
  • (((Hugs))) Oh wow, so sorry to hear about your injury. No need to be ashamed you set a goal for yourself and trained hard for it. Ashamed, please, I applaud your dedication and sheer perseverance!
  • You're preaching to the choir. Seen no result for 8 months! Went to my doctor thought it was thyroid, but found out I had low Vitamin D levels. So just started taking extra Vitamin D as doctor suggested. Will let you know how that turns out. In the mean time check in with your doctor maybe he or she may be able to assist…
  • I have a similar problem, not me knees but plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis. So I started swimming and recently added aqua aerobics. Don't let the gray hair ladies in the pool fool you. Took my first class yesterday and am feeling it today. Getting in the water is a great way to get exercise as it takes the…
  • I have a similar problem, not me knees but plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis. So I started swimming and recently added aqua aerobics. Don't let the gray hair ladies in the pool fool you. Took my first class yesterday and am feeling it today. Getting in the water is a great way to get exercise as it takes the…
  • Hey Sorors Nu Psi Zeta/Spring 11 #4 Like Never Before Goal is to get lean muscles and more aerobic capacity Want to ride 50 miles on bike with teenage son who completed 100 miles last year
  • Start small, if you drive to work try parking a little farther from the building. If you work in a high rise try to walk up just one flight of steps for a week and increase a floor each week. Get the kids involved, play tag with them, hide and go seek-if they are that young. I used to cook for the week on the weekends. One…