
Im new to this site.. I am looking for friends to email back and fourth to encourage and to challenge each other! Also to share cooking ideas and to just vent! I am married and currently raising my 16 year old brother. I recently joined a gym to get a jump start on a healthier me. I have a horrible stomach so dieting has been a huge issue cause i can't eat most of the diet foods out their :neutral_face: I gave up soda on 09/11/14 and still going strong. so message me :)


  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    welcome aboard.. glad to have you with us on the weight loss journey.... im on this site daily cheering on my friends and trying to stay motivated on my eating habits and exercising... feel free to send me a friend request.. im always here if u ever want to chat or email.. more friends the better i think
  • digitalcanuck
    digitalcanuck Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome. It is wonderful that you want to create a healthier you! Please don't worry about not being able to eat the diet foods out there. There's no need anyway. Besides, if you eat diet foods when dieting, what will you do when you are done dieting. My best offering is that you learn about your body and strive for a healthy, vibrant you. I needed to relearn everything when I was diagnosed as celiac. Perimeter shopping is my best friend and I have never eaten such yummy amazing food. I can't believe what I was missing out on before. The wonderful thing is that while discovering a healthier lifestyle, the by-product was weight loss. I no longer diet, I learn and evolve my lifestyle. As I age, my needs will change. If I only look at the scale, I won't know how to deal with those changes. I am so grateful I changed my perspective.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and I am happy to help with encouragement of a shoulder to vent on.
