Footwear question

I just have a general question regarding footwear.

I realized today that I need a new pair of shoes and it really got me to thinking. I am planning to actually become more serious in reaching my fitness goals. Two things I plan on doing are: running the Color Me Rad 5K and completing a Tough Mudder, both in September.

How this relates to my shoes is that I was thinking about buying two pairs of shoes: one pair for everyday wear and use and another pair that I would use strictly for my days at the gym. My question is whether or not this is a viable plan of action in regards to my footwear.



  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45
    I actually came to this forum for a similar question. I was wondering what brand of footwear would be good for running, as I have realised after running this week, that my footwear is not up to good standards, especially as my knees started hurting.
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45
    And in relation to your question, I see it as a good plan to have two shoes, I love my joggers to just use for going up the street, 'running' around doing odds and ends and the like... when I get my good shoes, I will ONLY use them for their intended purpose of running :)
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I think it's a good idea. I have shoes that I only use when I'm running, with separate shoes for the gym and other pairs for everyday casual use so that my running shoes won't wear out as quickly.
  • Ddietzz
    Ddietzz Posts: 25 Member
    I have specific pairs of shoes that I use for working out .... Reason being, I went to a running store and had a full evaluation of the proper type of shoe to wear based on my gate and type of exercises that I do. Once this was done I noticed a difference straight away. You will no doubt pay more, but for feet and joints / bones will thank you.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Specialized sport performance shoes can be quite expensive, and in the case of running shoes the foam has a limited lifespan of about 500 miles, after which it would lose its cushioning. You don't want to spend the miles on mundane stuff like shopping, where any old shoes would do just fine.
  • BlueJayLaw
    BlueJayLaw Posts: 51 Member
    Specialized sport performance shoes can be quite expensive, and in the case of running shoes the foam has a limited lifespan of about 500 miles, after which it would lose its cushioning. You don't want to spend the miles on mundane stuff like shopping, where any old shoes would do just fine.


    This is exactly why I had the idea (while walking to work) that I needed two pairs of shoes - one for my everyday stuff like going out with friends, the mile walk to work, etc., and then another pair that I would wear at the gym while I get my sweat on!!
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Get fitted at a running store if you can. I personally love my new balance minimus 1010's. I plan on using them for my Tough Mudder in October. I use them only for running. I use them on trail and road and have not had a problem.
  • BlueJayLaw
    BlueJayLaw Posts: 51 Member
    Get fitted at a running store if you can. I personally love my new balance minimus 1010's. I plan on using them for my Tough Mudder in October. I use them only for running. I use them on trail and road and have not had a problem.

    I was actually just looking at a store in my area that does fitting for shoes! I will probably end up there on Thursday afternoon after the nice paycheck goes into the bank :)

    And yay for running Tough Mudder!! I am looking to start training for the one I want to do in late September - hence where the idea of two shoes: one for gym days - where I do cardio/running and/or strength training; one for when I'm not at the gym) came in to play this afternoon!