From discussions I've had with gym instructors and from reading online, is that they can help stimulate more muscle fiber when doing exercises that don't tax your strength, i.e. exercises that you otherwise easy. Of course, you could just do exercises you find hard, and save on the expense. I think they're most suited to…
Eat small before, larger after, if you can. You'll have less energy to exercise with if your body is busy digesting. Ever wonder why old people take naps after Sunday roast?
Would be nice to see the sugar in your food diary but you don't track it. While everything you say and do seems good, how did it ever get this bad in the first place?
I've found keeping 85% chocolate in the cupboard means I never eat more than a couple of squares at a time, as the bitterness damps the urge to eat more, and it's much lower in sugar, which I find is what makes foods addicting.
Why not just eat big the night before? You'll still have pretty full stores of energy come morning.
I don't know about workout videos but if I wanted to add some strength training without use of a gym and limited equipment, you'll likely need to adapt a workout or come up with your own. Here are my thoughts... If you want to focus on upper body, then you've chest, back and shoulders to target. I'd guess your hand weights…
Pretty crap, IMO. First, the default carb/protein/fat ratio is, while subject to much debate, believed to be less than ideal. Secondly, it scales all nutrients with calories, whereas I've read that protein and fat should be fairly constant, and it's largely the carbs that should scale up with exercise. RDA for women is…
I've read it's very important to drink even more fluids when on a higher protein diet for related reasons (kidney function).
Honey is about 70% sugar, the rest being water and micronutrients (niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, anti-oxidants). Those micronutrients can be beneficial and won't be present in plain sugar. Darker honeys are higher in such…
Yeah, that's rubbish. Don't worry about looking like hulk, that's pretty difficult for men to achieve and pretty much impossible for women. Would take years of high protein diet, supplements and intensive weight training.
Doesn't your brother keep protein shakes? Just steal a little to see if you like them.
Funny then that people never ask "how did you get your musclar physique", they just know you worked out a lot, it's obvious. Though I wouldn't mind the odd magic bean to help me on my way...
Hard to say without being able to see your food diary. Doesn't sound like you've actually anything to worry about, if it's only one or two grams. If everything else is under, it just means your calorie distribution is weighted slightly more in favour of fat more than the recommended distribution.