December Workout Check-IN: The Kettlebells Rock Edition!



  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session:
    DL 1x12 50,55,60 2x5 65 kg
    Hammy curls 3x12 15 kg
    Leg extensions 3x12 15 kg
    Front squat 3x12 30kg, 2x8 35kg
    Bench 1x12 25kg,3x12 30, 3x5 32.5kg
    Assisted pullup 3x12 45 kg
    Skullcrusher 3x12 8kg
    Seated row 3x12 33kg
    Preacher curl 3x10 17.5kg

    Slowly getting there tonight.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hero Manmakers day 7 - 36 of 'em. Chunked into 8/8/8/8/4 [8:23] (trying to get used to stringing more together without break so I can cut the time further :)

    It's harder to get into it without having done some other work beforehand. I'd gotten a very short warm-up beforehand but really nothing exhaustive lol.

    I completed the work with a tabata of total body extensions (basically a vertical jump without leaving the ground) and got 141. I foam rolled a bit because legs are stiff from skwaaats, and I threw in my favorite Tapout XT finisher (probably becaue it's kind of the easiest): the 4x4. 4 rounds, 4 high knees, 4 squat uppercuts, 4 lead kicks, 4 squat to elbow strike (2 per side, actually). Didn't time it but maybe next time i should go 4 per side, that wasn't very challenging! lol. Hey, maybe I should do the grinder sometime soon xP

    I just gotta find it in me to stay home and do yoga tomorrow morning before I hit upper power, give myself enough recovery time.

    Thing I feel weird about, doing pretty much only weights and no conditioning work: even though I go to failure on my sets, I feel ready to go again really quickly and I probably could spend 3 hours in there going from isolation exercise to the other once the big compounds are done and work for that long without feeling like I've really "worked". Until the next day, anyway xD
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Today is my rest day. I did kettle bell swing for 20 minutes, single arm, with a 10 pound weight. Today I am going to go shopping to see if I can find a 25 pound kettle bell.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Yoga. Still have stupid elbow issues, but it's getting better.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Since I stalled on squats for over two months and was getting sad, I have decided to run PHUL. Maybe a shake up with a lighter day every week and more recovery time will help me. Plus I can work on my weak back more this way.

    Today upper power
    Barbell bench 85# 5-5-4
    Incline DB bench 25 10-10-10
    Bent over row 75# 7-7-5
    PU BW 5-4-3
    OHP 30DBs 5-3-4
    Bro curls 20# 3x8
    Skull crushers 30# 3x8
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So....having thought I wasn't going to get a workout done yesterday, hubby and his mate announced that they were going to the gym after work, so I joined them, although let them do their bro stuff, and I did my own thing. Almost 2 hours later, we staggered out!

    SQ: 1x5@50kg 5x5@55kg - quite comfortable, so will increase next time, then 3x8@ 50kg
    DL 1x5@40kg 1x5@50kg, 1x5@60kg 1x5@67.5kg (later on I did several sets using the 40kg bb in front of hubby just to distract him, hahahaha! >:) )
    OHP *fanfare please* 5x5@30kg wooooohoooooo!!! So pleased I finally got there. Will stick here and work with it for a week or so.
    seated row - 3x8@ 40kg
    Wide lat pull down - 3x8@33kg
    overhead tricep extensions with 12kg dumbell
    step ups on bench - 3 x 8 each side with 10kg dumbells
    press ups, abs work, inc plank for 90secs then 60secs

    All in all, very pleased with it - especially the bits when I could hear hubby say to his mate (who is used to cardio but not lifting) "come on, I can see Kim lifting more than you are".

    Still loving it - this is week 8 of consistent 3 times a week lifting. Although I have exercised on and off all my adult life, this is the first time I have really been consistent, and it is great because it doesn't feel like a chore!

    Happy lifting everyone :)

  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Well done @kimiuzzell :-)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I forgot how much this yoga thing required core strength and stability. Long story short? My shoulders and abs need more work! 50 minutes, Tapout XT Yoga DVD done!

