

  • A friend of mine, who has always been the same weight as me, who has gone up in weight with me everytime I seem to go up in weight, starting losing some weight. At that moment it was kind of like, if she can do it then what the hell is my excuse?
  • Haha, I was about the say, the calories might be somewhat decent, but the sodium is off the charts! Try making a home made chicken taco salad or your own chicken tacos.
  • You should buy the Mrs. Dash seasoning blends. They don't have any added salt. I poach chicken all of the time. I usually just do it with water, add some seasonings depending on what I'm making the chicken for. If you make a big batch, just add a touch of salt, pepper, maybe some garlic powder. Then when you go to make the…
  • I like to use a hand grater to grate a medium size carrot into my pasta sauce. I also like adding chopped raw spinach to my pasta sauce. Any rice dishes I make I will usually add a grated carrot to as well. Carrots give everything a hint of a sweet flavor. Yummy.
  • Caffeine caffeine caffeine caffeine. I'm an addict. I love my caffeine - tea, soda, coffee - love it! When I started mfp I made a promise to stop buying soda for the house, stop making tea unless it was Saturday and our friends were coming over, and cut my starbucks down to at most once a week. I still made coffee every…
  • I use the flavored coffee creamers. Most of them have about 6g of sugar, but I love my coffee tooooooooo much (yes, I love it so much that the word to deserves that many o's), and I hate drinking coffee black. I was doing some searching about vanilla extract one day and I came across a blog type of deal where this guy said…
    in sweetners Comment by lelegrev May 2011
  • 3 oz yogurt (I always have nonfat or light yogurt, any flavor) Handful of frozen or fresh fruit (frozen is easier because you don't have to worry about it rotting) Few splashes of milk (we use skim milk in our house) or a few splashes of orange juice (which ever you'd prefer) Blend and enjoy. *I also have a magic bullet. I…
  • I run 3 times a week, sometimes 4 times if I have the time or am willing to. I do some pilates and an ab routine 5 days a week.
  • I like dipping strips of red and yellow bell peppers in it. Broccoli is pretty decent in it as well.
  • If my kids birthday didn't fall in there, I'd definitely do this! But I already paid for this cake and I haven't had cake in forever, including on my own birthday, so I'm eating me some cake!
  • I had lost almost 15 pounds from limiting my soda and sweets intake. I stopped buying soda and sweets for the house and would only have a soda if we went out to eat and only had a sweet once in a while.
  • After being close to 200 for a long while, I would be happy with 135/140.
  • I have a feeling that some of them either a. don't get their periods or b. it's very light and doesn't come with all the full blown "symptoms" of a period. Think about it, they are making such a drastic change. All of a sudden the crap food stops filling them up and they are exercising a whole lot all day every day. That…
  • Clothes can weigh quite a bit. I always weigh myself naked, with an empty stomach and empty bladder. I vote go buy a cheap scale from the store. Doesn't have to be a fancy one. My purse feels like it weighs 10 pounds.