Excuses Buster!



  • JeanK56
    Heres mine...but it is genuine

    I suffer with severe restless leg syndrome, exercise makes mine worse. So I try and do stuff that doesn't involve my legs too much or i can guarantee a few sleepless nights with the things doing river dance on their own...Michael Flatley eat your heart out!

    I too have restless leg syndrome and take Requip for it, it works even when I have worked out. Check into it with your health care provider. You must take it 30 mins to 1 hour before you want to settle down to sleep. I have nights that the restlessness begins by 7 PM and I take my pill and go to bed early. Alcohol counters the effects of the drug, so before careful if you have a drink or two.
  • kbray003
    - it makes me sore
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    My roommate doesn't want to get her hair messy or sweaty.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    * I'm out of sunscreen
    * Its too dark
    * I'll do it later
    * I'll do twice as much tomorrow
    * I can't, I just ate a gigantic dinner and I'm too full
    * I can't, I haven't eaten yet and I'm too weak
    * I can't because I have to wait for a phone call
    * I have to wait for my nails to dry
    * My lucky socks are in the laundry

    Gosh this could go on and on :)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    We're going strong here....

    It's too cold
    It's too wet
    It's too hot
    It's too humid
    It's too dark
    It's too early
    It's too late
    I'm not a morning person
    I don't have the time
    I don't want to bulk
    I don't like to sweat
    I’ll start on […insert date]
    Too embarrassed to workout in front of people
    Work all the time
    Cant do it alone
    No babysitter
    I start when I’ve lost x number of pounds
    I have no shoes
    I can’t lose while exercising
    I’m happy as I am
    I'm allergic to sweat
    I can't afford healthy food
    My family won't eat healthy food
    My spouse won't let me
    I can't afford to join a gym
    Maybe next year
    Man boobs are 'in' now right?
    My joints hurt when I get up
    My heart can't take any exercise
    I'm out of sunscreen
    I just had a baby […4,5,6,7 years ago…]
    My couch is calling me
    My [insert chosen body part] is hurting
    It makes me sore
    I don’t want my hair to get messy
    I'll do it later
    I'll do twice as much tomorrow
    I just ate and I'm too full
    I haven't eaten yet
    I have to wait for a phone call
    I have to wait for my nails to dry
    My lucky socks are in the laundry
    It’s the wrong time of the month
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    1st of March. What's wrong with NOW?! :wink: :flowerforyou:

    We'll add that...

    "I'll start in a fortnight!"

    I can't find a post now, but there was one about starting 1st of March and I signed up for that one. Plus kids are home from school and don't go back until 1st of March, so it kind of works for me. Atm, I'm getting use to waking up early. And it's going well, I'm only miserable every other day now, lol
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I can't exercise alone

    I can't exercise with other people watching me

    People at the gym look at me funny

    People at the gym are always hitting on me (yeah right!!)

    I have to park to far away from the gym and it's too far to walk

    I never start anything new without consulting my biorhythm wheel :huh:

    If you keep asking me I'm NEVER going to do it!!

    As soon as the baby starts preschool I'll get going on that exercise thing.

    The treadmill is in the basement (down one flight of stairs) and I am tired of going down there to work out.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    -I've got my periiod.

    Boo-f'ing- hoo. Go work out anyway.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Another regular one...

    "I had a baby..."

    after 7 weeks... fair enough...

    after 7 years... it loses it's effectiveness somewhat.

    Haha! This is my reasoning for getting back into it!

    Actually when I was pregnant, I gained 24 pounds (lost that in 11 days post-pardum, thankfully) and the thing that hurt the worst is when my husband said "I can tell you've lost some muscle..." not "you are big!" or anything like that. Muscle lost bummed me out! haha!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My neck is hurting, I've got a headache, my shoulder is hurting, my knee is hurting... I can't do any exercise as long as these are hurting. I'll start when I'm pain free...
    That's what I hear from my husband right now. He doesn't want to admit that he has to lose weight to have less pain in knee, neck, shoulder and head!!! A few times already he was less heavy... and hurting less too <sigh>

    Ahhh, this was my husband too! Just this week we had a bit of an argument because he'd said he was going to workout with me and flaked out. He has shoulder pain that he's never bothered to have checked out so instead he just babies it, which allow everything in that area to weaken and make things worse. Well the night he flaked out he was wanting to be intimate but i was disappointed in him flaking out and it kind of ruined any smoochy feelings I might have had. Hence the argument.

    I tried very hard not to pester or badger him, in fact I didn't say a word and wasn't going to (figuring he'd get on it when he was ready) but he knew something was wrong and kept at me. So I told him some things very bluntly (not mean, just not sugar coated). I might have cried a little (the men in his family have all died young of health related things.)

    He has now worked out two nights in a row and called and made a doctors appointment for his shoulder! He has also been rewarded accordingly. :smooched:
  • JeanK56
    JeanK56 Posts: 76
    -I've got my periiod.

    That's the one I heard today at work...can't start to exercise while she has it she said.