

  • I am breastfeeding. Have been for 8 months. My son is on baby food now, but I still add in an extra 500 calories. I have been losing weight pretty steady and I am pleased with my progress. I did notice at first that my supply went down. I supplemented with some natural viatimins that seemed to help. It is called…
  • Thanks 5grn9...I was thinking about getting the book. I know one thing about my body when I incorporate more protein and less carbs my spare tire seems to go down. However, I don't lose the pounds but the inches go down. I think I am going to order it from the library and see what I think before I get my own personal copy.
  • I understand. I am nursing my 8 month old and have a big chest. It stinks! No matter how you tie them down they don't stay still. Let me know if you come up with a good solution.
  • It is an internet diet site I found. Basically you eliminate most sugar from your diet. Focuses on eating fruits, veggies, fish, chicken, and rice. The program doesn't want you to eat any whole wheat bread, white bread, and no artificial sweeetners. You are to use butter instead of margaine. Wondered if anyone had success…
  • Congrats on your weight loss and pregnancy! I got pregnant when I was dieting and I was so happy that I continued the habits I learned through my pregnancy. I didn't diet, I just ate healthy. I had the best pregnancy, I only gained 17 lbs. and had no problems. I exercised all the time and felt great. So keep up the good…
  • Great letter!!! And can I add all the money you are saving? I can't believe how much I was spending on ordering out.
  • I absolutely love smoothies. If you have a magic bullet it is so great. It grinds up frozen fruit and then you just put the lid on and go. No messy clean up. ( I sound like a commerical) I would add soy milk to mine to get extra protein. I am not a fan of soy milk, but in a smoothie it is great. Not sure if you have an…
  • Thanks everyone for your posts. It makes me feel like I am not alone. I have been on several different birth controls and they all seem to do the same thing. Currently, I have the mirena which my doc. said weight gain wasn't one of the side effects, but it sure seems like that to me. No additives...I have noticed this. I…