andylllI Member


  • I found that's very helpful too. I'm just finishing my first week of PHUL. Squatting heavy 3x a week was really wearing me down mentally. Even if it's maybe not 100% the optimal program for me right now I think consistency is more important and since I have been enjoying it I'm going with it. So we can be buddies Sumi!
  • Lower hypertrophy Supersets 1 Front squat 75# 3x8 SL deadlift airplanes 3x3 ea DL deadlift offset DB 20# 3x8 Leg lowers 3x10 Superset 2 Barbell back lunges 45# 3x8 ea Banded Abductions 3x10 Russian twists 25# 3x10 Straight leg sit ups 25# 3x10 Superset 3 Weighted step ups 25 DBs 3x10 SL Ham curls on stability ball 3x15 ea…
  • Yesterday did upper hypertrophy. Lat pull downs Dumbbell eccentric slow bench. Push-up on kettle bells followed by single arm rows in plank position Inverted feet elevated rows OHP Triceps Two sets of sprints on both the treadmill and erg. A minor amount of abs. I wish there had been Turkish get-ups in there. Next time.
  • Squat 125# 3x3 DL 145# 3x5 Split squat 20DBs 3x10 Russian hamstring curls 3x5 Hip thrusts 145# 3x5 + 30 second isoholds
  • Since I stalled on squats for over two months and was getting sad, I have decided to run PHUL. Maybe a shake up with a lighter day every week and more recovery time will help me. Plus I can work on my weak back more this way. Today upper power Barbell bench 85# 5-5-4 Incline DB bench 25 10-10-10 Bent over row 75# 7-7-5 PU…
  • Load your pack and walk up an incline on the treadmill or stairmill. Don't forget about core exercises to help with the pack load: weight training for your upper back (rows, rows lots of rows), and lower back (hyper extensions). Legs - weighted step ups squats deadlifts walking lunges, split squats etc. And take an…
  • Uesterday I went for a run. It wasn't pretty felt empty around 40 min. Maybe bc I am sick. Today spent an hour with the trainer murdering my back. She thinks poor back strength is causing my squat fail as I don't fail getting out of the hole, I fail just after that with a collapse/ fold in the middle kind of situation. I…
  • I'm going to try to keep myself to one cookie a day this month. That is all. That one goal will probably eat up all my mental energy.
  • Basically a lack of recovery leading to stalling on lifts for over a month at a time and general fatigue. Training looked like this: M: easy cardio to and from work on the bike 45 min; 3x5 squat, bench, deadlift, pull up, hip thrusts T: 45 min cycle commute, evening steady state (65% MHR) 90 min W: cycle commute 45 min,…
  • I've been trying to train cardiovascular endurance and strength at the same time but I'm running into issues with interference. So I was thinking of periodizing into a cardio block with 2x week full body complex barbell lifts for maintenance and a strength block 3-4 times a week either SS or eventually 5/3/1 with maybe one…
  • Friday trainer day. Did a lot of core and rhomboid and glute stuff Today Deload since I'm coming back from a cold. Seems to be a man cold because im so sad about it. Squat 115 3x5 Bench 80 3x5 Dead 155 1x5 PU BW 4-5-4 SL hip thrust BW 3x12 Ab stuff Banded rows and lat shrugs Go lightheaded towards the end. Not eating +…
  • Squats 120# 3x5 (finally but I think a PL judge would have dinged me for depth on at least two of the reps) OHP 65# 5-4-3 Row (DB)!60# 3x4 Chin ups BW 5-4-5 SL hip thrusts 3x10 Skull crushers 20# 3x10 Commandos and dead bugs 3x10 ea. I'm getting a cold. Sigh.
  • Ok thanks that makes sense.
  • Squats 120# 5-4-4 Bench 85# 3x5 DL 170# 1x5 PU BW 5-4-5 Hip thrust 135 3x10 I feel like I will never move past a 120 squat. Ever.
