

  • Wow, inspiring story; also goes to show that the "stay-at-home" situation with regards to weight gain can happen to anyone (stay-at-home moms as well as stay-at-home dads). Thanks for sharing your success details.
  • For some reason I didn't think many men would complain about the way you look and I knew some women would get a bit envious (me included) since for many women the tatas are the first ones to go during weight loss! Regardless, you look wonderful, congratulations, and keep it up (love that purple dress).
  • I think it depends on what stage of weight loss or maintenance we're at. I can't do moderation! I found that if I let myself taste "just one bite" I'm a gonner. Some may say this is a lack of self-control... perhaps, but until the taste buds start readjusting to healthy eating habits, I find it best to stay away from…
  • Wow, what a difference 41 lbs makes... BIG difference; keep it up - you are inspiring ME.
  • A tummy tuck is cosmetic surgery but some insurances will pay for it if you've been to the doctor to get relief for chronic nasty skin rashes and infections that can develop due to sweating under those skin folds, in which case it becomes a medical issue and it is covered by insurance (but it has to be documented in your…
  • Congratulations on all that weight lost !!! I'm nowhere near having lost that much (at my highest weight I was 310, now down to 287ish) but this loose skin thing is a concern of mine, so I've read a bit about it. This is what I've learned: 1) the condition of your skin is genetic; I knew a lady who had 8 kids and had NOT…
  • Great results, you look awesome!!! It is obvious that the human body will look better when it is not hidden beneath layers of fat, but what amazes me the most actually is how people's faces change once the extra pounds are off; their features come out, their eyes look alive and happy, their smile is wider and brighter....…
  • OK, IF I only could manage to quote something AND write something as well, i'll be on my way LOL JUST wanted to say that after years of self-abuse with food/candy/ice cream etc. to stuff down emotional pain I've often found myself comparing sugar to a drug and considered myself addicted to food because 1) I felt I couldn't…
  • I used to feel the same way you do, wanted to lose weight for everyone else (especially for a boyfriend, or husband), but it didn't work because I learned that when your boyfriend (or husband) flirts around, it's not about you, it's about him. And then I started realizing that it doesn't matter what we look like if a man…
  • Lots of inspiration here, thanks you guys and gals :) I like to be reminded that this is not a "diet" but a new or different way of life, a healthy way to live, I like that.
  • Wow Kevin, what did you say? "left butt cheek" LOL.... and you're not shy are you LOL I'm just the opposite, covered from the neck down ALL of the time, couldn't catch me in shorts ANYwhere, much less let myself get photographed in my birthday suit.... I LOVE YOUR CONFIDENCE :) maybe I'll get there one day.
  • I have rolls and rolls around my middle, my thighs, my neck, fat hangs from my arms, and my face looks freakish when I hang my head upside down over the side of the bed.................. Funny though how I'm able to look at myself and think, "wow, I don't look so bad from this angle!" LOL denial is alive and well in me!
  • I know how you feel!!!!!! and I've just decided (again) to lose this weight; I used to say "I don't want to be 40 and fat" then it was, "I don't want to be 50 and fat", now I'm 54 and still fat, and I don't want my new motto to be "I don't want to be dead and still fat" ;( The problem is that just waiting around for all…
  • I love this thread.......... I've just started (again) on my weight loss journey, but already I hate how I have so much more time on my hands since I'm not constantly using them to feed my face! Oh what to do with myself ;)
  • Yaowee.... what a transformation ;)
  • wow you are amazing... I agree with the comments here, and you do look progressively happier as you got smaller, I guess I don't need to ask how this weight loss has changed your life so far... but feel free to fill me in :)
  • Tekwriter, I'm sorry you lost your brother following his surgery, that's what I'm afraid of for myself so I'm still thinking it best to not do surgery because I think that 1) still have to exercise, 2) still have to eat right, but after surgery your stomach is like the size of a peanut and yet people still manage to…
  • Thank you everyone for your replies, it feels good to connect with people who are on the same road as I am, facing the same challenges, struggles, and temptations........ I can't do "moderation" either, everything is a trigger to keep on eating, so I am trying to think of these changes not as a "sentence" but as a new way…
  • thank you for these great words of wisdom... "one day at a time, one step at a time"
  • PurpleRoses10, That's awesome weight loss, and by that I mean that you've probably already felt the benefits of that weight loss in your general health and how you feel... hopefully one day I can say "I've lost 153 lbs...Yay" Until then I will post my progress, just to keep myself accountable.... I think I'm good at making…
  • Thank you for some great advice; I will print it and tape it on my treadmill :bigsmile:
  • Momo, 47 lbs lost is already quite a success. It's good to know that you've been able to get a grip on your heath issues; I take meds for hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, depression and anxiety, ulcer, pinched nerves in my neck and shoulder that won't let up, and high cholesterol... and I use a CPAP machine every…