to go to the gym but unfortunately that are a lot fitter than I am! none the less they are great motivation. I am new to the site so would love to have…