I second the baked kale chips. The recipe at the bottom of thisnlinkmis for raw vegan garlic and cheese kale chips. There is a brand called brad's vampire kale chips. These taste like that but are much more economical.
This is such a great book, and the authors have another very interesting book profiling women around the world. There is also a cookbook sold through 10,000 villages with recipes from these families.
Hi- I just did my first half a month ago and would love to do another this fall. I feel that I will start from scratch on the training as my base mileage has dropped a ton since crossing the finish line. Feel free to friend me. It is a great goal. Heather
This is normal. I am in my late 30's and have to catch myself from comparing myself to friends who just bought a McMansion, received tenure, etc. It will always be something, you are enough and have your own path. Success is looking back on accumulated baby steps over time. You are just beginning your adult life and have a…
Some tri's swap swimming for kayaking. Check out search. Super fun.
I am so excited to get over the points! I may feel that way about calories shortly, but at least it is just food, and not a proprietary calculation. Ready to live, eat and track in a more healthy way, with less chemicals. I ate a lot of their approved foods for conveniece (just cheese sticks, yogurt, desserts) but the…
Congrats! I finished my first half three weeks ago. Respect the taper, they suggest cutting back mileage 40-60% of peak, with at least 2 rest days prior to the race. Walk, stretch, limber up, sleep, hydrate and generally pamper yourself. Increase complex carbs during the taper week too. They suggest the heavy carb meal two…