Weight Loss Fears

Does anyone have any fears about when you actually reach your goal weight?
I know I worry about a few things like

a) will my skin be disgusting? i am 18 but.. i've always been big and i'm afraid it won't snap back because it was never back. i don't want to be 20, skinny and have all thisi gross skin, being sexy is what im aiming for!
b) i will still feel insecure about myself, after all my hard work!
c) i won't have a boyfriend, proving that it wasn't that i was fat, i'm just generally unlike-able!

i know im young and unrealistic probably but.. i definitely have fears with losing the weight. it's my comfort zone in a way. i grew up being the happy and funny chubby girl.. what happens when i take that roll away from myself? it's kind of what i cling to, it's my excuse for things and i get scared about changes that may happen.

anyone in the same boat?


  • pawprint061
    I hear you about the skin. I have lost 30 pounds and I can't stand my skin. I've lost a total of 12 inches and I'm getting smaller but the skin isn't going away as quickly as I want. Don't let that discourage you. I'm not letting something like that get in my way. I just gotta bump up my cardio and work a little harder...

    Good luck
  • BetterVersion
    The skin is definitely a concern of mine, but my biggest fear is putting all this work into it, losing the weight I want, and then getting comfortable and letting myself slip little by little until I've eaten my way back into obesity.
  • CinthyNair
    I have some skin sagging esp. on my bum ... I try to do more strength training as it will help to tone up.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    you are young, Many young people have no real issues with skin after weight loss . dont let that hold you back. as for the other things, you will feel better about yourself when you lose weight. trust me on that one! Good luck!
  • KISS
    KISS Posts: 7 Member
    Your skin has alot more elasticity when you're young, so you should be fine. I lost 50kg in my early 20's and besides a few stretch marks here and there it's all gone back where it's supossed to be. I'd recommend using a firming moisturizer if you can get your hands on one, even coco butter is really good, and i've heard that yogo/pilates is good for firming up. Goodluck with it all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I don't think you should let a little saggy skin make you afraid to be HEALTHY! :smile:

    I worry because I've blamed the majority of my unhappniness, insecurity, and anxiety on my weight most of my life. I don't expect being healthy and thin to be the cure-all, but I do expect to feel more confident and more sure of myself. I already feel better halfway there, so that's a good sign. I don't think I was wrong.
  • sheltieroger
    sheltieroger Posts: 264 Member
    Does anyone have any fears about when you actually reach your goal weight?
    I know I worry about a few things like

    a) will my skin be disgusting? i am 18 but.. i've always been big and i'm afraid it won't snap back because it was never back. i don't want to be 20, skinny and have all thisi gross skin, being sexy is what im aiming for!
    b) i will still feel insecure about myself, after all my hard work!
    c) i won't have a boyfriend, proving that it wasn't that i was fat, i'm just generally unlike-able!

    i know im young and unrealistic probably but.. i definitely have fears with losing the weight. it's my comfort zone in a way. i grew up being the happy and funny chubby girl.. what happens when i take that roll away from myself? it's kind of what i cling to, it's my excuse for things and i get scared about changes that may happen.

    anyone in the same boat?

    I am not in the same boat, but I know that being skinny won't fix any of your problems. You will still feel insecure about yourself unless you work on your self- confidence as you lose weight. You will need to be careful because you will get lots of attention from men, but it may not always be positive, so be true to yourself and what you want in a boyfriend, don't settle. You may find that friends ditch you because you have changed your role from the happy funny chubby girl to the smokin' hot chick that could be a rival for mens' affections. Your skin should bounce back, your stretch marks will fade, and as you enter your 20s healthier and more confident, who knows what the world will have to offer!!

    Good luck!! I am sending you lots of courage!!!

  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    It's a good point though - anybody who thinks losing weight will solve all their problems in life will be disappointed. But if you approach this as a health and fitness issue you will see positive results. And the boost in self-esteem you get with reaching your goals may very well carry over into other areas. I once went to a job interview after I had just received an A+ in my English Lit. course. I felt like I was glowing all through the interview, and so did the employer because they hired me on the spot. :drinker:
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Aw sweetie, don't worry bout the skin, a friend of mine lost about 60lbs in 6 months, from 180 to 120. (she's 19). She got depressed and stopped eating. DON'T do that lol, but her skin did shrink back down after awhile, and now you'd never even know she was ever bigger by looking at it =)
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks guys! You have definitely helped me feel better about the skin issue.. hopefully it'll ring true for me, and I won't have an issue with it. I do want to be healthy, but if i can't feel great about my body once I am healthy, it defeats a few purposes!

    Also, I definitely know that losin weight doesn't erase all of your problems. I have lost weight before. But being heavy carries a lot of my problems and it will help my confidence to be fit and healthy, the other things i have to deal with, thats life.

    thanks so much everyone for your advice and wisdom! its nice to know im not alone and that there are so many people on this site willing to help!