savannahgro Member


  • I'm on this wagon as well. I stopped tracking religiously probably two years ago. I kept the weight off because I stayed active and kind of had a routine for breakfast and lunch. I had some health issues which brought me to the Whole30 for an elimination diet- a very restrictive autoimmune protocol. From there I had to…
  • I just saw Girl in a Coma open for Alkaline Trio!
  • My boyfriend is pretty shy and I used to be very shy. I think because I once was (still am, but not as bad) it's easier for me to understand it. We met randomly at a concert and I think if we weren't so nerdishly into the band, we probably would have been very quiet and never saw each other again. Maybe if he has a…
  • Maybe not a snack? But I found all natural protein bars called "perfectly simple by zone perfect." They are pretty delicious. As for trying to eat unprocessed foods, I should and suck at it but I have been looking for all natural/organic snacks like…
  • I always find that the machine overestimates. My heart rate monitor is always realistic (until tonight!) Maybe you should read into your model to see if you can program it. If not, see if you can return it for another?
  • I am looking into eating more organic/produce in general and trying to kick all things processed. I have an autoimmune disease that has flared up (first time in about 7-8 years/my "adult life") and I have researched anti-inflammatory/all natural diets to read only good things about it! I'm finding it very hard to do,…
  • Maybe you should look into the elimination diet. I have recently looked into it due to an illness flaring up and you start with a juice detox for two days and then are only allowed foods that the majority of people aren't allergic to... they are are almost all veggies. From there you move into more fruits and veggies and…
  • I briefly skimmed through all of this, so I'm sorry if this has been mentioned. The first time I got my period, it lasted 2 or so months. After that, I used to have VERY heavy periods with cramps that would keep me in bed at times. It was a terrible experience. About two years ago, I started to have sharp pains in my lower…
  • I live in WNY and my boyfriend lives in Ontario. I'd take his winters over my winters, anytime. Lake Effect snow is the worst! As for everyone wanting to jump ship and move to Canada.. it's not easy unless you have money, a real job/they have demand for it or you are in school. Take it from someone that has been looking…
  • Maybe if you live in the sticks? My boyfriend is Canadian and he can see his primary about as quickly as I can see mine. With my insurance now, I can't even go to an urgent care center without shelling out $250 just to see a doctor. The last time I ended up in the ER (not even a full day) I had to pay around $1000.…
  • I was once the athletic type and so I feel I am doomed with thick thighs for eternity! That being said, I have lost almost 20 lbs and at least 2 inches on my thighs but they are still big. You may just need to embrace it!
  • Thanks everyone! I guess I need to work on getting a new doctor because I hate mine and then start working these foods into my diet on a regular basis because I love most that have been suggested!! As for the sodium, I loooveee salty foods but have cut out adding salt to all of my meals. I will have to look into coconut…
  • i know in my case, sometimes i'm lazy and cannott find what i ate in the database so i just quick add the calories by looking at the package the old fashioned way.
  • I feel like someone posted this here before but here is a link and hopefully it helps/narrows it down for you. I'm sure a google search could help as well =) edit: Try frozen yogurt or just don't keep any ice cream in the house!
  • Greek yogurt. I used to cringe at the sight of any yogurt and now I really dig the greek. I also love the fact that I crave something terrible (like pizza or poutine fries) yet I'm able to resist the urge- most of the time! When I find myself craving the same thing for days or weeks on end.. I usually give in for a cheat…
  • This is hard to do!! But I guess these are bands that I could strand myself on an island with. . . Alkaline Trio The Clash Cobra Skulls Dead to Me Bouncing Souls
  • I am absolutely in love with breakfast foods but I am no no way, shape or form in love with early mornings. So on my rush to work I eat a cliff bar (mm, pretzels and peanut butter!) or some type of protein bar and a coffee, which round out to about 245 calories. Then mid morning I do a serving of almonds (150)
  • mmm, I'm going to have to try these!! Thanks
  • i'm in the same boat here... maybe not my thighs but definitely my bum!
  • dresses and tights do not withstand Buffalo Winters. ;)
  • haha flats or vans slip ons are what I wear with mine. Oh well, to each their own...
  • I love my skinnies. I think it's because I'm short and refuse to tailor jeans to fit me in length, so I just do the rolled bottoms. Flare, bootcut, ect get lost once I do this =/
  • last night i had tons of calories to spare so I made myself a little sundae. 1/2 cup fro yo 1/2 banana 2 tablespoons melted natural peanut butter. 363 in calories but it's sooo yummy.
  • Savannah. it's not so different anymore, but back 25 years ago you rarely heard of girls with my name. For nicknames (nothing too original): Sav, Savs, Savvy, SavSki (polish!)
  • i used to live off of double doubles at Timmys. Now I roll with a small coffee, 1 sugar and 2% milk (they don't have nonfat milk) It went from 150 calories to just 55. Occasionally my boyfriend forgets and will buy me a double double and I cannot even drink it because of how sweet it is.. It's crazy!
  • I used to drink double doubles from Tim Horton's daily (150 calories)... Now I'm down to 1 sugar and 2% milk for a total of 55 calories Also, when I get Starbucks I go for a tall coffee with sugar free cinnamon syrup and some non fat milk for about 15 caloires (give or take) Sooo yummy!
  • I do Thursdays. I think because I have a weird schedule at times, and Thursdays seem to be consistent. I peek on Monday and Tuesday to see what damage I have done on the weekend, though.
  • I've always had mine set to zero. When I first started MFP I was skeptical and unsure if I'd even stick with it. So I made it as easy as possible; 1/2 pound a week with no exercise. I think almost every week I lost more than that, and at the begining (before summer) I was working out 3-5 times a week. I think you should do…
  • I'm 5'3 and am pretty sure I wouldn't want to be 110-115. I signed up for a gym ages ago and I remember them putting me at a goal of 120-125ish? I am at about 128 right now and if I just could lose some thigh, I'd be 97% okay with my body. That said, I don't think I need to lose 13-18 lbs of thigh ;) I think it's to each…