People are dropping like flies



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I think a lot of people get into this as a New Year's resolution. Resolutions don't typically last through February. :ohwell:

    Same at my gym. They expand by 5 clothes sizes over many years and if it's not "gone" between 1st Jan and Valentines day they get into a huff, say it's all a waste of time and just give up.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I dropped out for a week or two because I was sick. But all my wonderful friends sent me messages as to where I was. I came on to tell them how I am suffering with sever acid reflux. The attacks have been so bad I thought for sure it was heart attacks. UGHH. I am back on now seems to be under control. I loved that everyone cared enough to ask where I was and not just drop me. Maybe send a quick message to those you haven't seen before just dropping them. You never know if someone is sick and just needs to hear people care.
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    I think that after a few weeks people start to realize that this requires a permanent lifestyle change, and some really don't want to change their exercise and eating habits longterm. They want to dump the weight fast so they can go back to whatever they were doing before. The mental change has to happen before the physical changes will happen.

    This is exactly it. It must be a lifestyle change -- a lifestyle overhaul, even. And unfortunately most people just aren't willing to do that.
  • I just now logged in after not logging in since March 2010. For me, I had used MFP religiously for 3 or 4 months. Then, it all kinda fell into place. I didn't use this as a diet plan/quick fix, like many have also pointed out. It was my guide to changing my eating habits, lack of exercise, etc. I orig set my goal @ 50 lb wt loss. 175 to 125. At 140 now and dropped to a size 7/8, which seems about right.(from a 12, prob 14, altho didn't buy any 14s). At the time, just picked 125 as a lofty goal. See now that that'd be too thin for me.

    I think, yes, around this time many drop off the map, just like every year with many New Yrs Resolutioners. In my case, I dropped off in March or so, as I just had a routine. But, I like that many seasoned veterans are still here. After all, MFP needs them to pass it on:)
  • alejan1975
    alejan1975 Posts: 16 Member
    i joined around jan 10th and love the site - i think it is very common for people to join and give up. I've been telling myself i need to lose weight for about 5 yrs and kinda sorta tried a few times but not very seriously. I turned 35 in december, and father time is catching up - if i'm going to turn it around, i better do it now! As a younger man, i was very thin, in shape, confident, some might even say handsome.

    The only motiviation i needed was in a shoebox in the basement - pictures of me from 2000 - who the heck is THAT guy? i realize that i won't return to my former self at 24 yrs old, but i can get a LOT closer than i am now.

    SO - count me in for someone that WILL NOT QUIT until i reach my goals and i encourage all of you that also just started to find that something that won't let you quit - for me it was easy, just some old photos.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I've always considered New Year's Resolutions to be things people resolve to change for a few weeks, then go back to what they were doing before. I enjoy most of the foods I've been eating more of, so it hasn't been all that hard to change a few things. For a lot of people that don't really like some of the healthier foods, it can be a lot more challenging. Especially if friends and family are still eating the junk or giant portions. It really is a lifestyle change.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i think it depends on whether you are mentally prepared for it. unfortunately its quite a common new years resolution to make and then to lose sight of once feb-march appears. i lied to myself for the past year about wanting to make a change and i did a yo-yo cycles of dieting and giving up. however, i realised that my relationship with food had to change and i needed to take control and be healthy for me.

    losing weight is never a quick fix, its something u have to work at.

    for those who need motivation, please stay you can and will do it. :)
  • first time around i gave up after a week, but i really think i wasnt 'ready', this time its my 3rd week in and ive realised that you can still have a treat, its does no harm, im still eating much the same but doing for the better options of it and snacking on fruit rather than crisps and sweets. They may come back when its there time, I think you just reach a point when you know you have to make the change and theres no going back!
  • bluuea
    bluuea Posts: 13
    I agree with the several that say unfriend them. That is a quick way to let go of some "weight." We all need encouragement, that is why we are here. If they don't encourage you, let them go. Friends come and go any arena, weight loss is no exception.

    Oh and I am here for the long haul, even after I reach my goal, so add me. Due to family health issues, I will have to take control of this the rest of my life.
  • xyril
    xyril Posts: 80 Member
    I probably would've dropped too if I hadn't discovered the message board (started using this on my cell). Seeing other people just like me succeed keeps my inspiration high. Granted, I'm still working on the meals but I officially log on here more than facebook and that in itself keeps me focused.

    I refuse to give up and hope others who are considering it to not give up either !
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    To be completely self-centered, I can't wait for the New Year Resolution people to start dropping like flies at the gym. It's a lot more crowded than it was in December, and it's hard to get my favorite machines, like the treadmill that's the perfect distance from the giant ceiling fan so I get a nice breeze. :laugh:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    this happens every Dec and Jan...........will get worse in Feb.

    No offense to you or your wonderful freindship! People come on looking for a quick fix. MFP is NOT is a lifestyle change free to the world. To make new friends that can help you, lift you and give you advice.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou: Jeannie

    Ditto! Been here for 2 years...and it's always the same around now, lol. They may come back in a few months or they may not.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    To be completely self-centered, I can't wait for the New Year Resolution people to start dropping like flies at the gym. It's a lot more crowded than it was in December, and it's hard to get my favorite machines, like the treadmill that's the perfect distance from the giant ceiling fan so I get a nice breeze. :laugh:

    LOL I didn't notice much difference but then they're not really there when I train at 6am!
  • The msg boards are definately a great form of motivation, I love them and I also find myself logging on here more than facebook nowadays. Ive tried many times over the past few years to lose weight but I realise now that I was never in the right mindset to see this through. But this time something has clicked and I am more determined than ever to find the healthier me!
    This site is great the food and excercise trackers really seem to help me stay on track and I feel a sense of achivement when Ive done my exercise and I can fill it out on here, I recommend MFP to my friends who are trying to be healthier too.
  • I'm going to admit that I was one of the NYR people. I gave up around a week in...I restarted a few times. I'm back today because I found myself crying in a store changeroom yesterday. I came back because I realized I'm the reason I don't look cute in cute sweaters :(
  • It's hard to keep motivated sometimes especially when you plateau. I have been at this since 12/8/10 and down 25 lbs so far. I have great friends that keep me motivated to go to the gym but unfortunately that are a lot fitter than I am! none the less they are great motivation. I am new to the site so would love to have some online friends to help keep me motivated and that I can keep motivated as well! It is so much easier with support!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I have many friends here and once a month I go through my friendlist and delete those who weren't active for a month or longer. It hurts me a bit, because most of them started so well and were so encouraged. But this is about me in first place. And I need all the motivation I can get, while offering the same support in return. But I can't support someone, when they don't log in.

    How do u go through your friends list to even see if they are inactive? Where does it tell u?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm going to admit that I was one of the NYR people. I gave up around a week in...I restarted a few times. I'm back today because I found myself crying in a store changeroom yesterday. I came back because I realized I'm the reason I don't look cute in cute sweaters :(

    ahhh smiley-hug006.gif glad to see you back D
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    I'm going to admit that I was one of the NYR people. I gave up around a week in...I restarted a few times. I'm back today because I found myself crying in a store changeroom yesterday. I came back because I realized I'm the reason I don't look cute in cute sweaters :(

    YOU CAN DO IT! Don't forget to add some friends to motivate you! And stay on the boards, they're full of good stuff.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I'm going to admit that I was one of the NYR people. I gave up around a week in...I restarted a few times. I'm back today because I found myself crying in a store changeroom yesterday. I came back because I realized I'm the reason I don't look cute in cute sweaters :(

    welcome back. i think we have all had that changing room moment when u are horrified at the reflection in the mirror. :)
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