Kitty70f9 Member


  • Aw, thanks! @tristen299...forgot to quote.
  • SW: 237 CW: 218.4 CGW: 211.3 GW: 130 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 221.3 5/03 Sat: 218.4 5/10 Sat: 219 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat): Gr. I gained. Hoping it's muscle! I have been doing a lot of strength training (well, a lot more than normal) lately.
    in Weigh Ins Comment by Kitty70f9 May 2014
  • SW: 237 CW: 218.4 CGW: 211.3 GW: 130 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/01 Thur): 221.3 5/03 Sat: 219.4 5/10 Sat: 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat): I know it's kind of off since I am starting late, but here it is!
    in Weigh Ins Comment by Kitty70f9 May 2014
  • Hello, I am Heather (but you can call my Kitty or Seven if you want), and I have a total of about 88 lbs left to lose. I am in another group "Onederland by Summer 2014," but I still have 18.4 lbs to go for that, and there is no way I will make that June 1 deadline...guess I miscalculated that! This is a more doable goal,…
  • I'm a bit late to the party, but ready to start!
  • It's actually been pretty quiet since I joined. But don't give up, there are definitely some more active groups around. The "Get Movin' May! Challenge" group is pretty active. Also, "Onederland by Summer 2014" and "#TeamGetOutOfThe200s!" are good if you are 200 lbs or over. Not sure what you weight is, but if you are over…
  • OMG!! What movie is that from?!? I know I have watched that somewhat recently...
  • You can do this, just take it a day at a time, and don't get down on yourself if you aren't satisfied by the wedding. There will always be another event that you want to look good for, and if you just let yourself slide after the wedding, then you will have to start all over (been there, lol). As for the ticker, that is…
  • A little improvement is always better than nothing! And little improvements over time tend to stick more than giant ones in a short time!
  • I don't know. I was wondering as well. Sort of why I posted this to see how everyone was doing.
  • 100 grams of rice, 100 grams of pinto beans, and an apple. I also had a banana, but I ate it. And a coworker brought cookies. I have already added the one I will be eating later to my diary. The ONE. lol. She brought a couple dozen. There's only 5 of us here, and we're all trying to eat healthier! Edit: Oh, and some summer…
  • Yesterday I burned just under 1500! Not a typical day for me, either. We've been trying to finish moving for a month now, and haven't been getting much done (we only moved a few blocks away). So yesterday I went in on my own and packed up and cleaned the entire kitchen and most of the living room. Then I cleaned our…
  • I used to pump and store in the office fridge. I kept very good track of what I pumped, as I always had a low output when pumping. So I noticed when about an ounce went missing. Guess someone used it as creamer or something. Pissed me off. I dumped it just in case, so the whole thing was wasted.
  • My name is Heather, and I am a mom to a 9 year old and a 2 year old. I work full time at an insurance company, at a desk. Boo! I love running, even though I am terrible at it. Every time I start improving, I have a set back. Currently, after a miscarriage, surgery, and moving, I am pretty much at a beginner level again,…
  • Checking in about dinner last night. Julie wanted me to, lol. So ashamed! Basically, I didn't read te nutritional facts before I ate. I knew that my going to Spaghetti Warehouse, I'd probably go over my calorie goal, but didn't think it would be that much. We eat there every couple months, so I kind of know what the…
  • Always a battle, isn't it? Glad to find another DP junkie who knows my pain!
  • I wish I was that young!
  • Pilot!
  • I can go more than a few weeks without the donuts, honestly. My main problem with them is binging on them when I do eat them! And with Dr Pepper, I find that the diet actually is worse for me. I just need to try to limit myself to 1 a day, at most. And I love making my own burritos! I think my issue with those is that the…
  • No, preggo bellies aren't creepy or gross, but still, rules are rules. From the article, it sounds like they offered her a shirt and she refused it. They didn't kick her out, but rather told her she needed to change. Perhaps the employee could have tried to speak to her off to the side instead of in front of other guests,…
  • Hello, fellow new person. Glad to see another momma on here. I wonder how many other mothers (and fathers for that matter) there are. Good luck!
  • I have been having a lot of these moments lately. I was doing the C25K, and had made it to the week when you jog 20 minutes straight. Between that and healthy eating, I had lost 30 pounds. Then I had a miscarriage, followed by gall bladder surgery, and I lost it. Now I am having to start all over. But I am trying to start…