

  • I like to add a little cinnamon, light silk vanilla, a tbsp of peanut butter and a few craisens.. Yummy
  • That is awesome, Great Job!! I know it must feel great. I have a hard time with the lbs on the scale so I really look forward to those NSV's. Keep up the great work!!
  • Non Scale Victory
  • My proud moment was eating my serving and a half of oatmeal this morning with REALLY nothing but a little cinnamon and 1/2 cup of light vanilla soy milk.. Not my favorite but I have felt good about skipping the sugar all day! : ' )
  • Usually in the health food section or the same place that all of the gluten free foods are in your supermarket..
    in Quinoa Comment by lilttriana April 2011
  • I argued with someone about this a while back and actually ended up looking it up.. : - )
    in Quinoa Comment by lilttriana April 2011
  • It is a pseudocereal and is actually a member of the leafy green family.. Still delicious
    in Quinoa Comment by lilttriana April 2011
  • It is absolutely delicious and easy to prepare. Make sure you rinse it and try cooking using low sodium chicken broth to cook instead of water. I often add diced carrots or peas or both to mine as it is delicious. It is also a wonderful substitute for rice with stir fry.. Happy healthy eating..
    in Quinoa Comment by lilttriana April 2011
  • To Everyone.. Hang in there if you are really trying to slow it down. It truly does get easier. There are often times that I want to drink and just have to push it out of my head. I could easily still drink every night. I also quit smoking after 15 years about 12 weeks ago so I have a double whammy.
  • Hey there, I can definitely relate to your situation. Where you are at is a tough split unless you are absolutely certain of what you want. It sounds like you might want to focus on the drinking just because it is a bit of a problem, even outside of the weight loss. I used to drink like a 12 pack a night with no problem…
  • This sounds delicious. Some people said looking for crunchy granola. Try Kashi go lean crunch cereal. THE BEST!!
  • The Hershey chocolate eggs are my absolute fave at Easter time. I have already seen them about 10 times but haven't bought any yet. I crave them at 2 in the morning. Hopefully I can keep passing them by.. : ' )
  • Welcome to you both and good luck in all of your goals. I am always looking for more encouragement and motivation. Feel free to add as friend..
    in Hi Comment by lilttriana April 2011
  • I drink a ton of water, at least 10 glasses a day but sometimes more.
  • try buying something that is individual, you know just one serving. Good Luck!!
  • You can do this!! Remember diet is a huge part of weight loss so counting your calories is key to success. Stick around here to make some new friends and find tons of motivation. I am a mother of three with a husband who is frequently gone (for a year at a time in fact )as he is in the military. I also just finished a two…
  • He is a lot of fun and they are good to get the cardio going..
  • I am in week 3, these workouts are very intense but I feel so amazing when I finish one. It is definitely the hardest workouts that I have ever done but I have lost a total of 8 inches and 5.5 lbs already and I can't wait to see what my results are at the end of the 60 days. I felt like I was eating too much following the…
  • Hi there, I am doing the Insanity Program and am in week 3.. Did you not get the calendar?. If you send me your email in a message I could email you the whole program calendar.. :-)
  • Welcome to MFP and good luck on your weight loss journey. For me it is one of the hardest things I have ever done but the small successes are so worth it. Just remember to be thankful for each pound you lose.. :-)
  • Hey, This stinks but it certainly doesn't have to set you back completely. Try doing some upper body workouts like punching, jabbing, upper cuts and hook punches to get your heart rate up. This is an excellent source of cardio that is very low impact and that you can actually do without moving your feet at all.. Good Luck
  • I would defenitely go by what your HRM monitor says. MFP is a general for the exercise you are doing, it has no idea what your HR actually is throughout your workout time which is going to determine how many calories you actually burn.
  • I have to agree with amaried621, 20-30 lbs is no measly amount of weight to lose. I wonder if you are anything like me and get discouraged because you want immediate results. For the longest time I went back and forth as you have described yourself as doing until I finally realized that what I wanted was truly achievable…
  • Keep your chin up and remember you can do anything!!!! I don't know what I would do if my husband said that to me, you must be very strong.. Good luck with all of your goals.