December Workout Check-IN: The Kettlebells Rock Edition!



  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Question for you pros about bench press. I work out alone. Should I ask a rando person at the gym to spot me, when I get up in weight to where I feel I might hit failure? What do you y'all do? I'm not great with strangers, or talking, or talking to strangers, but I also don't want to drop a barbell on my face. Or throat. Or boobs.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I tend to stick to the same weight until I know I am really comfortable before then increasing to the next level. That way, I am fairly confident I can squeeze the reps out without making a fool of myself as I prefer working alone (unless hubby is with me). However, that doesn't stop me forgetting what I am doing and putting the wrong weight on the bar, like I did a couple of sessions ago.....and then having to land it on my thighs which bruised impressively, but didn't do any other damage - I thought that was a safer landing spot than my ribcage!!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    A couple of answers to that, @BethAnnieT! Neither perfect...

    You can bench in the squat rack and use the safeties. That's good in theory but I'm a bit too small and in some racks I can't get the safety pins low enough - so the bar gets stopped a couple of inches above my chest!

    So the other solution is not to put clips on the bar. Theoretically, you could then just tip the bar to the side and the plates would fall off, allowing you to escape.

    That's what I do at the moment but I dread having to do it. I imagine the 'clang' as the plates fall off, and potentially roll across the gym...

    Or, yes, you could ask someone ... but I haven't dared to, yet. It might be okay on one set, but they're not going to want to hang about for five!

    I'm not sure that was a super-helpful answer :neutral:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout for yesterday.
    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X 100
    0HP-1X5X 45/50, 1x4x60, 5X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 150

    I tried to increase my weight on the OHP to 60 pounds but, it was too heavy and I was losing good form. I was able to do 4 reps.

    Today I did kettle bell swings. Single arm swing with a 10 pound weight 20 sets for 20 minutes.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    @kimiuzzell I think that sounds like a solid plan. Wait until I'm definitely ready before moving up in weight. :) Thanks!

    @Ariadnula These are actually very helpful, thank you! Also it's great to know that there wasn't some super-obvious answer, or something that EVERYONE does, that I was in the dark on.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    Question for you pros about bench press. I work out alone. Should I ask a rando person at the gym to spot me, when I get up in weight to where I feel I might hit failure? What do you y'all do? I'm not great with strangers, or talking, or talking to strangers, but I also don't want to drop a barbell on my face. Or throat. Or boobs.

    Practice the roll of shame with the bar alone, then adding some weight you're comfortable with. Technique will vary but the way I tend to do it, is I control the bar down to my lower chest, let my arch collapse as I roll the bar toward the hip crease, then lift my legs to gain some momentum to roll it onto my things as I sit up, then throw my legs back to an almost kneeling position to drop the bar on the bench.

    You might get a few bruises on your legs from doing so, but it's less noticeable than letting the weights drop to the side (I still never use collars doing bench press anyway xD)

    Here's a video showing someone doing it:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »
    Or, yes, you could ask someone ... but I haven't dared to, yet. It might be okay on one set, but they're not going to want to hang about for five!

    you'd have to converse with them between sets as well . . . the horror :tongue:

    actually, i've watched this happening in my rec centre. it's not a big deal to most of the people who're asked. the way it seems to work is that the lifter does their set, thanks the spotter and rests. the spotter acknowledges the thanks and goes back to their thing. when the lifter is ready and the spotter is free, the lifter asks the spotter again if they'd mind.

    something else i've admired while watching this: the lifter is often quite assertive. he tells the spotter exactly what kind of spot he's looking for. and the spotter usually appreciates it, since it's just clarity rather than being bossed around. for instance, if i did it i might clarify that i'm only asking for a 'lift off' and don't need the hands under the bar while i actually press. someone else might say he does want the hands, or even a fraction of boost if he gets stuck at a specific point.

    basically, there's a cameraderie thing that seems to let them both work it out. it's quite interesting, though i haven't ever asked for help from anyone else myself. you could observe for a while in your own gym to get a feel for what the norm seems to be where you lift.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited December 2015
    Krokador - thank you so much for posting the video on the roll of shame! I lift at home and very seldom have my husband around to spot for me. I often thought of just tilting the bar to the side and dropping the weight off. But, I am going to practice this so that I do not have to have the fear of lifting heavier.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited December 2015
    Interesting. When I last failed on my max test, couldn't get 115, I just let it rest on my chest, moved it down some so I could sit up then picked it up and set it on the ground. Usually I just re-rack on the lower spot for flat bench (incline doesn't ha a spot like that at the gym I attend). I have people around but haven't yet asked for a spot and the racks are in a different spot that is a tad awkward to drag a bench over to, so I just go for it anyways, though I also never use the clips. May be have to try rolling some day though. *watches video* oh... I thought it was different, that's basically what I did, just a tad bit slower. Interesting.

    I lifted last nigh after work. It was a long night with needing to get gas (attendant was quite chatty) and stop at another store for work supplies cause we're running out and freight isn't coming till late tonight. So, after lifting I just ate some turkey my roommate had cooked then went to bed cause I got up earlier than normal this morning to take supplies in to work before coming home to nap.

