

  • Based on my experience you are going into starvation mode. 1200 calories is not a lot to live on if you are nor excersing but then to exercise and not provide your body the extra calories is just making matters worse. This site told me my daily goal was 1250 calories. After weeks of eating 1250 and not losing weight I…
  • I agree- protein is huge. I drink a protein drink which is really helpful. I also am active. Also I eat about 250 more cals than this website suggests and lose enough that I feel like I am making headway but not too much.
  • PS- my sweat did not smell like ammonia... just same old yucky sweat smell. MMmmmm! :laugh:
  • Thanks for all the feedback, advice and encouragement. I felt so disappointed in myself but then to come as far as I have is a huge accomplishment in and of itself. My husband was glad to hear that everyone told me to drink more water because he has been telling me that for year :) Now I guess I have really have to because…
  • I've reached my goal and feel great. I can wear anything in my closet with is such an awesome feeling... and my habby likes it too! :) Now I think I may lose a few extra pounds because I know I can.
  • I had the exact same problem and spoke to a nutritionist. Two things stand out 1) You are not eating enough calories and are basically in starvation mode. Your body will not allow itself to lose anymore because it is starving. I have about the same caloric intake goal and eat between 1400-1500 calories per day. 2) Too many…
  • Welcome and good luck. This website can be almost as addicting as Facebook. LOL
  • No facebook for me.... it will be a lllloooonnnnggg 40 days but I am wondering how much more I will get done.
    in Lent Comment by rockmack March 2011
  • I have Graves Disease for about 12 years. As long as my thyroid levels are kept at the recommended levels by my meds I function (including TRYING to loose weight) just like everyone else. PS~good luck!
  • Don't let 1 bad day/meal throw you off of the great work you have been doing. Tomorrow is a new day- get back on the band wagon and kick some *kitten*
  • I had the same EXACT problem and agree with Queentipsie. Once I started eating more (instade of 1272 cals/day about 1500-1600/day) I quickly moved down and have lost a few lbs a week for the next few wks. I know it sounds backwards but give it a try! Also- I started drinking a whey protein drink in the morning instead of…