

  • During any given day your weight can vary by up to 4-6 pounds depending on how much liquids you;ve drank, whether you need to use the facilities, the time of day etc., etc. also as has been mentioned, muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are converting fat to muscle that may misleading as well. Measurements with a tape…
  • After reading the previous comments I went on a web hunt to see exactly how much trans-fat was in the Pillsbury biscuits. I found that the Pillsbury web site provide NO nutritional content info on any of their products. I also checked out about 8 various nutritional database sites and out of those 8 I found exactly 1 that…
  • A web search turned up the following (listed as an average of all brands): French Vanilla Vending Machine Coffee (8 oz.) 100 Calories Total Fat 2.5 g Sat. Fat 0.5 g Trans Fat 1.5 g Cholesterol - 0% Sodium 110 mg 5% Total Carbs. 19 g Dietary Fiber 0 g Sugars 19 g Protein 1 g -Ray
  • Anyone ever have one of those days where you are firmly convinced at the end of the day that you've exceeded your daily allotment of calories but when you finally get some time on the computer to log everything you ate you find out that you're actually quite a bit short of your allocation? At dinnertime I still had about…
  • or "How much does a hen weigh?" It depends..... :happy: :happy:
  • I just ran across the following on the foodnetwork.com site. Sounds like good general suggestions for not destroying a whole week's hard work and effort just for the sake of a restaurant meal. -Ray 1. Read the whole menu. Get a feel for what’s available and estimate the calories before you make a decision about what to…
  • My granddaughter who lives with us is a Brownie and my wife is the assistant cookie person for the troop this year. We ended up with 6 assorted boxes of GS cookies in the pantry. We've had them for over a week now and I've only eaten 2 (cookies, not boxes ! :smile: ) -Ray