iPhone App Got Me On Here!

2010 will be the year for me to shed those pounds! I'm glad I stumbled upon this in the App Store. It's perfect! And to be able to have my diary with me at all times on my phone to update is just great!

Whoever doesn't have to iPhone app, I definitely recommend downloading it. Has everything on it and it's so easy to use! (And it's free!)

I have been going at this almost a week...taking my first weigh in on Monday. Certainly can't compete with all those 20-something pounds everyone seemed to lose on the new Biggest Loser this past Tuesday, but I'm keeping it real! :)

Best of luck to all, especially all us newbies. Let's stick with it this year!


  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344

    I use the iphone app and love it. I don't watch BL but I would have to say losing that much weight isn't realistic. This is a lifestyle change not a diet. Changing how and what you eat will make for a much more sustainable lifestyle then depriving yourself of certain foods. You also need to exercise. Most people have lives, jobs, family you need to fit everything in. I would bet if you looked at some of the people from past shows they have put the weight back on. Changing your lifestyle food and exercise will be much better and easier in the long run. I know I put my weight on over several years, I have been working like 2 years now to lose what I have lost so far. I have a ways to go but I don't feel deprived. Good luck and don't be in a hurry.
  • KISS
    KISS Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I stumbled across MFP in the iphone store too and i'm so glad i did! I can tell even after a couple of day this is going to be fantastic in helping me shed the extra weight. Best of luck in reaching your goals xx
  • BlueLava13
    I totally agree with you Emory. It's all about making lifestyle changes, something that's easier to stick with and more realistic.

    Everything on Biggest Loser is so accelerated. I read/heard that they work out for like 6-8 hours a day!! That's just insane! I mean, come on, there's just no way anyone can do that at home. And I'm sure their kitchen is stocked with nothing but healthy choices. I don't live alone so of course there are temptations in my kitchen!

    I ate really well and went to the gym the past week, only missed one day. So far so good.

    Thanks for the advice! And keep up your good work!

    Best of luck to you too K_I_S_S! Isn't it just great to have everything so handy!
  • lacedrabbit
    iPhone app is awesome, I hope they keep up the support. Best diet aid Ive found so far.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    It sounds like you are off to a good start. Just try to do it each day. Make sure to build in some rest days from exercise. Or if you are in the gym alternate like upper body and lower body. That way you still get in some rest days. Know that you are going to go out with friends and eat that big meal. Enjoy that and the time with friends and then get back on track. Just keep telling yourself you can do this.
  • KISS
    KISS Posts: 7 Member
    It certainly is great! beats writting it on a piece of paper and addind up all the calories manually, the whole site is designed to keep you motivated and encourage you along the way. love it!
  • darkon
    darkon Posts: 5,342 MFP Moderator
    Hi, iphone app got me here aswell ^
    I'm a 29 guy from Italy and 2010 will be the year i get back in a good (decent :P) shape.
    I'm so glad i found this website and program, im sure it will help me tracking my gym exercises and what i eat.

    Best of luck to you all guys and girls :-)