Does anyone out there binge like I do?



  • Superrhi
    Superrhi Posts: 84
    The other week i ate a whole bag of Haribo's, a big chocolate bar and a few slices of cake all to myself.
    I felt really bad afterwards and did like a ton of exercises.
    But it happens to us all.. its just learning to control yourself and limit what you eat. :')
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I binge when I am alone and bored ... I try to keep busy busy busy and out of the house!!
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    I think the fact that you are here is an amazing step. We all have steps back and we can't concentrate on the past but focus on our goals.

    I don't believe that some folks have ridiculous amounts of willpower and some don't. I think that hunger is a powerful force that you body uses to fight off what it thinks is some sort of metabolic need. If you can trick your body into not thinking it is starving and never feeling hungry, you will make mostly A+ choices for your diet.

    The key to this is to eat more meals during the day with protein at each while staying under your total calorie goals. Don't wait to eat breakfast, ever.

    Good luck avoiding hunger!
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    I have a tendency toward that - although quite to that extent

    I have found if I let myself I can fall into the mentality that oh well I blew my diet today I may as well just let it all go and start again tomorrow .. or Monday ... or next week. So I started to think if my eating in 2 ways - my goals for the day - 1200 cals etc and my Ma for the day 2000 - so if I go over - even by 300 cals ( a donut ) I try to think - well I gave into to a treat but I`m still under 500 cals which is still OK even if 800 would have been better

    It stops the spiral and minimizes the damage I do to myself
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I do this once a week on purpose. Today my goal is 5,500 calories. Tomorrow I will be back to normal and will lose weight next week.
  • oscelyn
    oscelyn Posts: 54
    Yup, I do it too. Thankfully mine are far and few between instances. Last night I ate an entire container of Snickerdoodle cookies from WholeFoods. 14 cookies! I should have been happy with 2 but, no, I ate the entire container. Which is why I can't have stuff like that in the house.

    This morning I just came back in from my 1 hours walk/run...W4D1 of C25K. So I went over yesterday, way over, but I get right back on track. No waddling in self pity, no regrets....just back on track and move on!

    You are NOT alone believe me...most of us struggle! Hang in there!
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    three times in a month i have eat almost 100 calories over. that included my exercise calories. in order to get myself to stop i had to have a talk with myself and asked what was triggering the wanting to eat so much, my comfort foods when i am stressed or upset is sweets. maybe something upset you to cause you to eat those 5 doughnuts. try to figure out why you did it.don't beat yourself up about them though we all slip up and have off days. it's how you handle them that count's. if you think i already had this one i may as well eat another. don't. go brush your teeth and get the yummy taste out. put the tempting stuff out of your sight. at restaraunts if i don't ask for a carry out box right away and want to eat more once i have had my calories. i cover my plate with a napkin so it is out of sight and out of mind.
  • anniebnannie
    anniebnannie Posts: 85 Member
    More recently I have been trying to stop and FEEL what's going on when I feel the urge to binge - there is usually something "behind" it - like "anxiety" or feelings of not liking myself very much...So I'm trying to STOP right then and "feel" those feelings. It's getting easier and easier - JUST LIKE WHEN I QUIT SMOKING! Sometimes it passes quickly - other times NO.

    When I fail at stopping ~ and go ahead an binge. I try then to also feel what it feels like: bloated, disappointed, sad, failure, and the biggie - UNSATISFIED!! (believe it or not, feeling that helps when I hit that same "fork it the road" the next time)

    When it's especially hard, I try to remember my goals again and why I'm doing this. It's a learning process... I think it's about becoming a master of your own habits, emotions and mind - NOT easy stuff!! But that's why we feel so good when we accomplish even a mini goal!

    Be gentle but firm with yourself. You can do it!! ♥⋱¸¸.•´¯`✫
  • leb89
    leb89 Posts: 54
    I have really bad binge episodes. Like the other day I had a whole container of chips ahoy cookies (yes 18 cookies, 1100 calories).
    I'm starting fresh this Monday on trying not to binge, and I'm going to treat myself to a little dessert everyday which will hopefully curb my desire for bad foods. I am going to buy a bag of dove promises and for each time i exercise I will have one piece.
    i just have to hope that I don't eat the whole bag all at once though!
    I also read that up that when you have the urge to binge on something to tell yourself to wait 15 minutes before doing so, and to really think during those 15 minutes why you are having this urge. I haven't tried it yet, but next time i have the urge I will wait and think about it to see if the feeling goes away...
    I'm always here if you need help, for I am in the exact same boat :/
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I used to all the other times I tried to diet. This time I'm not having the binges because I am going about this a different way. This may help you. I don't deprive myself of goodies. I do however limit how much of it. Every night I eat ice cream or some other yummy desert. Try getting the smart ones deserts. They are super rich and delicious, but they are all ready proportioned. I also love pudding cups, and the party cups of chocolate and strawberry swirl. Both the puddings and ice cream are about 100 calories. I add my nightly desert to my food diary so that I work around the rest of my day so I can always have desert. It is my SPECIAL TREAT everyday. If I do happen to have a not so great day I put the desert flavored lite yogurts in the freezer and have that as my desert 80 calories. I also savor and enjoy every single bite. This has kept me from binging. Also a few days before TOM I crave extra goodies and and super hungery. For those days I raise my calorie intake by 200 and add 30 minutes of moving. You could just stand in front of the tv and twist for 30 minutes.
    Good luck and keep trying!!!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Krispie Kremes are addictive! Yes, I suffer from binge eating myself -- anything sweet will do.

