

  • Hey man, I live in WI too and it is for sure is cold as hell outside. I lost the majority of my weight on an exercise bike every morning along with Intermittent Fasting. My work schedule worked well with the plan and i can basically eat what I want from 5-9 pm (i do not go overboard but a beer or 2 after work is great). I…
  • Celery or iceberg? thats the only whole food i know that contains more water that you actually burn eating it.
  • I use it in the morning with my silk in my shaker due to never eating breakfast. Just count it in your calories and keep a deficit. It limits my DOMS after a work out. I also was not getting my protein intake for the day (160g). I buy the COSTCO brand 6 lb bag chocolate flavor ($30 very cheap). Tastes great and fits in my…
  • Since you are very young, I would first like to say Congrats on your 1st steps to a new life. I wish I had started earlier! Now, since you are young, your skin will elasticize faster. I recommend eating raw veggies and lean protein as this helps the skin tighten. I have lost over 100 lbs and the skin has all but adhered to…
  • Yes, I have added dairy back in to my diet slowly but I found that cutting out these for 30 days sped up my weight loss and helped me through plateus. I think the main thing to control is portions so as long as you hit your macros and count what you should see the weight come off. P.S. I lost my weight by walking…
  • What is your goal weight? How is your diet? Controlling your diet is the easiest way to lose weight. I recommend cutting out soda, processed foods (chips, crackers), cut out dairy, and cut out alcohol. All of these things lead to cravings and will derail your hard work. Have you researched Intermittent Fasting (IF)?…
  • Thanks, I think the toughest thing for me is social events where there is food. People look at me like why is he not eating? But then I remember that I used to get the "why is he eating stares" when I was fat. So for me, juicing is all mental. You mentally want to chew on something for the sensation. So i chew on gum.
  • Everybody's body is different, if you feel fine at 1100 than stay there. If you are doing something harmful to your body it will let you know ie no weight loss, dizziness or fatigue. Are you getting your daily vitamin intake? Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I have heard about Insanity but haven't done too much research on it. I stopped P90x a couple of years ago due to lazyness. I don't really like gyms as I feel I can find all of those exercises in daily life or in parks and enjoy the outdoors too much as well as the $$.
  • Lets see. I mainly do cardio everyday walking/running/biking for about an hour. And then I joined 2 soccer leagues for the summer that play on the weekends. I don't lift. Have a pretty strict paleo diet and incorporate at least 2 juices a day.