    37 Hero Manmakers: 9/9/8/6/5 [9:07]
    The yoga fatigue was showin' just a tad here. But I'm still under 10 minutes! =3
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I just finished week 2 on the program, so I'm still a newbie. But it's been great so far. :)

    Squat: 5x5 @ 70 lb - progressing on track
    OH: 1x5 @ 45 lb, 4x5 @ 30 lb dumbbells (no real progress on this so far)
    DL: 1x5 @ 115 - progressing on track

    Oh and I'm loving how I can be in and out of the gym in 40 minutes.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    PHUL Upper Power Workout - Last Night's Workout

    Bench Press - 95# 4x4
    Dumbbell Incline Bench Press - 30# each arm 4x8
    Barbbell Bent Over Row - 85# 4x5
    Lat Pull Down - 42.5# each arm 4x8
    OHP - 45# 4x8 (finally did 8 reps for each set...huge for me!
    Barbell Curl - 45# 3x5
    Skullcrusher - 35# 2x6

    Felt pretty strong yesterday and had better range of motion on my bench press. Will stay at 95# for another week though to get lower.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    No training last night, tweaked something in lower back. Think I twisted lifting one of the toddlers. Even after taking panadol and voltaren still was in pain, so two codiene later woke up this morning feel
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    1.5 x bodyweight squat! Done!

    More later, after I stuff some food into me, but just had to boast :blush:

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    OHP *fanfare please* 5x5@30kg wooooohoooooo!!! So pleased I finally got there.


    @christch that really sucks. toddlers are so lethal :(

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kimiuzzell - congratulations! Those are killers!

    Ariadnula - congratulations! How much weight is that?

    Kettlebell swings today. Single arm, 10 lbs, 20 minutes.
    I found a 25 lb Kettlebell and will start that next week.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Hope you feel better soon, @christch - that sounds sore.

    So, I'm back from the gym and fed and feeling happy.

    Squats: 4x5 @ 70kg, and then I stuck on an extra two teeny plates to make it 70.5kg, or 1.5 times my bodyweight of 47kg. I did it! I'm so pleased. It wasn't even that hard. Well ... not easy, either!
    Bench: 3x5 @ 35kg in the squat rack - crikey, that was hard! And then I did 2x5 on an incline bench with 16kg dumbbells.
    Row: 5x5 @ 2x20 kg dumbbells. I might be able to go higher next time, we'll see.

    Pulls ups: 3 with no assistance, then 2x 10 with the lowest assistance.

    Hurray! Feeling good tonight.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nice work everyone. Good job Jennifer on the ohp for that many reps. Have to admit for power day on PHUL I only do 3-5 reps for that lift so I can try to do heavier weights compared to the 8 rep scheme. Hoping to get 4 reps next time though will see how recovery goes after taking a few days off.

    Which yeah, no lifting since Saturday and I won't lift until tomorrow cause of this pesky cold. I'm feeling better at least, just slept a lot this morning. Did end up working yesterday but only for like an hour. Despite not feeling horrible also taking today off from gym to keep giving elbow a break along with everything else cause arms feel a little weak still. Tomorrow will be lower hypertrophy.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    Ariadnula - congratulations! How much weight is that?

    Kettlebell swings today. Single arm, 10 lbs, 20 minutes.
    I found a 25 lb Kettlebell and will start that next week.

    70.5kg! I know it's a bit silly but I felt it was important to add the 0.5kg :-)

    And I'm glad you've got the new kettlebell!

  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Nice work everyone. Good job Jennifer on the ohp for that many reps. Have to admit for power day on PHUL I only do 3-5 reps for that lift so I can try to do heavier weights compared to the 8 rep scheme. Hoping to get 4 reps next time though will see how recovery goes after taking a few days off.

    Thanks @DawnEmbers ...I may need to try your theory as well to see a number above the 45# bar! Maybe try for 50# and see how many I can do. Thanks for the tip!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »
    1.5 x bodyweight squat! Done!

    More later, after I stuff some food into me, but just had to boast :blush:


    Woohoo! Well done. Definitely worth shouting about!

  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Squats 120 lb 5x5
    Bench 90 lbs 5x5 - didn't need a spotter, woohoo!
    Row 85 lbs 5x5

    Working my way back up to previous weights. The elbow is better, but still needs a little TLC this evening.