digitalcanuck Member


  • Definitely see your doctor. There are too many possible factors and it is best to get some concrete answers.
  • Hi All, Yes, gluten can definitely cause arthritis pain to worsen. I know that it seems very hard to stay gf but life is so much easier not being sick. I heard a great quote that said "Being sick is hard. Being healthy is hard. Pick your hard". It is so true. I choose being healthy over being sick any day of the week. I…
  • My cookbook is a work in progress but I will post recipes or links to my recipes as they come (if others here are game). You eat very similar to me (higher protein, higher fat, less sugar and carbs). I have done a lot of research and am totally against eating "low fat", "no fat" foods because they are devoid of good fat…
  • Hi there. I was also looking for a CD group, but came across this one. I am happy to stay here as I see the dedication and support given to each other here.
  • This is really hard to answer. It could be anything from the flu to a food intolerance/allergy. The best strategy is to see your doctor and get checked out. Good luck.
  • I understand your frustration. It does get easier though. A few tricks I use is to always have a supply of nuts in my purse. If I get caught out of the house for longer than I thought, or at a location I can't eat at, I just tuck in to my nuts. I have learned that it is much harder being sick than to have strategies to…
  • Thanks for the welcome. Yes it is a great challenge in the beginning. But, I have indeed come to enjoy cooking (shh, don't tell anyone that knows my past dislike of cooking). I have a lot of recipes I have been working on. I am actually developing my own personal cookbook to hold my families favourites. I would be happy to…
  • I apologize for providing my link. I was not advertising as my blog is not a commercial endeavour. It is just a way of documenting new information coming down the pipe. Whether you decide to include rice in your diet is absolutely your choice. I just wanted to make everyone aware of the research so that they can make…
  • I actually just discovered how easy it is to make baked beans. It is unbelievably cheap too. I can feed 3 adults for about $3 total. For a single person, you could make a batch and divide it into 3 meals and freeze them. $1 for a very nutritious, protein rich meal is a great deal. I usually soak the beans Saturday night,…
  • @RodaRose You are right about the California rice. It is lower. The problem comes with the fact that we accumulate the arsenic in our systems. Thanks for passing on the additional link. Very interesting. @CarrieCans Your pediatrician was on the mark. The concerns have been known for a while, but full on studies to this…
  • Ottawa here. We are military though, so, yeah, we're from all over Canada. lol
  • Welcome back Crystal. The fact that your goals are health and fitness (and not just a number on a scale) is a step in the right direction. There is lots of support here and lots of opportunity to gain information and resources. Feel free to add me. Lisa
  • I echo the fact that it is a lifestyle change not a diet. Learn about your body and what it needs to thrive. If we learn about ourselves and make food choices that fit, we are better able to evolve our lifestyle as we get older. Until I chose to reset my lifestyle I hated cooking. Now I love experimenting with foods that…
  • Congrats on quitting smoking. The hardest part is done. Don't fret about the weight gain. Now you can really focus on becoming healthy. Weight loss will come as you learn more about what your body needs to thrive. Make small changes and learn as you go. You are creating a new lifestyle that will help your body be strong…
  • Hey Chris. You are totally speaking my language. Too many people focus on the scale and have specific numbers in mind. ARG. It is so frustrating because it is all about learning about your own body and discovering a new lifestyle that allows you to do and enjoy what you want to. You need to feed your body what it needs to…
  • Hi Susan. Great to see you here. IMHO you are on the right track and I am hoping that you will discover a healthy lifestyle that helps you be the best you (and have the added bonus of loosing weight).
  • I am not sure what IIFYM is but, I just did a lot of research and learned what my body needed to thrive. I am constantly creating and learning new ways to incorporate the fuel my body needs. I know that I will have this body for quite a while yet and I need to follow a lifestyle that fits and that will be enjoyable from…
  • That's great. I am still debating on a fitness tracker.
  • Welcome! Glad you have started your journey to a healthier you. Feel free to add me.
  • Welcome. It is wonderful that you want to create a healthier you! Please don't worry about not being able to eat the diet foods out there. There's no need anyway. Besides, if you eat diet foods when dieting, what will you do when you are done dieting. My best offering is that you learn about your body and strive for a…
  • Welcome!! If I could provide a bit of advice that changed my entire perspective... think of this chapter in your life as an opportunity to become healthy and learn about your body and what it needs. I am not targeting a certain weight loss goal, rather I am learning about how to live a healthier lifestyle (and teach my kid…
  • Yeah, I was debating getting a hrm. But which one? ARG. I may make a new post about that.
  • Thanks for the idea kwrecks.
  • Good points. Thanks.I was hoping I wouldn't have to use up as many calories trying to log my exercise as I did at exercise class, lol. I do think getting a wearable fitness tracker would help in tracking calories burned throughout the day and during classes, but I am so overwhelmed by the options available. I just don't…
  • Welcome Marjorie. Your doing fantastic. Mfp is full of great support and resources. Make friends and keep moving forward. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Welcome to mfp!!! You are at the right place to receive support and resources. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Welcome!! Using mfp is a great place to start. You will soon see that you are not alone. Getting support is a wonderful step in the right direction. Have a fantastic day!
  • Welcome!! Using mfp is a definite asset in achieving your goals. There is awesome support and resources here. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi there. I completely understand your struggle and frustration. Perhaps it is time to change your goals or focus. Instead of zeroing in on the number on the scale, you could now focus on learning about your body. What vitamins, minerals, etc. does your body need to function optimally? What causes your body harm? Are you…
  • Welcome Brittany! I applaud you for using mfp to track your eating so that you are providing what you both need. This is going to be huge for creating a lifestyle you can maintain after the baby is born. I think you will find that focusing on your health will go a long way in your weight goals. I have found that just…