

  • you can add me anytime =)
  • is there anything certain you want information on, i had the jawbone up previous but it was having MFP issue's so i swapped it and got the Fitbit Flex (not as good as a iphone app as the jawbone) but at least it works with MFP.
    in FitBit Comment by neek247 August 2013
  • whats your link to your profile so i can add you
    in FitBit Comment by neek247 August 2013
  • Thanks!
    in FitBit Comment by neek247 August 2013
  • can u still add friends who are apart of fitbit, i dont think it has to be the flex
    in FitBit Comment by neek247 August 2013
  • I own the Jawbone up and I'm having issue's having it sync together with MFP I'm wondering if I should trade in and get myself a FitBit Flex instead, are there any syncing issues with the flex on the app because on MFP it always shows "zero" for my jawbone up which is confusing me!
  • yah ive done the cucumber water but its not to flavory..
  • thanks everyone =)
    in Aspartame Comment by neek247 July 2013
  • yah i was told to eat small meals every few hours but sometimes i actually have to force myself to eat even to meet or get close to my 1,200 just because i dont feel like eating.
    in Aspartame Comment by neek247 July 2013
  • well today I ate nothing except when i was actually feeling better and I had fat free or low fat french fries bakes in the oven with ketchup; but probably 95% of the time I dont reach my calorie goal on the app and im under 1,200. I have an odd sleeping pattern/habit and I don't eat much but when i did eat it was unhealthy…
    in Aspartame Comment by neek247 July 2013
  • These are what I have been drinking for those who don't know, and no I dont think I have phenylketoneuric the only thing I have is asthma, anxiety, depression and OCD. I did have a blood clot in 2007 which was caused from birth control and it always freaks me out when i felt the way i did today that I might have another…
    in Aspartame Comment by neek247 July 2013
  • what is phenylketoneuric?
    in Aspartame Comment by neek247 July 2013
  • I actually drink coffee with sweetener
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'2" Weight: 218 Goal Weight: 150 or lower
  • Ive been eating veggies
  • thanks hun!
  • naw swimming isnt an option, plus i cant swim =\
  • I know of the zoom accessory but wouldnt it mess with the kinect lens?
  • I had a kinect before for my xbox 360 but the thing I lack is alot of room in my room lol
  • I actually went a month or so without pop because I had my wisdom teeth out and i didnt want to mess with the healing process and i wish i had stayed off it, and if i was to drink pop it would be once a day if that the fruit drinks you should give cucumber water a try; cut some cucumbers up and put water in a jar with the…
    in Drinks Comment by neek247 June 2013
  • Yah I realize that now lol
  • Yah my sister told me "she is doing this to and has lost alot of weight" she told me if i have to have pop is to drink diet so i get my caffeine kick
    in Drinks Comment by neek247 June 2013
  • I will look into that also, thank you everyone!
  • Never thought of that!
  • I will look into it! =)
  • I dont think I could do tea or coffee without any type of sugars, I tried black coffee before and i would rather drink nothing then that lol
    in Drinks Comment by neek247 June 2013
  • Yah Im going to limit it right now, until I can start to loose weight and hopefully with being in better shape going off it completely will not take a major effect on me as bad as it is now; Ive been drinking pop as long as I can remember and im 27 so yah its REALLY hard to cut out completely.
    in Drinks Comment by neek247 June 2013
  • I don't mind ice tea but obviously that probably has sugar, I'm not big on hot tea and if I drank it I would need cream and sugar...
    in Drinks Comment by neek247 June 2013
  • I went 1 day with about a massive migraine because i didnt have any caffeine in me just water or milk from cereal, I don't know if I can go having a headache every day because it will cause me not to want to exercise =(
    in Drinks Comment by neek247 June 2013