Excuses Buster!

I thought it would be fun to make a list of the most frequent or most random excuses you've heard why people won't exercise...

Some of the most common ones I've heard:

- it's too cold
- it's too wet
- it's too hot
- it's too humid
- I'm not a morning person
- I don't have the time
- I don't want to bulk
- I don't like to sweat


Any more for any more?


  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I'm deffinately the "I'm not a morning person" person. But I'm starting 1st of march, so am going to change that. :smile: As for new ones...I also say "I'm too lazy". :blushing:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    1st of March. What's wrong with NOW?! :wink: :flowerforyou:

    We'll add that...

    "I'll start in a fortnight!"
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    1st of March. What's wrong with NOW?! :wink: :flowerforyou:

    We'll add that...

    "I'll start in a fortnight!"

    Being fair: March 1st is less than a week away as this is February.

    But yeah... no one ever asks me why I didn't before, but I would have said that I hate exercising when my husband's around.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    - it's too cold
    - it's too wet
    (for these two, I've discovered the wonder of home dvds!!!:wink: )
    - it's too hot
    - it's too humid
    (not something I've encountered yet... It's far too cold here in the UK!!:sad: )
    - I'm not a morning person
    (I'm not a morning person, I have tried, so I do my exercise in the afternoon/evening - espesh as there is absolutely nowt on the goggle box!:noway: My 2 teen girlies have to put up with me flailing my body around the lounge:bigsmile: )
    - I don't have the time
    (doesn't take much time, I've discovered Leslie Sansone dvds and the utterly wonderful Just Dance 1 & 2. 30 mins on each of these burns a decent amount of calories!!)
    - I don't want to bulk
    (not gonna happen with me. Arf!)
    - I don't like to sweat
    (who does? But there's always a shower afterwards???)

    I probably used at least half of these excuses before I started being really serious about losing weight and getting fitter. It's all about wanting to do it and I WANT TO GET SLIMMER AND FITTER!!!!!

  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    -Too embarrassed to workout in front of people
    -Work all the time
    -Cant do it alone
    -No babysitter
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member

    Being fair: March 1st is less than a week away as this is February.

    But yeah... no one ever asks me why I didn't before, but I would have said that I hate exercising when my husband's around.

    As I've just posted, my 2 girlies have to put up with me throwing myself around the lounge:blushing: .

    Could you not send him out to do something for 30mins? I'm lucky because I do have another tv, in my bedroom, so if they don't like my gorgeous bod bouncing around, they can disappear off upstairs (though the eldest sometimes joins me in one of my dvds).
    I don't have the worry of a partner/hubby watching, just my loverly teens!

  • Rozzie75
    I'm too fat and unfit I'll exercise when I lose 10 lbs. That was personally my excuse. I guess I also gave myself the chance to get used to first counting calories and to also feel success that I lost weight. Know I'm challenging myself I'm on my second day of the 30 day shred by Jillian Michael's, I've also started using my treadmill again. Now everything is coming together.
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    I can come up with a number of ways to talk myself out of going o the gym . The only thing i do is that i tell myself I DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE. shut my mind up get dressed have breakfast and leave for the gym.
  • evertongirl
    evertongirl Posts: 120 Member
    My sisters excuse - I dont have any shoes - so I bought her some:)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I can't lose while exercising. I always hear, "I'll start working out after I lose 5 more pounds." I was a person who made excuses too. I can't fault people for that when I did it. I've always dieted without exercise before. This is better. :)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I dont have any shoes -

    Oh I like THAT one!! :laugh:
  • mandykasase
    here's common one

    "i'm happy just the way i am" or "i am very happy with my weight"

    you may be happy the way you are, but it's not good for you. People on drugs are happy, but is it good for them? You can be happy and healthy, as you live longer and enjoy the happiness even more.
  • XxJessdNxX
    I am the queen of excuses and I feel ashamed of myself everytime I trot out the old classics of "I don't have time", "I am too tired", "I will start on Monday" etc...

    It is hard, but you just have to do it. No excuses. And they are excuses, not reasons. The reason I need to exercise is because I am fat and unfit, that is much more important than any excuse.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I'm allergic to sweat

    I can't afford healthy food

    My family won't eat healthy food

    My spouse won't let me

    I can't afford to join a gym

    Maybe next year

    Man boobs are 'in' now right?

    My joints hurt when I get up

    My heart can't take any exercise

  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Heres mine...but it is genuine

    I suffer with severe restless leg syndrome, exercise makes mine worse. So I try and do stuff that doesn't involve my legs too much or i can guarantee a few sleepless nights with the things doing river dance on their own...Michael Flatley eat your heart out!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Another regular one...

    "I had a baby..."

    after 7 weeks... fair enough...

    after 7 years... it loses it's effectiveness somewhat.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm allergic to sweat

    I can't afford healthy food

    My family won't eat healthy food

    My spouse won't let me

    I can't afford to join a gym

    Maybe next year

    Man boobs are 'in' now right?

    My joints hurt when I get up

    My heart can't take any exercise


    Zebrahead, I didn't realize you had been listening to me all these years. :wink: I think I have used all of these at some point (well, except maybe the man boobs one). My biggest one was that i have severe arthritis in one of my ankles. The amazing part is the more I exercise, the less my ankle hurts. I know my knees will hurt less as the pounds drop too.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm allergic to sweat

    I can't afford healthy food

    My family won't eat healthy food

    My spouse won't let me

    I can't afford to join a gym

    Maybe next year

    Man boobs are 'in' now right?

    My joints hurt when I get up

    My heart can't take any exercise


    Zebrahead, I didn't realize you had been listening to me all these years. :wink: I think I have used all of these at some point (well, except maybe the man boobs one). My biggest one was that i have severe arthritis in one of my ankles. The amazing part is the more I exercise, the less my ankle hurts. I know my knees will hurt less as the pounds drop too.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    but my couch is calling me....... :laugh:
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    My neck is hurting, I've got a headache, my shoulder is hurting, my knee is hurting... I can't do any exercise as long as these are hurting. I'll start when I'm pain free...
    That's what I hear from my husband right now. He doesn't want to admit that he has to lose weight to have less pain in knee, neck, shoulder and head!!! A few times already he was less heavy... and hurting less too <sigh>