KISS Member


  • Your skin has alot more elasticity when you're young, so you should be fine. I lost 50kg in my early 20's and besides a few stretch marks here and there it's all gone back where it's supossed to be. I'd recommend using a firming moisturizer if you can get your hands on one, even coco butter is really good, and i've heard…
  • Wow they sound great!! I'm going to give that a go for dessert tonight. :smile:
  • I've found the best way to stop the cravings all together is to completely stop eating refined sugar, even just a little taste on a daily basis will keep you wanting it. It's very hard i know, and you will have some horrible withdrawls but its worth it in the long run. I found after a week or two i totally lost the taste…
  • It certainly is great! beats writting it on a piece of paper and addind up all the calories manually, the whole site is designed to keep you motivated and encourage you along the way. love it!
  • Hey! I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, I joined up yesterday and am looking for some fun MGP friends to chat with along the way.. I don't have that much weight to lose but am excited to get on with it and start trimming down! Goodluck with your goals xx
  • Hi! I stumbled across MFP in the iphone store too and i'm so glad i did! I can tell even after a couple of day this is going to be fantastic in helping me shed the extra weight. Best of luck in reaching your goals xx
  • Hey Everyone! I joined up yesterday and am absolutely thrilled with this site! I just got the iphone app so i can update my food diary where ever i am. I wish you all luck in your weighloss goals. xx