December Workout Check-IN: The Kettlebells Rock Edition!

krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
♪ Kettlebells, kettlebells, kettlebells rock!
Kettlebell swings and Kettlebells ring
Huffin and puffing, this workout is fun!
Now the kettle pop has begun! ♫

I'm sorry. I know I tend to hog the occasion to start these threads, but this one was too good to pass up! xD

GBB 14 #3

2 reps every 30s for 3 mins: seated tuck jumps.
I was really getting that contract-expand thing going with the energy in my body. These are always fun cuz it's explosive work and not *too* taxing :)

3 rounds with the 35lbs KB
- 1 arm power clean x5
- 1 arm push press/jerk x10
- front rack split squat x15 (8 with bell, 7 with bodyweight, then 15 with a 20lbs bell instead)

2 reps every 30s for 3 mins: power step broad jumps
-> started out crappy, tried to focus on soft landing because bum knee, and then I figured out how to use the elastic power from the jump and started making the full floor board (~6 feet) again. Wee!

For time: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 [6:05]
- Shoulder tap push-ups
- recline rows (feet beyond anchor point!)
- KB swings with 70lbs (!!)

That monster KB was something to move! But what the hell, there is nothing between 24kg (53lbs) and 70 at my gym. So I went for it. Wish I'd have done the push-ups unbroken tho. Should've tried.

And since I'm on a "row every workout" spree:
Chest supported T-bar rows (weight listed is plates only. I have no idea how much the machine itself weights)
25x13, 35x10, 35x8, 25x10


  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member

    This morning before work I lifted more than I have managed before. I've been going steadily for 6 weeks now and pretty pleases with my progress.

    SQ 5X5 @55kgs
    BP 5X5 @37.5kgs
    Row 5X5 @37.5kg

    All new bests....all with form I was happy with.

    Then 3x10 @40KG barbell DL
    3X10 @ 25kg barbell lunges each side
    3x10 wide lat pull downs....1st set 5@40kgs + 5@33kgs 2nd set 6@40+4@33 3rd set 7@40+3@33. Determined to do full sets at 40 during December.
    3x10 10kgs dumbells shoulder presses.

    Getting stronger!!!!
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Happy December, people!

    Just starting out with this program, and I did my second Workout B yesterday.
    Squats 5x5 @ 60 lb
    OHP 1x5 @ 45 lb, then 4x5 @ 30 lb (form not great on first set, too heavy)
    DL: 1x5 @ 105 lb

    I'm finding (which I already knew, as it's always been true) that my bottom half is stronger than my top half. On squats and DL I feel like I can keep adding weight for the next several workouts, no problem, especially DL. But on bench press I'm close to my max at 50 lb and OHP I'm behind the program at just 30 lb. :( Oh well, it can only get better, right. :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^^ it makes sense though. just think about the size of your delts and compare that to your quads. or your pecs compared to your glutes. or your biceps/triceps compared with your hamstring muscles. i felt really weird a few months ago when i had re-started my squat and got stalled over form, because for a while my press and my bench were both higher than my squat weight.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Another de-load for me, after taking a much needed break last week.

    Squats 110 lb 5x5
    Bench 85 lb 5x5
    Row 80 lb 5x5

    My elbow bothered me during squats. Nothing I did to modify the grip helped the twinge-y feeling go away.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I had to deload again since I hadn't worked out since last week before Thanksgiving. That's okay because my half marathon training has me increasing mileage.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 115lbs. Pretty easy.
    Bench: 5x5 @ 85 lbs. I thought they'd be pretty heavy but wasn't bad at all.
    Rows: 5 x5 @ 85 lbs. Easy again.
    cardio: 2.5 miles rolling hills for 30 minutes.
    1 plank: 45 seconds. I was being lazy and I could have finished at one minute.

    Tomorrow: I know I have to skip a day of SL, but since today was not a regular day, I'm going to attempt SL tomorrow, skip Squats since I have a 5 miler scheduled.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Good going, @kimiuzzell!

