Losing weight isn't a linear process. Lbs can go up and down for weeks at a time (or be stagnant). If the overall trend is down, you are doing well. I'd say if you don't lose for a month or so and you have been tedious in tracking, then look at making an adjustment. And when I say tedious, I mean weighing and measuring…
What is your calorie goal? Will it fit in your goal to have a piece and still eat your lunch? Can you adjust what you eat later to fit it in if that's something you want. If you don't want to do any of that...will power. It doesn't matter what their goals are or how much they have to lose compared to you. If they feel ok…
Coke zero and rum... Hey, it's not technically "diet" soda.
I purposely wait to have my ice cream and chocolate until right before bed time. That way if I've had a crappy day, I at least get to end it on a good note.
Lifting is the bees knees. Anything else is just torture. I'm currently doing SL 5x5. I lift because I like the mental aspect along with the physical. Also it helps me hit the long ball.
Spaghetti, like the whole thing, not just the noodles.
Much appreciated
To piggy back all of this (not my original work or advice but some super smart people named SideSteel and Sarauk2sf): 1) Eat the appropriate caloric (and macronutrient) intake for your goals and track intake accurately. The above link is…
- Check this out and this
Estimating TDEE There are many TDEE calculators available on the interwebz. A couple of good ones are: (but ignore the rest of the site as it's full of bs). Note however, these are all estimates of averages. The best…
Check these out and and
- Very useful info
This is a good read
There is some super useful information here
And one for good measure
Bumpity bump
Maybe take a look here and here
Haters gonna hate, potaters gonna potate
As long as you promise not to let it happen again, I can forgive you.
If only!!
Are you wearing some? Because jealousy is a stinky perfume.
You can believe everything you read on the internet. -Abraham Lincoln
*sigh* no I didn't, everyone ended up deactivating and now we are left with forums that don't post on your walls so friends can tag along :(
Some of the greatest times were had here.
Spoiler alert, we got married and I looked amazing!
Man, what a great idea.
What about for gaining muscle? If I'm lifting, do I need carbs?