First Timer Would Like Help

Today marks my 1 week of using MFP because it was recommended to me from my sister who uses it and has lost a lot of weight and I think its about time I got my butt in gear. I have been watching my calories and only went over once and that was the first day so its not bothering me, the second day I did the first disc of P90X and it made me so sore the next day but I still did some exercising.

I mostly do 10-15 minutes of sit-ups, 10-15 mins walking in place and maybe some push-ups against the wall because I'm not use to exercise, anything anyone recommends to help me out so I can start to get into more difficult stuff without hurting myself or waking up in the morning and being all sore as heck.

The thing with exercising is I'm heavy and I know it, I weigh 220-225 pounds and I'm 5'2" any exercising tips would be appreciated!


  • FunnyBunnyHunny
    FunnyBunnyHunny Posts: 102 Member
    Just getting moving would be a great start. Walking is a great start for cardio. Just start out easy and increase your goals every week. Any change in routine will help jump start a change in your body. Find a way to incorporate some strength training, even if it's just body weight exercises. Again, keep it easy at first if it's making you too sore and increase as it gets easier. There's plenty of info in the forums on all of your questions...just use the search box and you'll find a ton of info.
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    Just getting moving would be a great start. Walking is a great start for cardio. Just start out easy and increase your goals every week. Any change in routine will help jump start a change in your body. Find a way to incorporate some strength training, even if it's just body weight exercises. Again, keep it easy at first if it's making you too sore and increase as it gets easier. There's plenty of info in the forums on all of your questions...just use the search box and you'll find a ton of info.

    Yah, thats what my sister has told me; I am just jumping ahead of myself trying to look for quick solutions faster so I loose weight quicker.
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    You might like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds. They are low Impact Walk Aerobic workouts that don't require a whole lot of coordination and are very easy on the joints. I have knee problems and I am not very coordinated.. I like them a lot and I can do them in my living room.

    You can rent them on Netflix and you can even find some of the full workouts on Youtube.
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    You might like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds. They are low Impact Walk Aerobic workouts that don't require a whole lot of coordination and are very easy on the joints. I have knee problems and I am not very coordinated.. I like them a lot and I can do them in my living room.

    You can rent them on Netflix and you can even find some of the full workouts on Youtube.

    I will look into it! =)
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I like Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD (You can find it all I *believe* on Youtube)'s a b*tch, but its a good workout. Also just getting out and walking/maybe eventually running have been awesome for me. I also enjoy swimming (low impact but awesome workout!!) and definitely lifting weights....all those combined with yoga and zumba and some other classes are my fave things
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    I like Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD (You can find it all I *believe* on Youtube)'s a b*tch, but its a good workout. Also just getting out and walking/maybe eventually running have been awesome for me. I also enjoy swimming (low impact but awesome workout!!) and definitely lifting weights....all those combined with yoga and zumba and some other classes are my fave things

    I will look into that also, thank you everyone!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    P90X is pretty hard core- which is why they have the fit test and suggestions for pre- requisite exercises (able to do this and that prior to beginning). Start out slower. Walk, swim, add more as you can. 30DS is a good course to complete before P90X. Take it easy but be consistent... you'll get there and without injuries if you go at an appropriate pace for your fitness level. There is no quick fix :)
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    P90X is pretty hard core- which is why they have the fit test and suggestions for pre- requisite exercises (able to do this and that prior to beginning). Start out slower. Walk, swim, add more as you can. 30DS is a good course to complete before P90X. Take it easy but be consistent... you'll get there and without injuries if you go at an appropriate pace for your fitness level. There is no quick fix :)

    Yah I realize that now lol
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    Is swimming an option for you? Swimming is a fantastic workout, uses your whole body and is very gentle on the joints. It can be as gentle or as challenging as you need it to be, burns lots of calories since you are working against the water resistance, plus, you don't get sweaty!
  • There are a lot of incredibly great ideas already posted here. I started out just increasing distances for walking. And then I did 30 Day Shred. Then I started Tabata. Then I got in my head that I would train to run 5ks. So then I did the Couch to 5k program and am now training for 10k distance. You start slow, and then you discover, quickly, that your body will adapt and gets stronger every time.

    I encourage you to keep pushing yourself to bring YOUR best to YOUR days. Don't let comparison steal your joy and don't loook at other people's progress and get discouraged. Know that you CAN and WILL do this if you stay focused, keep going, and give it all you've got.
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    Is swimming an option for you? Swimming is a fantastic workout, uses your whole body and is very gentle on the joints. It can be as gentle or as challenging as you need it to be, burns lots of calories since you are working against the water resistance, plus, you don't get sweaty!

    naw swimming isnt an option, plus i cant swim =\
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    There are a lot of incredibly great ideas already posted here. I started out just increasing distances for walking. And then I did 30 Day Shred. Then I started Tabata. Then I got in my head that I would train to run 5ks. So then I did the Couch to 5k program and am now training for 10k distance. You start slow, and then you discover, quickly, that your body will adapt and gets stronger every time.

    I encourage you to keep pushing yourself to bring YOUR best to YOUR days. Don't let comparison steal your joy and don't loook at other people's progress and get discouraged. Know that you CAN and WILL do this if you stay focused, keep going, and give it all you've got.

    thanks hun!
  • I didn't weight much less than you a month ago. I am down to 189 pounds. Follow what it says, watch what you eat and the rest handles itself
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    I didn't weight much less than you a month ago. I am down to 189 pounds. Follow what it says, watch what you eat and the rest handles itself
