I was about to state the same as above. Mine is from inflammation in that deep butt muscle the piriformis. Staying active has actually helped me with recovery as I read that good blood flow from exercises helps. I agrivated mine going way to heavy in an alternating lunge without proper warm up. It's been almost 4 weeks…
Wow! IDGAFart what certifications, degrees, broscience or competition trophies you threadhunters have but nobody is really listening to what she wants. And you say here she is again obsessing the same as last week. Perhaps last week you've all did the same job of pumping a bunch of useless multi response jibber jabber. Had…
Las Vegas Nevada, tho originally from El Paso TX
Salty fats sprinkled over sweet doughy carbs. BACON MAPLE BARS!!
I love my Coke Zero. I admit at places with fountain drinks i always go 2/3 zero & 1/3 other sugary flavor (dr p, root beer, cherry coke) GUILTY
If you add a fiber supplement to your diet as suggested somewhere above than make sure you also increase your water intake. Otherwise you may have a reverse effect (constipation). Sometimes it just happens and if so than things like milk magnesia to help clear it out. But if it's an ongoing battle that happens often…
just counted 120 inmates in a dorm.
So exactly what is it that they did to you to make you feel unwanted. I'm curious, because I use PF as a backup gym and I see bodybuilding type physiques all the time. If it's you're gallon of water, Do you have something against 32 or 40 oz. liquid containers? Do you have a rule about wearing regular tanks or subtle…
3 when I wake up 5 after breakfast 10+ post work out
You got definitely got it! Cheers! :)
I started at 8% and currently at 12% I really wanted to go from 167 to 190 pounds no matter how long it took. Now currently at 183 I feel disgusted with myself at times. However on the other end of the spectrum the amount of strength that came with it feels freaking amazeballz. So what I did is I dropped back down to just…
Only I don't have like 3/4 of that list in my pantry / fridge so unfortunately mine end up looking so generic.
I always get that Willy Wonka expression when someone just starting says they prefer to start on a lean bulk.
If I could target a specific area in a world where this was possible than it would be my quads. (Sigh)
I gained 12 pounds and hit a plateau after 3600 calories. So than I went the following week to 3750 and nothing. I rose it the next week after that to 4000 ish and guess what?...I dropped half a pound So feeling so discouraged im going back down to 3250 where I hit my biggest gain, but the diet was so clean and easier to…
I'm currently running my first consistent and monitored bulk. Presently @ Week 5 Day 7 3k-4k calories I've actually been having fun with it and admit 1/3 of my diet is the stuff they tell us is bad for you. I'm 5'9" and started at 9% bodyfat and 168 lbs Now 10.5% bf and 180. Power is through the roof for my personal status…
It was a broscience response explanation to something already stated torwards another member and me just chiming in as I aggreed with the previous member stating similar but differently put. However I do apologize I can't answer your questions, I think you already answered them long before you knew the question. " Eating…
Darn it did I just start a new thread?! I was answering another one posted. Ugh. Kind of complicated from my phone.
More often than not sexy/attractive appeal is in your attitude. and how you carry yourself regardless of your lack in Hollywood genetics. Be bold, be confident, be great.
Yea! Try a regular and healthy meal program as far as meal times are concerned. Use your I.F. For only when you feel you need it. That way you don't get burnt out on an o'l plateauing routine down the road. Congrats on your loss BTW it's a significant number. Pretty freaking awesome.
I learned to not overly macro-manage a simple solution. Deficit -250 cals < maintenance. re-access every 7 days. Adjust/continue until desired weight/bf%. Adding a re-feed day every 4 day or so can help keep the metabolism rolling so it doesn't adjust to quickly to the calorie deficit.
Spirited eating. On a mission.
Most of everything above is a waste of time if your hitting all your compound lifts passionately. Bleh, I sometimes do abs just to show off a bit but we can do something better with our time. I get it tho. Sometimes I wrap things up with a few leg lifts just so not only do I look tight, but I feel tight. Peace of mind…
Almonds, avocado, Flax Seed (ground), Oilive oil, peanut butter everything lol.
I'm still sleeping on the couch (Voluntary, holding my ground) when I go home after graveyard. Day 3. It started with mashed potatoes. One day I decided to cook up some Salisbury Steak, and she said she'd get the sides. Well in her end result she ask " is this enough". and it only looked like 2 servings for a family of 4.…
Receiving a sincere random compliment. Looks don't matter, at this point my heart just skips a beat as it searches for an immediate response.
Over the recent years I've become use to high paced workouts with Volume/Intensity. It's pretty much the core value or a cross fit program. You can apply these factors in a regular gym with traditional exercise form and working sets.
Note to self, power ballads for leg day tomorrow. Pain combined with more pain.
Mmmmm, My day's don't seem right if I don't start off on eggs, and buttered toast. The best part of waking up.
14, maybe 13. Trying to compare to my stat pics. but you're in good shape none the less. The times I take breaks I've let myself go to these percentages and bounce back pretty quickly.