6'+ Male Friends


My name is Kevin and I am new to the site but have been on the journey since Feb 25th 2013. My gf recommended this site as she said the final 30 lbs is the hardest and its best to have a community to have ups and downs with. She is a vegan and is a twig so I can't only eat nuts and seeds throughout the day lol. I started at 260 and am down to 209 but still have 30 more to go. I am 6'2" and wanted to have a lean look. Also have some wiggle room for beer and summer food while camping.

Does anyone have a daily exercise that will get rid of man boobs? They have reduced significantly but still have a ways to go.

How long does it take for the excess skin to tighten back up as I feel I would look leaner at this weight but still feel huge?


  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    What workouts have you been doing?

    The only way to lose the "man boobs" and the stomach and anything else that moves, is to burn fat.
  • kmills110
    kmills110 Posts: 16
    Lets see. I mainly do cardio everyday walking/running/biking for about an hour. And then I joined 2 soccer leagues for the summer that play on the weekends. I don't lift. Have a pretty strict paleo diet and incorporate at least 2 juices a day.
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    Sounds good, it just takes time. Losing weight is pretty easy but losing body fat seems harder. Have you thought about a program like Insanity?
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I will allow you guys to add me if you want. This is a very special privilege indeed.

    I am only 5' 11' 1/2 though.
  • kmills110
    kmills110 Posts: 16
    I have heard about Insanity but haven't done too much research on it. I stopped P90x a couple of years ago due to lazyness. I don't really like gyms as I feel I can find all of those exercises in daily life or in parks and enjoy the outdoors too much as well as the $$.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    6'0 ex-fatty here.

    The most progress I've seen on my chest is every other day I do

    3-4 sets Incline DB Flies @ 8-12 reps
    3-4 sets Incline DB Press @ 8-12 reps
    3-4 sets Lying DB Flies @ 8-12
    3-4 sets Lying DB Press @ 8-12
    4-5 sets Weighted Chest Dips @ till failure.

    Keep at it for a few months and your moobies will start to transform into joocy pects.