Why am I not losing???

I have a question :) If I don't eat the extra calories burned from exercise will i lose weight faster? I've been told that if you don't eat them you might not lose weight because you're not eating enough. Does anyone have an answer? I love this site (started using it about 5 days ago)...but I have been at the same weight for about a month and a half...fluctuating ounces here and there. I eat no more than 1200 calories, exercise every day (for about an hour a day), and drinking my 8 glasses of water. It's getting frustrating. With the exercise I'm doing could i be in "starvation mode" then when I do go out to eat and go beyond my 1200 calories does my body just store the fat (i eat about one fattening dinner once every 2 weeks). I've lost 10 lbs....have 5 to go. I've been in crazy diet and exercise mode and like I said go up and down in ounces. Any thoughts? :)


  • alishathiel
    alishathiel Posts: 16
    The closer you are to your goal weight, you will need to consume your exercise calories or you will go into starvation mode and not burn fat.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i started losing more weight once i started eating back at least 1/2 of my exercise calories.
    (my weight loss also increased when i upped my water to 12 glasses a day *S*)
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    My guess....Plateau. I would try taking a week off. Just excercise moderately, eat enough calories to just maintain (say 1800) and relax. I get stressed out the same way. Give yourself a break for a week and then get back into diet/excercise mode after that break week. You should shock your body into losing weigh again, by telling it your not starving.
  • ksherbak
    ksherbak Posts: 12
    I did well for 30 days.... then nothing for 3 weeks. After reading some of the blogs here I decided to experiement.... I increased my water intake (it was seriously lacking) and "blew" it for two days (not the way I wouldve blown it in the past, mind you, but definitely ate more calories those two days than I would have) . Voila! At my weekly weigh in I was down 1.5 pounds! Definitely consume your earned exercise calories and watch the water intake! Good luck! :happy:
  • lazywriter
    lazywriter Posts: 90
    If you exercise daily you probably need more than 1200 calories a day. And as far as "not eating more than" -- 1200 is the MINIMUM --- so yes, you need to eat more. I would try eating 1500 a day for 2 weeks and see where that takes you.
  • rockmack
    rockmack Posts: 12
    Based on my experience you are going into starvation mode. 1200 calories is not a lot to live on if you are nor excersing but then to exercise and not provide your body the extra calories is just making matters worse.

    This site told me my daily goal was 1250 calories. After weeks of eating 1250 and not losing weight I talked to a nutritionist who told me to eat 200-250 more a day and I would start losing. I did so and was shocked to find that I could eat more and lose more weith- who knew? :)
  • cjmariani
    cjmariani Posts: 12
    Yeah, you're not eating enough for sure. 1200 calories a day without exercise would be good, but you're likely burning 500 calories or so exercising, forcing your body into starvation mode. Not a good thing.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Agree with the eating them back.......at least 1/2 to 3/4 of them. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • flakey63
    flakey63 Posts: 13
    Everyone here is right about eating ALL our calories for the day and that it is a must for weight loss..I found that out the very hard way when I joined WW Christmas Eve, 2010 and ate a few points less every day and never ate my extra points for the wk..I lost sooooo slowly and gave up..Luckily, I stumbled upon this site and hopefully, will start losing at a better pace...Plateau's are a rough thing to overcome but we can do it..Day to day is my mantra..Good luck!!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    changing things up often brings you out of a plateau. if you generally eat the same meals most days (or similar) try eating something totally different.

    eating 1500 calories for a few days won't ruin your progress, it's not like you are going out eating 3000 calories. try eating a curry (sure it might have alot of calories but it might kick start your metabolism). or eat a heap of extra fruit.

    i tend to eat my exercise calories (i'm not a crazy counter, so it's only very roughly, but i think i eat around 1500-1600 calories most days) and then on the weekend, i eat a bit more and don't do as much exercise.

    i've been consistently losing small amounts every week, so it's slow, but consistent. my plateaus only seem to go for a week to 10 days before i lose again.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member