Does anyone out there binge like I do?



  • Hk9229
    Hk9229 Posts: 10
    I don't have time to take a break at work so when I get home at night, I look in my pantry and want a little bit of everything, but of course it always turns out to be A LOT of everything. But theres always bad days that are usually followed by good days. Just keep going girl!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I think the fact that you are here is an amazing step. We all have steps back and we can't concentrate on the past but focus on our goals.

    I don't believe that some folks have ridiculous amounts of willpower and some don't. I think that hunger is a powerful force that you body uses to fight off what it thinks is some sort of metabolic need. If you can trick your body into not thinking it is starving and never feeling hungry, you will make mostly A+ choices for your diet.

    The key to this is to eat more meals during the day with protein at each while staying under your total calorie goals. Don't wait to eat breakfast, ever.

    Good luck avoiding hunger!

    Ditto!!! I will add that I drink a lot of green seems to keep the hunger away between meals...if you are eating something every couple hours, you tend to not get to the point where EVERYTHING looks good. Good luck to you!
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I wouldn't say I binged but I more sort of ate continuously.

    Toast for Breakfast - dip
    3 biscuits - dip
    try and be good fruit - dip
    3 more guilty biscuits - dip
    high carb Lunch - dip.......etc

    I have found eating a high protein breakfast works for me, I dont worry if I am over on protein or fat for that matter. I do try to keep under the carbs and calories though. I have been on every sort of restrictive eating plan known to man or woman for that matter and have been over weight for the 3/4 of my life. Most of these have been high carb, and just do not work for me in the long term.

    Using my fitness pal, I try to stay under the calories advised, I will allow myself to go over only if I am willing to do the exercise to correct it the same day.

    I also eat what I like not what I should be eating. I reacted against salad and vegetables as boring when I saw them as diet food. Now that I see them as a low cal way to fill the plate, next to something I really love which is fattening (Kiev and Potato waffels for instance), I am more able to see them in their correct place on the plate without feeling deprived

    Yesterday I had to take myself for a half hour walk, so that I could have my evening meal. But I feel good about myself, As although I did not exercise control earlier in the day. I did later and was able to correct my minor slip up. (anything that I can repair is a minor slip up)

    I am currently eating 2 quorn sausages, 1 dry fryed egg, a hand full of tomatoes and a large microwaved mushroom with HP Sauce. This comes in at around 277 cal, but has 27g of protein.

    For any un exercise solveable overeating, I do as much exercise as I can to limit the damage and then draw a line underneath it and start again the next day.

    You will see a lot of cleaning on my exercise log, as I can do this without leaving the house,lol. I also get a cleaner house which cheers me up.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Holy smokes! Yesterday I binged like crazy. Couldn't get full on anything, no matter what I ate. Ended up eating 1/2 box of GS cookies, too many wheat thins, and a candy bar, as well as my normal high fiber/high protein daily diet. Felt good though. After losing 33 pounds in 3 months, I didn't even feel bad about it. Back to the routine today, though.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    i don't these days, because it makes me feel ill. I have done in the past, though.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I binged yesterday too. Went to a chinese buffet and had 2 full plates plus dessert (almond cookie). Not exactly sure of the calories but that one meal was likely 1,000-1,500 calories. I logged it and will move on. Today is a new day.