    And everyone else, of course :-)

    My first workout of December. I was going to go easy on the squats, as I went to the gym yesterday, but I felt strong, so f-it, might as well go for it.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 68 kg
    Deadlift: 5x5 @ .... 60kg - I'm kind of stuck and a bit scared on this. It's so heavy!
    OHP: 5x5 @ 21 kg - feeling good on this.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    @Ariadnula Well done with what you're doing :smile:
    For DL try doing fewer sets at 60kg and take your time to make sure form is right. Do you do warm up sets at lower weights? I'd try 1x5 at 40, 45,50,55 then 60. Or if jump from 55 to 60 is too much do you have fractional plates.
    It does become easier with practice.
    I'm sure some of the more experienced lifters will give you more advice.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I want to squat 68kgs too *stamps feet and sticks bottom lip out*

    Sounds like everyone is having a good start to.the month!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh yeah, I was supposed to post in this one.

    *copy and pastes*

    Met with trainer before lifting. I will post in two forums on that one, so check out there for details on the interesting meeting with the trainer when I just wanted a caliper test done. After that, I lifted weights, jogged on treadmill, went out for sushi and checked out a different sports nutrition store. Got some p28 to try, white chocolate, which does have whey so I won't have it often but will be interesting to try a 14 grams of protein peanut butter. Plus got another shaker cup cause 1 is not enough. This one has a spot for "pills" so vitamins and such but I'ma put snacks in it, hehe.

    35 - upper hypertrophy

    incline bench 4x10 @ 70 - challenge by the end. Some reason I had 75 written for last time but pretty sure I did 70 as that was my fail point weeks ago. May try 75 next week though.
    db fly 17.5 4x8 - tad more challenging since increased this time
    seat row 2x8 @ 80 and 2x8 @ 70 - the tension felt off even 70 was almost too hard, not sure why it feels different sometimes.
    1 db row 4x8 @ 27.5 - not bad, moving up slow but steady on these
    cable bicep curl 3x12 @ 50 - tough for those last reps
    cable tricep extension 4x10 @ 70 - not bad but still a challenge
    30 minutes jogging on treadmill
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session in the heat yuck-
    DL 1x5 50, 60, 65,70 kg
    Front squat 2x5 40, 45, 50 and 1x52.5 kg
    Bench 2x5 30, 5x5 32.5, 2x 3 35kg
    Seated row 3x12 33kg
    Bench flyes 3x12 8kg
    Skullcrusher 3x12 8kg
    Hammy curls 3x12 15 kg
    Leg extensions 3x12 15kg

    Having tomorrow night as rest night
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    christch wrote: »
    @Ariadnula Well done with what you're doing :smile:
    For DL try doing fewer sets at 60kg and take your time to make sure form is right. Do you do warm up sets at lower weights? I'd try 1x5 at 40, 45,50,55 then 60. Or if jump from 55 to 60 is too much do you have fractional plates.
    It does become easier with practice.
    I'm sure some of the more experienced lifters will give you more advice.

    Thanks. I do warm up, but maybe not enough - and yes, I have some fractional plates I should try. I also need to really study some form videos because it always feels like far too much stress on my lower back, which is what scares me. I'm so strong in squats and yet the old deadlift is defeating me - I need to get it right!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member

    Squat: 75kg, 3/3/3/4/3
    Bench: 32.5kg, 5x5
    Row: 52.5kg, 5x5



    I've recruited some friends do do Tough Mudder with me next year, so I want to start working towards being able to run 10-12 miles. Going to start looking into training programs... any suggestions are most welcome!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    GBB 15 #3 in the books! tomorrow is mobility day then moving back on to strength for about 10 days!
    Considering how tired I am this one went pretty okay

    EMOTM x6 - strict band assisted pulls ups/chin-ups (alternated between both)
    my 3 bands with knee in ({75-80lbs of resistance total at the bottom) 5/5/4/4/3/4

    4 rounds of double KB
    - snatch x5
    - push press x5
    - front rack alternating drop lunge x5/leg
    - power clean x5

    did the first with 2x25lbs KB, that sucked too much, used 25lbs DBs instead and go through the rest without dropping weight. Progress!

    EMOTM x6
    - sumo deadlift KB pop squat x4 with 40lbs
    - squat thrusts x 10 / 8 / 7 / 8 / 7 / 8 (total of 48 reps, 2 more than last week)

    Did 3 sets of 15 tiny blue resistance band face pulls

    And since I'm insane, I decided to join this challenge: sparing you the crazy url right here

    so 31 of these, broken down in chunks of 8/8/8/7, total time 7:55

    fun times!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Argh, I don't know what is going on, everything is feeling so bad at the moment.

