What A Week Of Groceries Looks Like Around The World



  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    So the French eat cats? D:
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    NOTE! About half of the German beer shown in the picture is alcohol-free hefeweizen, which is marketed as an after-sports isotonic drink.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    That is really cool. I also noticed that Mexico has a lot more pop than I expected. Maybe part of the reason obese rate is about the same as ours. Tons of fast food in the USA scary to think that, but we are a country of convenience.

    Unfortunately here in Mexico soft drinks are way cheaper than bottled water and this has turned Mexico into #1 world wide when it comes to soft drink abuse. Luckily enough up to this point the usually natural diet ( you can see one smallish box of cereal for five people, but lots of fruit and vegetables ) balances the soft drink consumption. We have no frozen or ready-to-prepare food to speak of and the few things there are are very expensive.
    But I worry that Mexico will be " americanized " as people become more affluent.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Go Canada! Milk bags FTW!

    Haha, I've never seen a milk bag, and I'm born and raised Alberta. I've also never called a hoodie a bunny hug :ohwell: I have tons of friends that are from Ontario, and milk bags are their staple.
  • flee228
    flee228 Posts: 8
    What I noticed ; The Japanese eat a lot of processed foods, therefore Japan has a very high rate of stomach cancer. The Indians eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and are mostly vegetarians, how come the ladies look over weight ? The Bhutanese seem to be eating the healthiest, and so little for the size of family that they are, if the number of people in the picture is in correlation to family size.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    Canada is spot-on

    Except that it's a family in Nunavut. I'd bet that the average family there does not eat that way. Everything needs to be flown in, making everything much more expensive.

    Actually produce is really expensive in the North so I'm surprised they didn't have more junk. You're right the average family there probably doesn't eat that way. For me, it is a pretty good representation of how my family eats but we're from Ontario.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Nothing like generalizing.

    I mean sure, that's a weeks worth for some families. But not all. I don't think my family ever had that much for a full week, and I still got fat. Add in lots of beer.

    This. ^^^^ This is not at all what THIS US family eats in a week.
  • jimmyalice1984
    jimmyalice1984 Posts: 171 Member
    8 bottles of juice for the US family for a one week period!!?!?!?! I think that's the one that shocks me the most. Then again, my kids drink water, both with or without the little Crystal Light powder mixes to put in the bottle.

    and now I want a f-ing Mars bar... any Brit out there want to send me some via post?

    If you really are sure you want a Mars bar I will send you ONE!! Inbox me....
  • Thanks for that thread. It is wonderful.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    The Japanese eat a lot of processed foods, therefore Japan has a very high rate of stomach cancer. .

    I believe the running theory is actually that gastritis, a precursor to stomach cancer, is prevalent there due to the salting, pickling, and smoking techniques used pretty frequently in Japan and Korea (where stomach cancer rates are also very high). If it were related to packaged or processed foods, you'd see much higher rates in the U.S. But you don't. I think the U.S. rate is like ten times less than Japan.
    The Indians eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and are mostly vegetarians, how come the ladies look over weight ?

    It doesn't just matter what you eat, it matters how you eat it. Indian cooking, depending on the region, can involve a lot of fat (ghee, cream, etc), a lot of deep frying, a lot of bread (fried or grilled), a lot of rice, etc. Not to mention that weight is culturally different in India, when compared to the US. In America, the poor tend to be more overweight than the affluent. In India, it's the opposite -- wealthy and middle class people tend to have higher rates of obesity. My friend's Indian grandmother is a feeder; she is always making sure no one goes hungry. And she doesn't really take no for an answer. She considers fat babies or chubby kids to be healthy kids.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Go Canada! Milk bags FTW!

    Haha, I've never seen a milk bag, and I'm born and raised Alberta. I've also never called a hoodie a bunny hug :ohwell: I have tons of friends that are from Ontario, and milk bags are their staple.

    Never heard of a bunny hug! I'm from Ontario and I definitely grew up with milk in bags. The phrase "take a bag of milk out of the freezer" was heard very often in my house. I mean, if it's not in a bag, how else do you freeze it? (Aside from the fact that freezing milk is probably exceedingly odd too...)
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    This series of photographs reminds me of the book "Material World". In that book, families from around the world are pictured outside their dwellings with the entire contents of their houses spread out in front of the home. I wonder if these photos were put out by the same author or publisher?

    These photographic representations really make an impact. Sometimes it is hard for people to imagine volumes in their minds eyes, so graphic illustrations are really helpful.

    I keep thinking of Oprah Winfrey and her fat wagon.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I have done this challenge for the past two years -


    The challenge is to eat for 1.50 a day for 5 days to see what it's like to live below the poverty line. Total eye opener.

  • hdawg412
    hdawg412 Posts: 10 Member
    This is such a great book, and the authors have another very interesting book profiling women around the world. There is also a cookbook sold through 10,000 villages with recipes from these families.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    very interesting :)