cleoleigh Member


  • Howdy Ya'll! It is my first time visiting this group. I took some time to read a few pages of posts and love what I see...positive women with big goals supporting each other and sharing in each others lives! Sign me up! Friday Fitness: I have been off the wagon of work out this week. I am current'y in PT 2x weekly for a…
  • I am the last one to give advice on this... I have a binge eating problem myself. Sometimes if I allow myself a reasonable portion I am ok, and sometimes it is like breaking the seal on a can of Pringles ("once you pop you can't stop") Do what feels right. I think taking food with you is a good idea. Can his Dad take him?…
  • I think you explained it perfectly and I can relate. This is my 5th attempt at getting through stage 2. I wish I could take a extended vacation during this time so the stresses of the day to day wouldn't play into my challenges LOL Wouldn't that be easier? LOL Congrats on your journey so far!
  • Hi Nicole! Welcome and congrats on all your positive life changes and "recent" hitching! ;)
  • That was cool. I tried Insanity but it was WAY too hard for me. So I started doing the "warm up" as a quick work out and it was great!
  • That is awesome!!!! Celebrate, cause you've earned it!!!! (with a nice work out) LOL
  • I am 5'10" starting weight was 25lbs, currently 227.3lbs (23 lost) I have a very seditary life in an office 10hrs a day, and have not begun working out due to pending neck surgery. I stay between 1200-1300 per day. So long as I am getting those calories from the right kind of foods and watching my sugar...I continue to…
  • Mine is the exact same with one change... apples instead of spinach
  • All expenses should be joined. Then, each person puts in for every bill based on percentage. If a) makes 100,000 and b) makes 25,000 then a) pays 75% of each bill and b) pays 25%. This way each contributes their "fare share" so to say. OR everything goes in one pot and everything gets paid from that pot... no a) and b)…
  • 1. Potato ANYTHING! Hash browns, home fries, french fries, roasted, twice baked, mashed....YUMMY!!!! 2. Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies 3. Original Ruffles and Cheese Puffs 4. Wendy's Chocolate Frostys wow...I say that now after weighing in today and finally hitting the 220s, being soooo excited...and I don't even want…
  • 258lbs adn i am 5'10" there is a picture of me at our Christmas party in what I thought was a nice and tasteful plum velvet dress....I look like a swollen grape!!! It is the work picture ever :( LOL
  • I like this guys response... I just want to add one thing... spicy bedroom fun too! LOL
  • Good to know about the modified girl because I do have a bum knee and sometimes modified is for me! :)
  • WOW! That is incredible result :)
  • awesome results! proof that pounds don't always mean everything :)
  • your belly and back really so a difference!! good for you girl! :)
  • My boyfriend and I met 10 years ago at a co-ed volleyball league. I remember thinking he was very cute... and he did ask me to play on his team once...but didn't ask me out. Today he says he was too intimidated! LOL I was kind of a flighty social girl LOL For all these years (with a few breaks here and there) we have seen…
  • amazing how breaking the habit really kicked the habit for you. GREAT JOB!!! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I hear you! 4 short years ago I was a hot 26 year old. I was in decent shape, not at all the jiggling fat *kitten* I am now! LOL I feel OLD now. It is the weight. I know it is. I dont even get "checked out" like I used to...which is techincally fine, cause I have an awesome man...but it sure would be nice for the ego once…
  • That is alot to deal with in a week... totally normal to want to run to our comfort food and veg out... BUT..........instead, take a walk. Even just a short one just around the block once. It will ALWAYS make you feel better. I promise :)
  • Remember, you don't need a gym to start getting some workouts in. Walk the dog, the kid, your imaginarePlank, push-up (girly style), squats, lunges, high knees... so many things you can do at home. Heck, a family size can of baked beans can make a great dumbell ;) LOL Stick with it. After a few weeks it will all be habit…
  • open up you diaries and we can analyze it better for you :)
  • Diet pills are only a short term solution for one addiction. To help curb the appetite for a short time so that you can get a handle on over eating. So, if you are already eating healthy you dont really need them! :) Good for you! Review what you are eating... sugar & carb counts. Make sure to drink LOTS of…
  • This could be vitamin D related. Which can be thyroid related. It sounds like your case is pretty severe, so if you have not had blood work in the last 90 days I would recommend you call your doctor very soon. Better to play it safe.
  • I felt the same way when I started! To this day I still feel like people are watching me LOL I wish I could wear dark sunglasses and a big hat...but I would probably stand out more. LOL For me it is about people seeing me struggle. For instance, planking. I nearly can't do it, maybe 3 seconds. Push-ups, even the girlie…
  • Love this answer... perfectly true for most good men out there I bet (like mine)
  • That is great! Reading your post today really inspired me! Last year I realized I have reached 250lbs!! I cut way back on eating and lost 23lbs...then I got off track and gained some back. I was at 235lbs on 1-15-1. Once again I am starting to watch what I eat... you inspired me! :)
  • LMAO!! I hear you. When I was thinner canine/style (trying to keep it clean) was awesome!!! Loved it!! Now that I am fat...unless it is pitch black all I can think about is my flabby *kitten* & back waving all over the place!!! That being said... I have a pretty incredible sex life with my man. He wants me and NEVER EVER…
  • This is my "backwards" comment: I was 5'10 skinny and a natural blonde my entire life. I was what many boys/men found "attractive" As a result, there was never a shortage of guys wanting me....either to date, to hang out with or just to get in my pants. (luckily for me I had enough self respect + fear of STDs + fear of…