    Another day on PHUL for me. I am liking it so far, though still go meh to calf work and bicep curls. My elbow got a bit cranky from the skull crushers but think I need to back down a little since I know the weight now of the ez curl bar. It's feeling better today, but was cranky yesterday. I'm trying to do more sets on the hypertrophy days also so we'll see how it goes, since can do 3 or 4 sets.

    36 - lower hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 85 and 1x6 @ 105 - had a long sleeve shirt and the bar slid on the last set hence the 6 instead of getting in 8. It was heavier though at that point and more challenging. Hands/wrists are not up to par for that amount and won't be for a while, 85 still makes them grumpy.
    bar lunge 4x8 @ 75 - I've not increased much cause lunges aren't my fave cause the knees and they do twinge a tiny bit with these but nothing at all with squats.
    good morning 4x10 @ 70 - first time switching between sets and not keeping weight the same as lunges, not too bad as I don't want to increase a lot on these.
    leg extension 4x8 @ 80 - changed the seat so it felt better overall
    leg curl 4x10 @ 70 - tough but think I situated better on the seat and felt more in hamstring this time than before, though still a little in the calves.
    seated calf press 4x10 @ 105 - still meh, I don't even rest as long as any other exercise cause I'm ready to be done and yeah, #teamnocalves :wink:

    Normally, I would be working freight most of my shift today but because weather/truck issues, we won't do much today. I'm going in later than scheduled in fact, so I can work extra tomorrow to get more done then. Fun times.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Practice the roll of shame with the bar alone, then adding some weight you're comfortable with. Technique will vary but the way I tend to do it, is I control the bar down to my lower chest, let my arch collapse as I roll the bar toward the hip crease, then lift my legs to gain some momentum to roll it onto my things as I sit up, then throw my legs back to an almost kneeling position to drop the bar on the bench.

    Oooohhhhhhh, I see!

    I feel a bit silly now - I've read people talk about the 'roll of shame' and I imagined it meant rolling to the side, the weights falling off ... crash ... bang ... etc.

    But I could do this! I do this with dumbells - lower them to my chest, kind of roll them down to my tummy and sit up. So ... thanks to @krokador for the expanation and video, and to @BethAnnieT for asking and prompting this response. Like @fanncy0626, I'm going to practise it.

    Anyway, tonight's workout!

    Squats: 5x5 @ 68.5 kg - feeling good. Getting close, close, closer to 1.5 x bodyweight. I want to do that by christmas.
    Bench: 5x5 @ 32.5 kg - some of them wibbly wobbly, but made it up
    Row: 5x5 @ 20kg dumbbell - one arm at a time. I love these, feel really strong pulling that giant comedy dumbbell... and much happier than doing barbell rows.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »
    Or, yes, you could ask someone ... but I haven't dared to, yet. It might be okay on one set, but they're not going to want to hang about for five!

    you'd have to converse with them between sets as well . . . the horror :tongue:

    actually, i've watched this happening in my rec centre. it's not a big deal to most of the people who're asked. the way it seems to work is that the lifter does their set, thanks the spotter and rests. the spotter acknowledges the thanks and goes back to their thing. when the lifter is ready and the spotter is free, the lifter asks the spotter again if they'd mind.

    something else i've admired while watching this: the lifter is often quite assertive. he tells the spotter exactly what kind of spot he's looking for. and the spotter usually appreciates it, since it's just clarity rather than being bossed around. for instance, if i did it i might clarify that i'm only asking for a 'lift off' and don't need the hands under the bar while i actually press. someone else might say he does want the hands, or even a fraction of boost if he gets stuck at a specific point.

    basically, there's a cameraderie thing that seems to let them both work it out. it's quite interesting, though i haven't ever asked for help from anyone else myself. you could observe for a while in your own gym to get a feel for what the norm seems to be where you lift.

    I might try this if there was another woman around. I wouldn't feel comfortable asking (most of) the guys, I try to just stay out of their radar, really. Which is mostly my issue, not theirs, no one's been problematic...
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I love the phrase "roll of shame" and while I hope I don't have to use it anytime soon, I will enjoy saying "roll of shame" if I do. Thanks so much for that video @krokador and for the tips everyone. I will practice it during my workout tonight.

    My gym is out in the boonies and very small, so most days my choices for a helper-person are like, one younger guy who witnessed my mortifying treadmill fail the other day (got on, couldn't figure out how to start it), and this lady that's at least 95 years old. Not ideal, plus stranger danger and all. :smiley:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Figured it's be even more "real" to show myself doing it, just so you know I'm not talking out of my behind with this.

    I dug this out from the anals, as it was about 9 months ago, lol (I have since gotten 150 once!) I kinda did it wrong there at the end and kinda went "clang" on the ground. My most recent happening was a little more graceful (where I knelt to leave the bar on the bench). Which is why I suggest you practice it a few times so you don't have to kind of wing it if it happens.