    I am realizing though that overeating occasionally might not be a bad thing. Have you checked out the thread on Cheat / Free Days? I found it to be very insightful!
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Ive been so good but I decided that a drunk burger king run was a fabulous idea... clearly was not

    lol! that's why I cut out drinking.. nothing good comes from it!

    Exactly! Drinking causes open mouth disorder for me. Not only do I eat stupid things, but I tend to say stupid things. I let myself have one night per month, usually a girls night out, where I can drink and let the disorder take over. It seems more fun that way because I look forward to it, then I have a month to recover. :laugh:

    As for binging, I think we all have our days. I know when Tom comes around, I'm going to crave food like a hungry pregnant woman. My trick is, I don't beat myself up about it. It happens, tomorrow is another day. If it's interferring with your life though, I would suggest talking to a counselor. I came to realize that I sometimes lean towards fast food when I feel lonely. A counselor helped me get to that conclusion. And she helped me find a solution which in turn helped me control my cravings.

    Good luck!
  • nikkigiesige
    I allow myself to binge one day a week...but i prepare myself for it. Tonight is Dominos pizza night and I love all the good stuff on it! Sooo I had a 100 calorie breakfast (1 c cereal)...150 calorie lunch (2 side salads from Mcdonalds w. piece of chicken from a snack wrap w/ vinaigrette dressing)

    ...and if i want 5 pieces of pizza tonight...I will eat it and not feel too horribly bad because i planned it. So now if i want to binge eat i make sure i prep myself for it lol
  • anniebnannie
    anniebnannie Posts: 85 Member
    I just did on Wednesday... Fried potatos and bacon for breakfast, 2 slices of sausage pizza for lunch and a cheesesteak wit wiz for dinner, along with some pretzels and lemon cake... It was so worth it and I am not going to say it won't happen again because I know it will...You have to give yourself a day like this every once in a while or you will go off track and regret it... Just remember, even the skinnest people in the world binge too

    good point!!
  • kaydee210
    kaydee210 Posts: 41 Member
    I sometimes binge but try to keep it under control. I might have as much ice cream as I can fit on a tablespoon (you'd be amazed at how much a tablespoon can hold) or I will have 1 or 2 cookies. That isn't always so easy but I tell myself the 12th cookie is going to taste exactly the same as the first. Works for me most of the time.
  • MissMe2morrow
    I do. I find my days like that spiral quickly. If I am over by 100 I go right to well I am over already so why not then the 100 usually turns to 500 over. I am not proud but it is life. It is usually a turning point too for me like either I give up for awhile or get super serious again.

    I'm the same way! I've been on a binge for the last week (cookies are my ultimate weakness) and once I go over for the day I just completely give up. And then I feel terrible about myself. My ticker says I've lost 8 lbs so far-- that was true a couple weeks ago but I've been too ashamed to log in my updated weight because I've gained back about 5 lbs.

    I wish I had words of encouragement. Just know that you are not alone.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I think the fact that you are here is an amazing step. We all have steps back and we can't concentrate on the past but focus on our goals.

    I don't believe that some folks have ridiculous amounts of willpower and some don't. I think that hunger is a powerful force that you body uses to fight off what it thinks is some sort of metabolic need. If you can trick your body into not thinking it is starving and never feeling hungry, you will make mostly A+ choices for your diet.
    The key to this is to eat more meals during the day with protein at each while staying under your total calorie goals. Don't wait to eat breakfast, ever.

    avoiding hunger!
    I do have horrific binges 1000 + probably 4 times a month. I do find that since I've started eating 5 -6 smaller meals a day and adding protein, fats and carbs to each meal I'm bingeing less.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I'm a binge eater as well. I just had one last night.
    I've had several since starting MFP but what's changed are the types of foods I allow myself to binge on.
    I keep NO junk in the house and my rule is that I can't go out to buy junk to binge on.
    Is this the perfect solution? Nope.
    But it's at least a little wee bit healthier than how I binged in the past ... i.e. LOTS of junk/sweets/fast food.
    I no longer allow myself to feel bad, wrong or like a failure when I do this. It doesn't help the process at all and can prolong the bingeing behaviour in me.
    I do the very best I can every day and if I fall I just dust myself off and get right back to business asap.

    FIVE??? pfffft ... amateur! LOL
    I've eaten a DOZEN in one sitting ... half on the way home!
    and that's just ONE part of the binge days I've had in the past. That wouldn't include the fast food I'd buy as well.

    You're ok, you're not alone and things CAN and WILL get better.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I'm usually pretty good but at least twice a month I just have a craving for some chocolate and that usually means I go and buy a Snickers and eat the whole thing! I dont know if its worth every bite but it sure is good! lol
  • bfrice1
    bfrice1 Posts: 62
    I sort of 'half-binged' the other day. Something in me just SNAPPED. I was on the way home from work and during a stop for toilet paper at Walgreens, I picked up a $.99 size Doritos, hostess cupcakes, a Milkyway Dark and smoked almonds. I sat in my car and ate half the bag of Doritos, and one cupcake. Then finished the rest of it the next day at work - I thought I would just scream if I ate one more salad for lunch.

    I should have recorded it but I was just too demoralized. Reading this makes me feel much, MUCH better.