ashleearoha Member


  • I got recommended 5/3/1 a couple of weeks ago and I just started it yesterday at the gym. I started with squats and I can feel it in my *kitten* today! I chose the tri version. So I am using crossfit as cardio 3 times a week and using 5/3/1 to gain strength and build muscle. Got to do what you love!
  • I have been feeling exactly the same. I don't care for the gymnastics component of crossfit...seems like a good way to hurt yourself. I nearly dislocated my shoulder falling out of a ring muscle up...never again! I love the heavy lifting and the sweaty metcons and emoms...not so much the skill work of handstand walking and…
  • I write on these forums sometimes if I feel I can contribute. I am Ashlee, 22 years old and I live in NSW, Australia. I have a boyfriend of 3 and a half years who doesn't understand why I love crossfit. Boring. I started getting into fitness and healthy eating after I finished school and started working in the mines. I…
  • I haven't lost any weight on ETP...I gained 10 kgs lmao. But I am heeeeeeeaps stronger and faster and have heaps of energy and look better. I am still scared of carbs and I feel really guilty most of the time because I think some of the foods I eat are "bad" foods. I follow my macros pretty strictly. I am doing a "cut" at…
  • I PR'd my clean, back squat, chest press and deadlift in a tester class today! Power clean - 62.5kgs up from 60kgs (137lbs) Back squat - 80kgs up from 70kgs (176lbs) Bench Press - 55kgs up from 45kgs (121lbs) Deadlift - 115kgs up from 110kgs (253lbs)
  • Totally chucked that in my slow cooker this morning. Going to have some tonight on top of brown rice with sour cream...mmmmmmmm
  • Hahahaha I am glad was responsible for that
  • Thats my fear WOD!! The first time we did it I got halfway through and started crying and had an asthma attack for the first time since I was 12!
  • Oh my god.....I would actually run onto the street and hope a car would hit me. I could explain the blood then. But seriously, I haven't had a period since starting crossfit (thank you contraceptive pills!) I admire the women who do crossfit AND have periods!
  • I go 5 times a week. Our box is closed on weekends so I make the most of week days. I do 2 a days if we have technique sessions too. When I fist started I was only doing 3 times a week. I built up to 5 because I feel capable of that now but some weeks I will get to Thursday morning and say no today I have to sit this out.…
  • Why do you care so much? I have only stopped twice and both times I started crying. Being out of breath and crying means instant asthma attack for me. If other people stop I don't care. It actually gives me more motivation to finish the workout. Everyone has their own limits. I bet you don't do RX every time.
  • My box never ever posts the workout and our coach punishes anyone who shares a workout like 50 burpees. I am glad he doesn't post it because I would probably cherry pick a bit. I just turn up and if I hate it I have to suck it up. Haha.
  • I am constantly covered in bruises all up my shins and thighs and shoulders. I have no idea what helps though, I like my bruises :D I'd say socks wouldn't do much but the calf sleeves might.
  • Just sent you a friend request :)
  • Haha I think because I am bigger in general I notice my body fat percentage more then I did before but in the photo from last year I could never see abs...I have some abs now lol I agree with crossfit guys and gals being more attractive specimens in general :p totally unbiased.
  • I don't think crossfit is good for fat loss. There is no way you can eat at a deficit and rock up to crossfit and perform well in a workout...been there done that, I was a wreck! I actually found a photo of me from a year ago when I was doing solely bodybuilding and HIIT and I started crossfit 6 months ago and took a photo…
  • And Australia!
  • Haha I would probably buy some and never wear them too.
  • I can jump on the box holding someones arms. Its such a mental thing. I more then clear the box when I do jump. Shin guards could be a worthy investment.
  • I am doing ETP and I love it, I am gaining muscle and hitting new PRs every time.
  • I love/hate rowing too! I am a good runner too but I'd choose rowing over running. I hate double unders (can string together 20 now) and also box jumps. For the life of me I can't bring myself to jump onto that box!!
  • I'm signed up! My first opens. I don't expect to smash any records but I want to do it so I can compare myself next year!
  • I love my zucchini and carrot bowl with fried eggs on top! Grate a zucchini and a carrot. Cook in some coconut oil in a fry pan, add whatever spices take your fancy, put in a bowl once cooked. Cook eggs however they take your fancy and place on top! So filling and nutritious with good amount of protein and healthy fats…
  • Best way to do it.
  • Yeah! I never tried a pull up until I went to a gym and got some PT sessions, and my PT asked me if I could do them and I tried and got 3 out the first try. They come naturally to me for some reason! I am very lucky haha
  • My goals for 2015 are: 1- Get 50 double unders unbroken. 2- 20 kipping pull ups unbroken. 3 - Rings muscle up/bar muscle up. 4 - Get handstand kipping push ups. 5 - I want to add more weight to all my lifts. 6 - I want to get 10 strict pull ups, I find pull ups really easy but I want to keep strict in the bank.
  • Totally get how that would be frustrating. I would stay away from the scales for a month or so and check back in then.
  • If you don't have much fat to lose I think its normal to gain weight. I was 62 kgs when I started crossfit about 5 months ago and now I am close to 66kgs with heaps of muscle definition! If you are eating to support your activity you will definitely gain muscle, therefore some kgs/pounds. I hope that helps :smile:
  • I find protein the easiest macro to eat a lot of and I am usually over my goal and I aim for 170 grams a day. I love protein powder, eggs, steak, pork, salmon and chicken :)