    Funnily enough, so far i have been OFFERED a spot a few times, and asked about twice. But the one time I actually wanted one, no one was around D:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Ariadnula wrote: »
    But I could do this! I do this with dumbells - lower them to my chest, kind of roll them down to my tummy and sit up.

    if you're using a barbell, you just have to remember to tuck your pelvis and flatten the back of it into the bench as the bar crosses your hipbones in front. otherwise that can be pretty painful.

    bleh. i made a physio appointment for saturday because of my left shoulderblade. did a half-assed rehabby kind of workout that wasn't really a stronglifts session, because tomorrow is club day and also i seem to keep irritating whatever is wrong. did face pulls, palov presses, external arm rotation on the cables. also 5x5 back squats at 75lb, 3x5 front squats at 55, 3x some distance one-handed suitcase carries with the 28lb kettlebell, and 3x5 one armed rows with the same kettlebell. tried 3x5 bench press with just the bar to see how my mechanics are doing and wasn't happy about them at all so i quit. sigh. it's always something.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    I didn't do my usual today due to DOMS...which sucks. A week off to tend to muscle/tendon issues and, after getting back to the routine, my quads were screaming for two days. So, tomorrow I'll go to yoga and, hopefully, the thigh muscles will be recovered enough so that I don't get stuck in the hole during squats.

    Bright side is that, in recounting my "can't get out of bed or off the couch without pain" stories, my mom is super amused ;) She just loves it when I tell her about my "oh no!" moments. We both had a good laugh!

    Krok, your video made me laugh because that would SO be me! Not that I've ever tried that weight, but not getting it and your kick at the bar with that sound of UGH! Yeah. I've felt that way ;)
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    My session tonight was long and hard took almost an hr and half.
    DL 3x12 50kg 1x5 60kg
    Front squat 1x12 20,25,30,35 then 2x5 35, 1x5 40kg working on depth as I wasn't happy with how low I was squatting. Did them over a low bench which was below parallel.
    Bench 1x12 25, 3x12 30kg finally managed these
    Lat pulldown 3x12 33 kg
    Seated row 3x12 33kg
    Skullcrusher 3x15 8 kg
    Db bench flyes 3x12 7kg
    Preacher curl 3x12 15kg
    Hammy curls 3x12 15kg
    Leg extensions 3x12 15kg

    So tired when I got home I could barely move.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I'm sure the aircon wasn't working at the gym last night. It was like a furnace. Either that, or I am coming down with the lurgy as I was burning in there!

    Still, I did.....

    SQ 5X5 @55KGS + 3X8@47.5kgs still feels strange that the 47.5kgs which a couple of weeks ago was a weight I would struggle to squat, was really quite easy.
    DL 1x5@65kgs - might stick with this for a little while as I want to get my legs a bit more "solid" with it, if that makes sense.
    OHP 4/4/3/3/2 @ 30kg. Working with the barbell - 25kgs was getting too easy, but it is a mega jump to 30kg....tough but will keep with it trying to squeeze an extra one out each time until I get the ful 5x5.
    3x8 seated row at 40kg - best so far
    step ups on bench @ 2x10kg
    pressups and stuff.

    getting there!
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Figured it's be even more "real" to show myself doing it, just so you know I'm not talking out of my behind with this.

    Thank you!! Great video -- very helpful. Also... that's a lot of weight! (insert shocked face emoji here). I can't imagine my chicken wings every managing that kind of a load.
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    I had to move my weights day from Wed to Thurs this week, which just so happens to also be my volleyball day. So I played volleyball for over 2 hours at lunchtime, then stopped by the gym for weights on my way home. I was afraid my legs would be too tired to accomplish anything, but it went fine. :)

    Squat: 5x5 @ 65 getting a little more difficult, but doable
    Bench: 5x5 @ 55 getting a little more difficult, but doable
    Row: 5x5 @ 55 getting a little more difficult, but doable

    I think my next workout will be a challenge on bench and row, but should still be doable. I imagine I will hit my limit soon on those though.

    I am still doing JUST the prescribed lifts, with no extra credit work. Works ok for me right now, as I don't want to over-commit myself into failure.

    Weirdly looking forward to deadlift on Saturday. Is that normal? ;)

    Today is a total exercise rest day! No lifting, no volleyball, no spin, no yoga, no jogging. Maybe a slow stroll around the park during lunch, at the most. :smiley:

    Another goofy question for y'all: During your break time between sets, what do you do? Stretch, text, watch TV, zone out, check Facebook, or what? I find myself just staring into space waiting for my 90 seconds to be over.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I skipped today's session.

    This week just hasn't gone well, I thought I was going to pass out after the 65kg squats on Wednesday, bench was useless, OHP on monday was terrible.

    Only thing I was happy with this week was 1x5 75kg deadlift on Monday.

    I just ordered the new Lou Schuler book, "Strong". I'm tempted to stop SL temporarily. It's been very useful building up to these weights very quickly, but I don't feel well rounded (my mobility work is all over the place, and my cardio conditioning is non-existent). Hopefully the book will arrive tomorrow and I can have a read and see where to go from here.

    As for rest periods @BethAnnieT - I used to be watching the little timer, willing the rest to be over. These days I spend about a minute sitting on the floor taking big breaths, then another minute or so walking around near the rack and then probably another 30 seconds psyching myself up for the next lift!