Ddietzz Member


  • Bump... Been reading more and more info on this subject. Thanks!
  • I have specific pairs of shoes that I use for working out .... Reason being, I went to a running store and had a full evaluation of the proper type of shoe to wear based on my gate and type of exercises that I do. Once this was done I noticed a difference straight away. You will no doubt pay more, but for feet and joints /…
  • Its true that they are not all equal. Some say they are 100% and some are not, some use whey (best type), some are soy, egg white, or casein. There are also different grades, which come from different regions around the world, from what I've been told - try to stay with USA products. Some have fillers - which can cause…
  • You may want to reevaluate your daily / weekly calories. You could be eating too few calories, I know that may sound like crazy talk but its true. I didn't believe it, but I was eating like I was 170lb person... Which I'm NOT. Make sure your eating your exercise calories back. Hope this may help you.
  • Maybe off topic but, What are your thoughts on using weekly calories and implementing a calorie shift (zig / zag) approach. I have been reading more on this and it just seems to make sense.
  • Dont follow the machines, they are wrong. MFP is closer to being accurate based on your weight being accurate. I got a HRM and it runs close to MFP, but still a difference, usually to the high side.
  • One thing.... Every phone mfg is different, some do not work when the phone is in a "sleep" mode. I have an HTC Evo and it will not work when the screen is off.... bummer !!!!
  • Great job, I'm whittling my way down from 4xl now to a 2xl..... maybe you can send me your hand me downs :)
  • You have to get one !!! Got mine at Target - about $25, After using it i can tell you this 1. Make sure it measures in grams and ounces 2. Make sure it can be zero'ed out - I use this feature all the time If you want to weigh a chicken breast put your plate on the scale - zero it - put your chicken on it - zero it again -…
  • Chicken pesto pizza (w/ pita bread for the crust).... ummmm i can taste it right now.
  • We are a visual breed... a pic would totally be HOT thang to do !!! Good on ya for being comfortable enough to GIT 'ER DONE !!!
  • Congrats !!! Looks like we are at similar points in lbs shed, add me if you want.
  • The "Zepplin" looking thing in the back is an old amusement park ride (the rocket car, connected by cables and swing around). The guy bought two of them and put in a 454hp engine into it, and you can rent them and ride around for an hour, the wife got it for my 40th ... so much fun !!!
  • One thing i have been curious about is, if you use MFP it does not factor in speed. I can burn the same amount @ 3.0 mph as if i go 3.5 mph given the same time. So how do you factor that ? is a HRM the only way to go ? I have searched for websites trying to factor speed .vs time at a given weight, but no luck.
  • I am a bigger guy, and was eating whatever i wanted. I said enough was enough a number of time, this was because i really had no idea of where to start. In January i found the Android app and decided this will really work for me, and it makes so much sense. I feel that i am responsible for keeping tabs and 'reporting' what…
  • Started with MFP at the end of January with the Android app (which is great) this is what keeps me on track so far. I was unable to weigh myself at the start, but last Dr visit i was around 340, so my GW is 200. I have be doing really well with the everyday calories but have yet to start with exercise. I have a XBox Kinect…