Weight loss and Birth Control

tootsiekef Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I know all the research on the internet says that they discovered that birth control doesn't affect weight gain, but I have trouble with this everytime. I recently started back on birth control and gained 10 pounds of weight I lost. I didn't change anything and ate the same. Also, I am breastfeeding and I read some articles that there are a small percentage that can't lose weight while breastfeeding. Does anyone else have these problems?


  • wannbAhottie
    wannbAhottie Posts: 63 Member
    I'm begining to wonder the same about mine. .. I have been working hard to lose weight and since I put this dang thing in my arm weightloss has been super slow; as well as having a cycle every freakin' two weeks. ARRGggg! I don't know if it is my birthcontrol, but since about 2 mo. after I got this thing nothing has been the same when it comes to losing.
  • I gained 17 pounds on birth control but I am able to lose weight fine.. I think if you just started back up you may be going through the weight gain cycle again.. your body has to get used to the pill before you can actually start losing weight
  • I always gained 10 lbs on birth control pills. Since my son I started the shot, and I didn't gain anything on that. IF you have the thing in your arm becareful! My cousin had it, and got pregnant because it is meant for you exact weight, if you gain or lose weight, as little as 10 lbs it's no longer effective. She got pregnant when she gained 10lbs and ended up having a miscarraige from the implant, then lost about 20lbs, and was rushed to the hospital because her arm was going numb and heart was beating like crazy, they said she almost had a stroke because she now had to much in her system for her weight!
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    I always had weight issues with birth control. It's like my hormones took over and decided to hang onto every last ounce of fat to protect those reproductive organs. I would put on 10 pounds in four days with every depo shot. Took 18 months to get it out of my system and get my weight to change no matter what I did.

    I'm done reproducing, so I just took care of the issue surgically since I didn't want to fight with it anymore. I think some women's bodies are like that, especially during the height of our reproductive years.
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    My OBGYN doctor told me that there was some that did and some that didn't. Like, for me with trying to lose weight she said that getting the Depo shot would be really bad for weight loss, but the implant in your arm (that lasts 3 years), or the 5 year one wouldnt effect weight loss. The first time i was on birth control with pills I gained a ton of weight, so I was very specific in talking to my doctor about not wanting one with that particular side effect. However, everyones body reacts to things differently, so it might be difficult to find one that works for you.
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    Can you try a different birth control? I thought the same thing initially, but I started birth control my second year in college (so weight gain is pretty common).

    Now, I've been on the same pill for a year and a half and I don't think it has affected my weight.

    Here are the side effects of "the pill":
    * Irregular bleeding or spotting
    * Nausea
    * Breast tenderness
    * Weight gain and/or water retention
    * Spotty darkening of the skin
    * Mood changes

    I only seem to have mood changes (but I'm also better able to track these changes when my cycle is regular :)
  • I always gain weight on birth control. The mirena being the worst for me. I now have the coil with no hormone and I love it, I dont seem to have gained any weight, not sure if its down to the birth control itself though or the fact im on here tracking everything I eat and exercising more xx
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You shouldn't try to lose weight while breastfeeding. Eating right and getting some exercise are both great but you need to make sure you're getting the right amount of calories every day. If you start cutting calories you risk decreasing the quality of your milk. Now that you're not pregnant your body is going to take care of you first, not your baby. So that means that your body is going to use the nutrition it needs to keep itself healthy and anything that is left over will go to your milk.
  • Thanks everyone for your posts. It makes me feel like I am not alone. I have been on several different birth controls and they all seem to do the same thing. Currently, I have the mirena which my doc. said weight gain wasn't one of the side effects, but it sure seems like that to me.

    No additives...I have noticed this. I have been dieting for the last week and my supply has decreased. I have tried to take supplements but can't get it up. Altouugh I able to keep up with his supply since he is eating more and not drinking as much. He seems to be ok with it. I added in an extra 500 calories to my weight loss for breastfeeding, but I have to get this weight off. I am so overweight.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I gained 40lbs on Depo and once off it dropped 30 in a month (this was about 5 years ago) Everyones body reacts to the hormones differently, and changing hormones can cause significant weight loss or gain. I don't know how they thing BC isn't responsible, thats just a load of bs*.

    There is another thread up today about Mirena, many of the women on there have listed problems they have had with it. You might want to search for it.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Birth Control definitely makes you gain weight... I went on it when I was 15 and I was put on quite a high dosage pill ( I went on it for health reasons which is why the high dosage at such a young age) anywhoo I gained probably 15 to 20 pounds when I went on it. Since then I have fluctuated up and down always above that 20 pound weight gain but have never been under it. In the last few months I finally decided to change my type of pill and its the first time in 8 years that I have been under that 20 pounds I first gained. Not only did it improve my ability to lose weight but also my mood swings have decreased significantly!! Before I could literally cry at the drop of a pin, no matter what time of month, because of all the estrogen I was on, and now I am only crying when things make me sad haha!

    So definitely the type of birth control you are on can play a pretty significant part in your life, both physically and emotionally!
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