  • So safeties....I think boxes on either side might be the easiest. I have this rack: There are no commercially available safeties for it. We couldn't get a proper power cage because the ceiling was slightly too low. A single person spot is ok right now…
  • I was lifting at home tonight with my husband and he failed to spot me on my squat when I'm repeating a weight he had to rescue me from a couple of days ago. I blew my stack and stormed out. Then I locked myself in the bathroom and had a long cry in the shower. So work out aborted. I'm going to get up early tomorrow and do…
  • I think I should just follow one of your workouts in he check in thread but I have very little idea what most of those acronyms mean. But Google is my friend there.
  • I'm already not making PRs so no worries there!
  • Trainer day Activation and core stuff Front squats 80# 3x5 Walking lunges with 50# many many Plank the kind where they try to push you over Cable rows Dumbell rows Isohold push-ups More core Tonight some easy spinning at 60-65% MHR.
  • Mid month checkin: 1) getting better. I'm still not one of those moms at the playground 9 am on a Saturday with makeup and an outfit and perfect blow out (how do they do that? Please send me tips)...but I am taking more time for myself 2) yeah I've reduced myself to two caffeinated beverages a day. After that decaf…
  • My upper mid back is a weak spot for me too. Lots of rows and pull a parts and inverted rows on the TRX and Lat pulls. Also if you tape two tennis balls together you can do myofascial release for your rhomboids by lying on them and rolling them up and down your t-spine. Feels great. Put the grove between the balls over…
  • I always was able to eat a lot...I don't know. Heavy lifting. And lots of activity both non exercise activity and about 3-4 hours of steady state cardio (HR 60% max) a week. I spin on a bike trainer in front of Netflix and commute by bike to work so it's not as ridiculous as it sounds.
  • 5'7" and ~145. About 21% BF by 7-site calipers and US size 4/ sm. I maintain on 2300-2500 cal a day. Good luck on your journey! You'll know the right size/shape/weight for yourself to feel happiest and healthiest at. It's very individual.
  • Oh...I wanna play handstands at home! I'm still super setting stuff to keep the time down Squat 120# 5-5-4 last one failed to keep my chest up and kind of collapsed in the middle. Row (DB) 55# 3x5 OHP 65 5-4-4 SLDL 20# dbs 3x8 Chin up: BW 5-5-4 TRX ham curls 3x8 Some accessory band work for lays and rotator cuff Tomorrow…
  • Squats 115 3x5 Bench 85 5,5,3 DL 165 1x5 Pull up BW 3-3-4 SL bridges BW 2x16 Band seated hip abductions 2x20 Deads are by far my strongest and most rewarding feeling lift. Squats suck. Squat weight has not moved in 5 weeks now. It just yo yos up and down. Also pull ups seem to regress the fastest
  • I gained 33 lbs with my first....and 33 pounds with my second. Back 5 lbs below prepreggo weight after number 1 by 6 months post. With number two it took 10 months - but two is way busier than 1. Second pregnancy and delivery trashed my core, that set me back too. Honestly the weight wasn't the problem, it was the loss of…
  • Trainer day. Glute activation, Front squats, walking lunges, bear crawls, one legged RDL, chin ups, rows, more rows, core stuff. Feel dead. I never bother to notice the amount of weight when I'm not responsible for setting and racking it. It actually works better for me I can just do it and get out of my head and negative…
  • Put some women in an energy expenditure lab and measure their BMR (study 1), measure some women over a single cycle less controlled study 2, changes blunted by OCP study 3. I have…
  • Thanks @jemhh you beat me too it! I think the original studies are > 30 years old so the full texts of the articles are in the public domain. There was quite a bit of variation in changes in BMR at various pts in the cycle between women. One unlucky lady, as I recall, had a variation of around 700 kcal/ d between the high…
  • Front squats 45# 1x10, 65# 1x8 Back squats 95# 1x5, 120 2x5, 115 1x5 Rows 50# dumbell. 4x8 OHP seated 65# 3-4-4 Chin ups BW 3-4-3-2 SL deadlifts 30# 3x8 Hanging leg raises, plank rows, deadbugs