

  • Well it's day 3 of the challenge I got in workout 2 level 1 completed. Hopeing my son gets to come home tonight from the hospital. This way I could hopefully make up the missed workout. Don't like the jump rope exercise. Ahhh in a few days with any luck I will stop hating them.
  • Day 1 Of the 30 day shred done. Doing exercise in the hospital room with my son sleeping feels a bit weird. I was frightened that a dr. Or nurse would walk in. My husband forgot to bring me sweat pants so I had to use night pants and of course before I got to put my jeans back on a dr came to check on my little man. Face…
  • I eat them occasionaly when I don't have to cook for the family, or if I want a piece of lasagna because lean cuisines lasagna is yummy. The sodium is not bad. I don't feel eating them once a day is bad cause most meals have the calories of 280 - 320 and that is not bad compaired to what you can get on the run.
  • I'm in I already have the DVD and the weights. Monday is a great day to start gives me anther day to try to recuperate from having strep throat. I think before and after pictures along with measurements and weight is a grat idea. We should also follow her guideline of 10 days on each level. I've started her program before…
  • Rubysparkle are you going to do another 30 day shred being that you only have one day left? I am hopeing to start tomorrow being that I am still getting over strep throat.
  • I'm so dumb were is the signature tab
  • Count me in! I already have the video and the weights, hopefully my throat will feel better by tomorrow still in the midst of strep throat from my kiddo. Now for a technical question how is everyone getting their tickers and goal information in their posts??? I have to type my goals in each time SW 196 CW 175 April Goal…
  • Everything in moderation! if you completely cut out foods you like, you are going to feel deprived and give up. It all has to do with calories in & calories out and exercise so when your losing weight your not losing muscle. I absolutely do not like the word diet because what we are striving for is a learned healthier life…
  • I agree that MFP should diffrenciate between natural sugars and added sugar. I hardly ever go over on carbs but most days o go over on sugar.
  • Yes you will lose a little bit from your breast., like the one man said it also has to do with genetics if you were skinny before and you get down to that weight again you can expect your breast size to go down to. I unfortunately have been cursed by a long line of big breasted women. i am currently a 38 DDD or F I would…
  • I agree you must log everything this way you know where you stand calorie and nutrient wise. I agree with mKeller and believetoachieve.
  • I've had both the nuva ring and the mirena iud. Through my experience I prefer the nuva ring really no uncomfortable side effects. You can not even tell it was in. Mirena on the other hand was painful during intercourse. But of course with any contraceptive it is best to talk to your doctor about all side effects. Nuva…
  • I agree it us a personal choice it also depends on your will power to get back on track. I've been tossing around the idea if a cheat day for awhile but I think it will be just a meal to see how that test my will power. I think my first planned cheat meal will be on my husbands birthday we go to Monterey Bay restaurant…
  • Awesome!! I've just started exercising hopefully as time goes by I will be a little fitter and build endurance I to will then tackle the running.
  • I'm too fat and unfit I'll exercise when I lose 10 lbs. That was personally my excuse. I guess I also gave myself the chance to get used to first counting calories and to also feel success that I lost weight. Know I'm challenging myself I'm on my second day of the 30 day shred by Jillian Michael's, I've also started using…
  • No I don't not at this point anyways I'm just happy that I've been diligent to track my calories for 20 plus days. But if is a grat idea to use for special occasions.
  • I also have given up the ole Fudge Pop tarts, which is really hard cause my kids live them. My kids are all under weight so u can't take them out of the house. I have not had pizza since February 2nd. Pasta is a very very hard thing for me I simply can not take it out of my diet. I'm Italiano can't take away my heritage. I…
  • Name: Rosemarie SW: 190 Goal weight for February: 185 Goals for February 1. Exercise 2. Drink 96 oz of water. 3. Plan and log meals. Even though I've lost 6 lbs since the beginning of the year I have not exercised yet. (ugh) I really don't drink water. I don't plan meals I fly by the seat of my pants.