

  • So, should we just say, whoever has an idea for a good challange should post that as a new topic?
  • I love the activity challenge idea! We can vary it, too, not only by body part, but by things like " most x activity in the time of one week", or similar.
  • I like the idea for the gruop. Always have a bit of problems to self-motivate, but comeptition might just work. So, what would be good challanges? The one you started out wihth in the froum might be a good first one. But if pure weight loss is the only challenge this group might be a bit of a one trick pony. So, any ideas…
  • Joined your group. Now we just need to get it all going. :) So far there seem to be three of us in the group.
  • Some kids eat stuff they normally would not eat if they helped with the cooking, so you could try that. Is your kid really not eating any fruit or vegetables in any form at all or does he eat some things containing vegetables? Many foods are aqquired tastes. We might to try out the same thing several times till we know we…
  • An acquaintance of mine and i talked about exactly that topic last weekend. She said that she can not eat any sweet food or snack food, because if she has a bit she will have it all, but when she does not buy it she does not even really miss it. For me it is the other way around. i need a bit of chocolate or some fries or…
  • Eep! - Yeah, B12 deficiency is nothing to joke with. There are vegetarian supplements, as the B12 is made by bacteria anyway, even the one you eat in meat. So they just grow the bacteria in a lab and continue from there to produce supplements. So, I take a B12 supplement daily. - Vegan leaning Vegetarian, btw.
  • I like Vitasoy Oatmilk, SoDelicious Coconut Milk and Australia's Own Organic Soy milk. Apart from the coconut milk you probably won't find the others where you live. I have noticed though, that with dairy free milk you do not only have to take into account what sort of milk you are having (oat, rice, hemp etc.) but also…
  • 50kg to go? That will take a while. I lost my first 30 kilos (before stalling for a year and eventually joining MFP) in about 5 months, averaging about 1.5 kilos lost per week.
  • I am amused by how many people took that test and have Unitarian Universalism as one of the top answers. I think this actually is the test that made me look into UU a few years ago. I know for a fact that all of you guys, atheist, agnostics, somewhat spiritual, christian, theist, wiccan and so on would be welcome at my…
  • Page 8 and you turn up. :) UU here, too. I don't really believe in anything, but I am not as atheist humanist as many in my congregation either. I'd describe myself as somebody who is still looking and trying to find out what they believe in. And sometimes I think that is actually who I am and I'll never fully settle in…
  • I also think you look great, but it would not hurt you to add some exercise and especially weight lifting. Just make sure you eat more when you do that. That way you might see some changes on your body you like and your boyfriend will feel more comfortable about you not being " crazy". Win-win :wink:
  • I lost over 60 pounds before joining MFP. I never wanted to calorie count, so I just tried to reduce my portions, eat in every meal at least half veggies or fruit (depending if the meal was sweet, like breakfast cereals, or savoury, like lunch), always carried an apple in my handbag to eat in case of feeling really hungry…
  • Log it! One banana has over a hundred calories. A whole avocado easily over two hundred.those are the calorie dense ones, of course, but other things add ups, too.
  • Vegan- leaning vegetarian who eats vegan more than 99% of the time here. Don't have many recipes, as I love to just throw things together, but one of my favourite breakfasts comes from here: I tend to up the nutritional yeast and go…
  • Thank you! This is one thing I have not tried yet.
  • I know. I eat beans or lentils most days, am aware that while there is iron in spinach the calcium hinders absoion to an extent and have begun snacking on pumpkin seeds. I also know that vitamin c helps with the absorption of iron... I fear I am just not eating enough of the iron rich food. Maybe I should get a a cast iron…
  • How do you do it? The iron, that is. I am really trying, but am nearly always low. Protein is simple for me, calcium relatively easy, but iron? Nope!
  • Well, if you feel it's right for you go with it. Just make sure to take a B 12 supplement and maybe check you get enough iron.
  • Sugar CAN be vegan and actually is most of the time in Europe. (different filtering processes and such). OP is in Europe, so even if she went vegan she should be fine there. But she want's to be traditional ovo-lacto vegetarain, which is fine, too. :) When I went ovo-lacto I did start to think about things like filtering…
  • Hi again. I thought of one thing that might help you with restaurants. This is a page where you can find vegetarian restaurants near you. Now, recipes: is pretty great. All recipes are vegan, though. Then there is It has quite a…
  • I legetimately worry the depression I beat years ago has come back and I will have to fight it once again. Even KNOWING it's just hormons I have the feeling that this time it will stick around and... just please, no! And this happens every month and every month I tell myself "when it comes, don't panic, you know what it…
  • If you are going for ovo-lacto vegetarian: No meat (of course). This includes birds like chicken and also fish. - I know it is a bit weird to point this out, but I have heard of people who thought they where vegetarians and ate chicken. Might wanna cut out gelatin, because it is made from bones. That means finding gummy…
  • Tofu-vegetable kebabs You'll need: Firm tofu BBQ sauce (make sure it is vegetarian/vegan, most are, though) Differently coloured peppers (one green, one, red and one yellow would be fine, you might end up with left over of each colour, though) Onion(s) (I like red ones, but borown would work, too) Skewers What you do: 1.…
  • Oi, flallafel wraps are not realy healthy. (neither is Fassbrause, it's a soda, after all). But I guess you want no typical birthday foods but not "healthy" either? What about going to some good burger place and getting a burger then? Or making a nice potato salad? BBQ some stuff up in the backyard (I presume you live in…
  • hot chocolate made with stevia powder instead of sugar. Nice and warm and chocolatey. Yum! For something more ice-creamy.: One ingredient ice-cream. Freeze banana, blend banana: Banana icecream. Still has sugar, but at least you get the ice cream craving and the fruite craving done in one go. :)
  • Things I crave right now: sushi, pita bread with lots of vegetables and caramalized onion hummus (that hummus is sooooo good, but kind of evil on the calories), strawberries (fresh ones, personally picked. To bad it is winter right now where I live), cherries, hot chocolate with a tiny bit of cinnamon, Fassbrause (yeah,…
  • Nuzest's Clean Lean Protein. It's a pea protein powder, that aparently has all needed amino acids, etc. I just bought the chocolate flavoured one and it's pretty nice. I often have problems getting all the protein needed, so I decided having protein powder might be helpful.
  • As a kid I was a tiny bit chubby. Higher end of normal weight I would guess, looking at children pictures. My mum would not owrry about that, she always liked people being a bit round, as she calls it (she herself has never been even close to overweight, allways on the thin side). I was an unhappy child, as there was a lot…
  • Hi there, German girl. I am also from Germany, but living in another country. ( New Zealand in my case). Lbs are confusing me. And feet and inches even more so! Anyway, feel free to add me.
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