Anyone doing a tri and can suggest forums for training?

dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
Hey folks, I've signed up for a sprint tri in 11 weeks. Could use some major help and ideas for training.

Any good resources or forums out there to check out that have good content?

I really don't know what I've gotten myself into.


  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    By the end of June I am signing up for one in September. I asked the same(ish) question....

    Best advice I got was work on the transition from the bike to the running. That's going to take some work for me for sure. It's like I have jelly legs after cycling, I can walk ok, but it takes a minute to get the running going.

    There's an App called First Time Tri, I haven't used it yet but will be getting it soon. I hear it is really helpful.

    I'm also interested to hear what others have to say.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've been told a couple things, like a buddy who did Ironman in CDA said basically, learn to love and embrace the suck of pedaling hills. :D

    Bricks will be a common occurrence, I found a training location where I can get a 12 mile ride in, and then run about 6k. So my plan is to work up to that, while also doing the bike to run transition.

    Good luck on yours, btw. I just scoped out the lake where the swim will be and well... it's cold. Super cold.
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member

    I am a triathlete. I can't say that I have been as consistent as I would like for training, but this program seems to ease you in. It has supplements, weight training, cardio, etc for an 8 week program.

    Good luck on your first triathlon! It's addicting :smile:
  • nirvi9
    nirvi9 Posts: 34
    A good forum is Beginner Triathlete. They have lots of premade training plans available online as well.

    For my first tri last year, and the ones I'm planning to do this season I've based my training plans off of those in Tom Holland's book '12 Week Triathlete' it's a really good resource for when you're just starting out
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    mreeves261: I found a little light reading for you:

    nirvi: Thanks! I'll check it out. I almost picked up that book last night, the only thing that turned me off was the amount of space dedicated to the weight lifting stuff. I understand the need, but just didn't need it. I ended up getting a larger tome...

    and I almost took this one home:
    How did you do last year?

    triathlete530: BINGO! I knew there was a Higdon somewhere that I knew his name for a reason. 8 week program? Excellent. I really hope it's addicting. I've wanted to do a try for years, just haven't felt I was strong enough in any of the sports to do it. Well, finally decide it, deadlines are powerful things, and that I'll never do it if I don't do it. (I had to live in New England for 4 years to learn that kind of wisdom.)

    My major stumbling block: I swim like a drunk narwhal with ephezema. I'm currently looking for a coach. :happy: I know it's only 500 yards for a sprint (this one at least) but it's a big, deep lake... and that's further than I've ever swam before without a tank of air on my back. The bike, well, I can do that. I used to hammer the hills in reno, nv back in high school, and I have power just need to up the endurance. The run... well, runs happen. I know I won't hit my best 5k time, but I'll finish it, hopefully without puking.
  • nirvi9
    nirvi9 Posts: 34
    nirvi: Thanks! I'll check it out. I almost picked up that book last night, the only thing that turned me off was the amount of space dedicated to the weight lifting stuff. I understand the need, but just didn't need it. I ended up getting a larger tome...

    and I almost took this one home:
    How did you do last year?

    Yeah, I tend to skip his strength training stuff and do my own :P

    I picked up the Triathlete's Training Bible last year too.. it's interesting, but I honestly still haven't made my way through. Lots of info, but I find some of it a bit too technical/detailed for me
    My major stumbling block: I swim like a drunk narwhal with ephezema. I'm currently looking for a coach. :happy: I know it's only 500 yards for a sprint (this one at least) but it's a big, deep lake... and that's further than I've ever swam before without a tank of air on my back. The bike, well, I can do that. I used to hammer the hills in reno, nv back in high school, and I have power just need to up the endurance. The run... well, runs happen. I know I won't hit my best 5k time, but I'll finish it, hopefully without puking.

    I was the same way with the swim, when I did my tri last year it was a shock being in the water with other people hitting you etc (and mine was only a 200m swim!). My advice would be to spend LOTs of time in the pool if you can - like 3 times a week to make sure you're comfortable in the water. I didn't swim well to begin with and couldn't afford a coach, so I ordered a book called Total Immersion to help me with swimming technique. Also - if you google zero to a mile or zero to 700 plans for swimming, I found those really helpful! I lot of plans I found just tell you to "swim 30mins" which didn't work for me.. but the 0 to 700/mile plans break it down into actual progression sets to build up the amount of time you swim
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I was the same way with the swim, when I did my tri last year it was a shock being in the water with other people hitting you etc (and mine was only a 200m swim!). My advice would be to spend LOTs of time in the pool if you can - like 3 times a week to make sure you're comfortable in the water. I didn't swim well to begin with and couldn't afford a coach, so I ordered a book called Total Immersion to help me with swimming technique. Also - if you google zero to a mile or zero to 700 plans for swimming, I found those really helpful! I lot of plans I found just tell you to "swim 30mins" which didn't work for me.. but the 0 to 700/mile plans break it down into actual progression sets to build up the amount of time you swim

    Oh you rock, I'll hunt those up. I've seen some of the total immersion stuff on youtube, and have been curious. Not sure about how things are in your area, but it turns out the Y here has a lot of swimming instruction, but the real kicker is that one on one swim training is $12 a half hour session! That's like completely perfect, I can get a solid half hour of instruction, then work on it that week.

    Last week did two early swim workouts at 5am before work. Felt great while working, but just have to get up earlier. I think I could power through a 200m swim right now, this 500m one though, that's daunting. IS there really a lot of punching and kicking? I'm not too scared of that since I do box on occasion, but with my contacts, losing my goggles could be bad.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    mreeves261: I found a little light reading for you:

    I shall Embrace the Suck!:glasses:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    mreeves261: I found a little light reading for you:

    I shall Embrace the Suck!:glasses:
    Heh, honestly, I'm a little worried. I am pretty sure I've got some messy stuff all neatly bottled away that I don't need coming at me while I'm running. :laugh:

    Well, anything to earn that post race beer, eh?
  • hdawg412
    hdawg412 Posts: 10 Member
    Some tri's swap swimming for kayaking. Check out search. Super fun.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    Runners world have a good tri forum too.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i second checking out

    most beginner sprint tri programs are 16-20 weeks long. so you better jump on the training. however, don't try and make up for lost time. in fact, i wouldn't jump in at the 11 week mark. start at the beginning.

    the plans usually have you swimming, cycling, and running twice a week. thats more than enough. don't try and substitute anything, and don't sweat the lifting. lift only if it doesn't take away from your cardio.

    see if you area has a local triathlon club. i just joined one and it's worth it.