    I might deload everything to where it feels "easy" and build back up again (or find a new program) I'm frustrated at everything being so hard :(

    Squats: 3x5 65kg - hard, knees are trying to cave the whole time, today I tried "screwing my heels into the ground" which helped significantly, but these were still so hard

    Bench: 3x5 41kg - this was actually ok, some of the 5th reps were a grind and the left arm went up before the right one, did some paused bench using 20kg which was a good warm up, although should have done it with 30kg to actually feel something I think

    Rows: 3x5 42.5kg - these were the only things I was happy with - but I have been doing 40, 42.5, 45 then back to 40 for a significant length of time! Next session I'll do 45, and then I am going to move on to 47.5
  • zebras1977
    zebras1977 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello I'd like to join too!
    I've been doing SL for a couple of months now, and have also been tracking calories in MFP to lose weight. So far it's been a good combination for me and I have lost 8kg. I love the simplicity of SL, it if was more complicated I would probably have lost interest already!

    Today I did:
    Squat: 5x5 57.5kg
    Bench Press: 5x5 5x5 37.5kg
    Row: 5x5 37.5

    This is all I did today as well as a little warm up in the elliptical.
  • zebras1977
    zebras1977 Posts: 28 Member
    Obvs just 5x5 of bench press. Typo above!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi Everyone!!
    It's been a few months since I've posted but I have been lifting for about 6 weeks now. Started with my tried, tested and true SL5x5 but 4 weeks ago, I switched to PHUL ( and I love it! I'm getting some awesome gains on all of my lifts and I love the additional accessory work.

    As for my SL numbers, this is what I'm currently lifting with this program:
    Squats 4x5 100#
    Deadlifts 3x5 135
    Bench 4x5 95#
    OHP 5x6 45# - these are still one of my toughest lifts
    Rows 5x5 90#

    Best of all, I've lost 8 inches and about 3 lbs since I started PHUL! Avg Calories/Day is about 1800-2000/day

    I'm mostly losing inches from chest/bust/waist/hips/butt so the best places for me to lose it! Being a pear-shaped woman, I am definitely losing mostly from my upper body right now but am looking forward to some additional losses through to January.

    Great seeing you all on here still~!
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    Uesterday I went for a run. It wasn't pretty felt empty around 40 min. Maybe bc I am sick.

    Today spent an hour with the trainer murdering my back. She thinks poor back strength is causing my squat fail as I don't fail getting out of the hole, I fail just after that with a collapse/ fold in the middle kind of situation.

    I just don't understand my body. How can I do pull ups and have such a weak back? So confused. Rather disheartened by the whole lack of progress thing.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    I just don't understand my body. How can I do pull ups and have such a weak back? So confused. Rather disheartened by the whole lack of progress thing.

    Pull-ups are more of an "upper back" type of thing. Primarily uses the lats, traps, rhomboids to an extent. You do need to be able to hold yourself stiff otherwise you're flopping all over the place (not a good thing).

    Folding over on the squat is more of a lower back/core bracing/thoracic spine and erectors situation. We're talking deeper in the "back". Upper back tightness is also a contributor, but to a lesser extent. You might wanna look into breathing patterns for core bracing and see if that helps, too. But basically what you want to be doing is, yes, some "back" exercises, with an emphasis on staying in position (so nothing "supported") and add in good mornings or hyperextensions and planks and hollow rocks/holds to learn to keep the core braced for a longer period of time.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Active recovery day, got my 32 hero manmakers in (8:58... yes, that's 1 more minute for an extra rep. But I wasn't doing them right yesterday, forgot to inchworm my way back and that easily adds 3-5s to each rep! Quick math: I was actually faster than yesterday!) as well as the shred warm-up and some hip strengthening core work which I haven,t done in forever and was actually quite tough!

    I'm still thinking about what I'm going to do until xmas. I have 2 ICF 3x5 workouts planned which I will do, and I guess depending on how that goes I'll either stick with it til the 20th, or do PHUL until then (some of you have inspired me, and i have better memories of running that one than ICF, but not for programming reasons). Will start the next "phase" of GBB after the holiday week, since trying to stick to a schedule during the time my wife is here tends to be complicated.