

  • I'm 5' 8” and my goal weight is 150. My body probably can't handle any smaller then that. I love having curves, I wouldn't want to be too thin. I have 40 pounds to go!!
  • I love this site! Just put in height, weight and even body type :)
  • I haven't been measuring, but I fit in the same pants just the same.
  • I don't have time to take a break at work so when I get home at night, I look in my pantry and want a little bit of everything, but of course it always turns out to be A LOT of everything. But theres always bad days that are usually followed by good days. Just keep going girl!
  • I work full time and have a one year old who won't let me do anything while she's awake so I wait till she goes to bed, unfortunately I get off work at nine or ten at night and my feet kill me too but just keep your eyes on the prize and do little things like do twenty sit ups or other things whenever you have time. Its…
  • I play biggest loser and your shape fitness evolved the most. Dance central is pretty awesome too. Its just way more personal on kinect compared to normal working out and I enjoy it. Love kinect!
  • I had steamed zucchini slices with feta crumbles on top for my lunch today and it was only about 150 calories worth and I couldn't take another bite, it was so crazy. I'm just a huge fan of veggies though.