digitalcanuck Member


  • Welcome to mfp and congrats to both of you. Isn't it great when we start doing things for ourselves! IMHO lifestyle changes are the best way to work towards your strongest healthiest self and provides fantastic results for the long haul. I won't wish you good luck because you both are going to do awesome. If you need any…
  • Welcome back! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a bear sometimes but it is great that you are back at it. Have a fantastic day!!!
  • Just click on my user name. I can add you if its easier.
  • No problem. You are right about the mindset of many beginners. The focus is on loosing ___ lbs as quickly as possible. That rarely works in the long term. Lifestyle changes stick and have the greatest impact on your body's ability to become strong and vital. There are just as many skinny, unhealthy people out there as…
  • I never used to eat breakfast and it was to my detriment. It is something you have to train your body to do. Make small changes at a time. Don't try to do it all at once. Having a plan is the best first step. Find out what you are supposed to be giving your body first. Then start working towards that. IMHO, making…
  • Welcome to mfp (and welcome back brandy)! I hope that you are able to find the support and connections that will help you in your journey.
  • My first question would be why don't you eat all day. The best thing I can offer is that you have a look at what your body needs to be healthy and strong. Have you researched how much protein, vitamins, minerals, water etc. your body needs to function well? Are you deficient in any? Are you overloading on any that are…
  • Hi there. I am in Ottawa Canada. My motivation was mainly to keep on tract with a new healthy lifestyle. I was 40 lbs overweight but also very unhealthy. I did not want to just loose weight and stay unhealthy. I also didn't want a quick fix that would ultimately do more harm than good or create a rollercoaster of weight…
  • Ottawa here. Would love to connect with any canucks. Been on and off mfp and would love the motivation that connecting provides...especially with hibernation season coming upon us.
  • Welcome! Glad you are enjoying mfp. I am also in Ottawa.
  • Ottawa here. Feel free to add me!
  • Good job for quitting smoking! I smoked for 30+ years and it is no easy task quitting. I am assuming you did not quit so that you could enjoy your wedding without craving nicotine, so why do you want to loose weight for your wedding? After your wedding will you be happy to going back to your present weight etc? IMHO a…
  • If you watch the other pro chef pulse videos you can see how you can make your own protein powder out of pulses. No additives etc. when you make your own.
  • I have started using pulses to add a great nutrient punch and variety in my diet. I had no idea what you could do with pulses. I just ordered a grain mill so that I can start using them in lots of things without wrecking my food processor. Here is a video about using chickpea flour in place of wheat flour. (I am a celiac…
  • I have started using pulses to add a great nutrient punch and variety in my diet. I had no idea what you could do with pulses. I just ordered a grain mill so that I can start using them in lots of things without wrecking my food processor. Here is a video about using chickpea flour in place of wheat flour. (I am a celiac…
  • I understand your humdrum feeling about hitting your milestone. For me, I decided to use the milestone as an indicator only. I have it in place to help me see if I am on the right track or not. My goal is to help my body have all the tools it needs to be healthy. Hitting my milestones shows me that I am using the right…
  • Whoot Whoot! Way to go.
  • I totally understand your frustration. Don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like self-discipline is what causes you to spiral down in all aspects of your life. You are actually lucky to be able to see that. Many people aren't able to identify these things until very later in life, if ever. The big challenge for you is…
  • I would be quite suspect if a scale says there is no difference in weight, especially over a period of two weeks. It is impossible to not see weight changes daily, up and down. For women who still have menstrual cycles weight fluctuations can be 5 lbs at a time. If someone sees the scale refuse to budge, I would have to…
  • Good morning CMAnorma67. I am glad you are finding support at mfp. I am on and off the forum, but hope to use it more to give and receive support. It is key to success. Keep strong and remember that food is meant to support a strong and able body. Give it what it needs and it will thank you in spades. Have a great day!
  • If you have been treated for an eating disorder you need to talk to your doctor before you go on any kind of diet. Talk to your family doctor or the therapist who helped with the eating disorder.
  • Fantastic!! WTG!:flowerforyou:
  • Chalk it up to a miss step. It happens. Guilt is never the solution. Don't fast or anything like that either. That will just hurt your body. Tomorrow start again.
  • Hi everyone! I am a new arrival to Ottawa from a lot of places (military family). I was recently diagnosed with a lazy thyroid and have gained a lot of weight (5'4" and now 160 lbs). The biggest problem is that the thyroid issue leaves me tired all the time. This affects my motivation to get up and move. I also work at…