

  • Extremely jealous of all the people going away soon. Months and months for me still :( oh well. It'll get here..eventually.
  • A 50lb loss is amazing. Wish I could do it. Be proud! And have a brilliant cruise. Very jealous!!
  • Lucky you! And according you your ticker at the bottom, you're 48lb down?! Fantastic. That is amazing. Think of all the lovely new cruise clothes. Have a fantastic time.
  • I am stealing your melting chocolate idea but i think I'd use apple. Yum. I googled the 100 cal or less snacks things a few times but sadly not a lot of them are what I'd call treats. Some nice ideas for breakfast and light meals though.
  • Never heard of frozen Greek yogurt. I've seen skinny cow ice creams a few times. I'll have to check out what other snacks they do. Thanks. I can find very low fat crisps and plain biscuits, but the rest is a bit tougher. I used to think jelly sweets, gummi bears and jelly babies, were quite good as a treat because they're…
  • I know what you mean. I'm both dreading and looking forward to the buffets and the old joke of wear your tightest things first because they won't fit by the end ;) I'm sure you'll get back into it easy enough when you get home again. Just think of it as a head start for your NEXT cruise.
    in Welcome! Comment by GemmavGray June 2013
  • Sorry. I've never been with either, but just want to say that the summit IS pretty tiny. So might not be best thing to go off. All I can suggest is hit you tube and look at as many videos as you can and maybe listen to a few cruise podcasts as they often have reviews and cover lots of details of the ships. Might give you…
  • I will have to figure out how to work out all the nutritional info on the main recipes I use. They are all ones from when I did weight watchers. So I know the points values but very little else.
    in Recipes Comment by GemmavGray June 2013
  • Alaska is quite popular around here :) who are you sailing with and which ports?
  • I'm not great with spiders either. Love snakes, but not poisonous ones. I prefer America and te Caribbean but husband has always wanted to see Australia. I have to say though that if I see any big bugs that look scary on the ship or our hotel I'll be writing a very angry letter ;) I think it'll be fine. We saw our fair…
  • They are all gorgeous ports you lucky thing. Very jealous. I'd love to go back again. Your niece will be addicted to cruising too after that! You done any of the ports before?
  • In fact. I'm sitting watching the ships in port Everglades and the port of Miami right now on the live webcam as I have a read and relax. I waste hours watching sailaways. Nice to see though.
  • Snap. My husband tends to have about a week after booking where he's excited and then it drops for quite a while, whereas my excitement never does. I have a countdown at work already and lists of things to pack. Already bought some new dresses..a size too small to keep me going on the diet.
  • You will love San Juan, Nassau and St Thomas. Wet there on one of our Caribbean cruises. We fly 25 hours..eek! To Australia in November to get the Celebrity Millennium. Went on her a few years ago, but not since the big solsticisation renevation. So should be a treat as I love the solstice class. The cruise is 17 nights…
  • Aha. I was just coming to check of there was a group when I saw you'd started one. Brilliant. Now I can chat about cruises in two places. Something I never get bored of. Roughly 170 days until we fly out, and I am determined to be thin by the time I get on that ship. And not to let the buffet, sushi and gorgeous celebrity…
    in Welcome! Comment by GemmavGray June 2013